"We thought there was a future in
nuclear power when no one else believed in it," says Anne Lauvergeon, chief
executive of Areva. The French, government-owned company is building the first
nuclear reactors to be constructed in Western Europe for nearly 20 years. With"
no oil, no gas, no coal and no choice", France decided to go nuclear in 1974,
and today about 80% of its electricity is generated by 59 nuclear plants across
the country. But even France became pessimistic about nuclear power: it stopped
building new reactors at the end of the 1980s and in 2002 a government report
called the industry a" monster without a future". How things have changed. Nuclear power is back in favor, thanks to fears about oil supplies, energy security and global warming. France is ready to develop its expertise into a significant export. A. British Energy was changed to a state-owned energy giant. B. British government will never compete with France in nuclear power. C. The company British government holds shares was purchased by French one. D. British Energy’s incorporation will have no negative effects. [判断题]已开出增值税专用发票,但发出的商品不符合收入确认条件的,企业应确认应交增值税销项税额,不确认销售收入。( )
[判断题] 使用电子查账系统时,可以将阅账过程中不能确定是否存在涉税问题的记录作为“疑点”保存下来,供税款计算或出具相关文档时查阅。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]公司及所属各单位应建立安全风险管理体系,成立相应的充电设施建设安全风险管理组织机构,针对人身、设备和作业环境,组织开展(),组织和推动本单位充电设施建设安全风险管理工作。
A.A-风险识别、风险预警、风险控制 B.B-风险识别、风险预警、风险处理 C.C-风险预警、风险控制、风险分析 D.D-风险预警、风险控制、风险处理 [多选题]为了方便二级分行、异地支行申领、补制柜员卡,总行在核心系统中设置了22柜员角色,交易权限为( )和( )。
A.“9335柜员卡制作”交易; B.维护柜员的现金、转账交易限额; C.“41稽核柜员角色”可操作的交易; D.对分行内所有的柜面业务进行授权 [单选题]线路坡度超过20‰,长度为( ) km及以上为长大下坡道。
A.10 km B.8 km C.5 km D.2 km [填空题]若一个单元格的地址为F5,则其右边紧邻的一个单元格的地址为______。
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