Michael, an American professional
basketball player, is considered by many to be the greatest player in basketball
history. The 6 feet 6 inches shooting guard first became known as an
(61) individual scorer, but as he matured as a player he
(62) a more team-oriented approach to the game. Jordan led
the Chicago Bulls to six National Basketball Association (NBA) championships.
His widespread (63) fans helped make basketball one of the
world’s most popular (64) sports. Michael Jordan was born in Brooklyn, New York, the fourth of five children born to the family. Long before his basketball (65) emerged, young Michael liked to play baseball with his father. As A. wealthy B. precious C. valuable D. priceless [单项选择]断面呈裂片状的药材是()
A. 地骨皮 B. 秦皮 C. 香加皮 D. 桑白皮 E. 牡丹皮 [简答题]论述禁止使用的作战手段和方法。
[单选题]朝中人民取得反侵略战争胜利的标志是( )
A.中国人民志愿军入朝作战 B.上甘岭战役 C.五战五捷 D.《朝鲜停战协定》的签定 [多项选择]目前向我国提供多边贷款的国际金融组织可以是( )。
A. 世界银行 B. 亚洲开发银行 C. 世界贸易组织 D. 国际科学文化基金组织 E. 国际货币基金组织 [单项选择]改变驱动器列表框的Drive属性值将激活______事件。
A. Change B. Scroll C. KeyDown D. KeyUp [判断题]抵押人对抵押物价值减少无过错的,农商银行除确保抵押物价值未减少部分仍继续作为担保外,还应当要求抵押人在所获损害赔偿范围内提供其他有效担保。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]处在延期报废时间的车辆,如通过安全排放检测合格,可以进入二手车市场交易。
A. CP B. FC C. 碘仿 D. 抗生素 E. 木榴油 [判断题]燃烧必须具备的三个条件是可燃物.助燃物.氧气。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交