The bull was a sacred creature in the
religion and folklore of the ancient world. It is not surprising, therefore,
that the financial markets of western Europe should be moved by those ancient
legends about the creative power of the bull. The stock market speculators
translated that power into money and made it part of the speech of financial
investors. The bull’s back was strong enough to carry the gambler’s greed for
money. There were some who bought stock because they expected it would rise in
price and give them a good profit. This kind of speculator was soon called a
"bull". On the other side of the coin was the "bear". Instead of buying a stock, then selling it, the bear did the opposite. He sold a stock first, then bought it back at what he hoped would be a lower price. There is hard evidence that "bull" was stock A. the stock price is rising B. the stock price is dropping C. the bulls are withdrawing D. other bears are losing money [单项选择]甲施工企业授权某采购员到乙公司采购钢材,但该采购员用盖有甲施工企业公章的空白合同文本,与乙公司订立了购买水泥的合同,则该合同( )。
A. 有效,但应由采购员向乙公司支付货款 B. 有效,由甲施工企业向乙公司支付货款 C. 无效。由采购员向乙公司支付货款 D. 无效,甲施工企业退货,乙公司的损失由采购员承担 [单选题]在有砟桥上,护轨应伸出桥台挡砟墙以外,弯轨部分沿线路中心线的长度不小于( )m。
A.1 B.1.9 C.2 D.3.1 E.3.2 F.3.3 [单项选择]甲是某国家安全机关干部,涉嫌受贿罪被人民检察院立案侦查。在侦查过程中,甲的律师要求会见甲,但本案涉及国家秘密,应经过谁批准( )
A. 国家安全机关 B. 公安机关 C. 人民检察院 D. 看守所 [单项选择]旁路控制攻击属于( )。
A. 客观威胁 B. 植入威胁 C. 渗入威胁 D. 主观威胁 [多选题]目前哪些渠道可以申请蓉易借?
A.成都农商行微信公众号 B.直销银行 C.手机银行 D.数字营销平台 E.蓉e扫微信公众号 [单选题]调车作业挂车时,没有( ),不得撤除防溜措施。
A.连挂妥当 B.停妥信号 C.连接信号 [简答题]企业集团的概念是什么?P37
[单选题]建筑工程管理(CM)方法的特点是,在建设项目初步设计文件被批准后,将施工图设计、施工招标及施工进行分阶段组织实施,并在全部工程竣工前,将已完部分工程分期分批交付使用,这样有利于( )。
A.组织多个设计单位完成施工图设计 B.组织多个施工单位完成施工任务 C.缩短建设工期,尽早获得收益 D.建设项目设计、施工招标及施工的管理 [多项选择]下列物品不得放在监控室里的事()
A. 饭盒 B. 水杯 C. 收音机 D. 磁铁 [单项选择]变电所设置进线段保护的目的是()。
A. 限制雷电侵入波幅值 B. 防止进线短路 C. 稳定进线端电压 [单项选择]Motorways are, no doubt the safest roads in Britain. Mile (41) mile, vehicle for vehicle, you axe much (42) likely to be killed or seriously injured than on an ordinary road. On (43) hand, if you do have a serious accident on a motorway, fatalities are much more likely to (44) than in a comparable accident (45) on the roads.
Motorways have no (46) bends, no roundabouts or traffic lights and (47) speeds are much greater than on other roads. Though the 70 mph limit is (48) in force, it is often treated with the contempt that most drivers have for the 30 mph limit applying in built up areas in Britain. Added to this is the fact that motorway drivers seem to like traveling in groups with perhaps (49) ten meters between each vehicle. The resulting horrific pile-ups (50) one vehicle stops for some reason—mechanical failure, driver error and so on—have become all (51) familiar through pictures in newspapers or o A. Whatever B. However C. Whoever D. How [单选题]行车速度 120km/h,复曲线可不设中间缓和曲线的两圆曲线最大曲率差为(??? )。
A.1/6000 B.1/4000 C.1/2000 D.1/1000 [判断题]对于一般运动机械的齿轮磨损后,齿轮不应小于原齿厚的70%。
[判断题]第一次明确提出了反帝反封建的民主革命纲领的是中共三大。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]消防的含义预防火灾、扑救火灾( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]具有发汗解表、行气宽中功效的药物是()
A. 羌活 B. 紫苏 C. 细辛 D. 桂枝 E. 生姜 [单项选择]按《国际危规》的分类,磷化氢属于()。
A. 易燃固体 B. 易自燃物质 C. 潮湿时放出易燃气体的物质 D. 易燃气体 [单项选择]对数字多用表的直流电压20V量程进行检测,按制造厂规定的办法,由多功能校准器输出10V直流电压加到被校数字多用表,用以检定其20V量程的准确特性,因为多功能校准器输出10V电压非常稳定,当加到被校数字多用表上后,数字多用表指示的电压值保持不变,故记录的读数只有10.0001V。因此,测量结果的A类标准不确定度分量不评定。
置信概率为95%时,电压读数扩展不确定度为( )。 A. 70μV B. 90μV C. 92μV D. 98μV [多选题]日光灯的电子镇流器的优点有哪些( )。
A.体积小 B.无噪声 C.低压启动 D.节能 我来回答: 提交