Tom Sponson, at fifty-three, was a
thoroughly successful man. He had married a charming wife and built himself a
good house in a London suburb. His son, Bob, nineteen, was doing well at Oxford;
his daughter, April, aged sixteen, who was at a good school, had no wish to use
makeup, to wear low frocks or to flirt. She still regarded herself as too young
for these trifling amusements. Yet she was gay, affectionate and enjoyed life.
All the same, for some time, Tom had been aware that he was working very hard
for very little. His wife, Louise, gave him a peck in the morning when he left
for the office, and if she were not at a party, a quick kiss when he came home
in the evening. Her life was completely filled with the children, her clothes,
keeping her figure slim, the house clean and smart, with her bridge, her tennis,
her friends an A. sensitive and troubled B. sensible and uneasy C. senseless and worried D. sensual and difficult [单选题]下列哪项表现不是强心苷类中毒症状( )
A.心动过缓 B.心律失常 C.恶心、呕吐 D.头晕、嗜睡 E.易激惹、惊厥 [填空题]A=Radio B=Television C=Movies
Which media... · declined after 1945 and then thrived again later 71. ______ · operates in different languages to suite audience of diverse · cultural backgrounds 72. ______ · comes in various types for the convenience of the audience 73. ______ · is currently the major source of entertainment at home 74. ______ · lost half its audience in late 1940s and early 1950s 75. ______ · offers the latest news more quickly 76. ______ · provides programs for educational purposes 77. ______ · went through many changes in order to keep its audience 78. ______ · annoys people with interruptions of advertisements 79. ______ · is well-known for its event of the year 80. ______ Radio [判断题]利用局部通风机排放巷道中积聚的瓦斯,应采取“限量排放”措施,严禁“一风吹”。(0.5分)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]接到上级领导对灭火救援信息的批示、指示后,指挥中心专职值班员要及时向指挥长、分管领导、主要领导报告,并按照领导指示向相关处(科)室传达。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]用酸碱滴定法测定工业硝酸含量时,需用碱溶液来吸收硝酸。( )
[单选题]常见的北方宿根花卉是( )。
A.一品红 B.荷兰菊 C.一串红 D.百合 [判断题]77、 缺陷消除后,验收合格后,计算机缺陷单由运行班长闭环存档。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]用截面法求内力的步骤为:(1)切开;(2)代替;(3)平衡。(对285、串联的电容器越多,总电容量越大。
A. 6000 B. 4500 C. 1500 D. 1250 [简答题]测试参数设定应符合哪些规定?
A.承诺生效地点为合同成立地点 B.当事人不得约定合同成立地点 C.要约发出地点为合同成立地点 D.数据电文合同中,收件人任一营业地为合同成立地点 [单选题]演练计划应包括演练目的、类型(形式)、时间、地点、( ),参加单位和经济预算等。
A.演练主要内容 B.演练指挥 C.演练过程 [单选题]关于建设项目可行性研究建设方案比选指标体系的说法,正确的是( )。
A.竞争类项目仅局限于经济层面比选 B.公共产品类项目主要采用技术层面比选 C.环境保护项目方案比选偏重社会层面 D.不同类别项目的比选指标基本相同 [单项选择]多振子电子探头的声场分布呈“花瓣”状,其()
A. 主瓣越粗越好 B. 副瓣越多越好 C. 没有副瓣 D. 主瓣越细越好 E. 没有主瓣 [填空题]
A. 丙酮 B. 乙酰乙酸 C. 丙酮酸 D. 胆红素 E. 果糖 [单选题]( ) 不可以作为KPI指标参照标准。
A. 本行业领先的最佳企业 B.世界500强企业 C.行业内中下等水平的企业 D.中国500强企业 [单选题]转贴现卖出利率按照与( )保持一定价差为上限掌握。
A. 银行间同业拆放利率 B.贷款市场报价利率 C.买入报价 D.当前贴现利率 [单选题] 对因违反治安管理行为人逃跑等客观原因造成案件不能在法定期限内办结的,公安机关应当()
A. 继续进行调查取证 B. 不再进行调查取证 C. 暂停进行调查取证 D. 中止调查取证 [单项选择]造成前置胎盘的假阳性超声诊断的原因有①膀胱过度充盈②子宫局部收缩③子宫肌瘤④羊膜腔外血块⑤膀胱未充盈
A. ①② B. ①②③ C. ①②③④ D. ①②③④⑤ E. ①③⑤ 我来回答: 提交