Most publishing is now "electronic" in
the sense that books, magazines and newspapers are prepared on computers, and
exist as computer files before they are printed on paper. Often there are
advantages to give readers access to the electronic versions of publications as
well as--or even instead of--the printed versions. Print publications have lots of advantages. Paper is pleasant to handle, easy to read, and very portable: you can read it almost anywhere. On the other hand, print has its weaknesses. Paper is expensive, and articles are often cut to fit the space available, printing and distributing paper is expensive and takes time. Printed materials are expensive to store and almost impossible to search. Electronic publishing offers solutions to all these problems. Suppose a publisher makes the electronic copy of a A. Readers will have more accesses. B. Books and newspapers will be kept as computer files. C. It will not make any sense to keep the printed versions. D. Electronic publications will replace printed ones. [判断题]控制幅度原则是一个上级直接领导与指挥下属的人数应该有一定的控制限度,并且应该是有效的。
A. 弹性变形 B. 塑性变形 C. 焊接残余变形 D. 失稳变形 [单项选择]Computer people talk lots about the need for other people to become "computer literate ". But not all experts think it a good idea.
One pioneer, in particular, who disagrees, is David Debut, the founder of Computer town UK. Though many people see this as a successful attempt to bring people closer to the computer, David does not see it that way. He says that Computer town UK was formed for just the opposite reason, to bring computers to people and make them "people literate". David Debut thinks Computer towns are most successful when tied to a computer club but he thinks there is an important difference between the two. The clubs are for people who have some computer knowledge already. This frightens away non-experts, who want to go to Computer towns where there are computers for them to operate, with experts to encourage them and answer any questions they ask. They are not told what to do, they find out. The computer experts have to learn not to tell people about compute A. being able to afford a computer B. being able to write computer programs C. working with the computer and finding out its value D. understanding the computer and knowing how to use it [单项选择]The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to urge the Fed
A. to incline to a tighter policy. B. to put investment in tech-sector. C. to consider possible rate hikes. D. to abandon a neutral stance. [判断题]抢救烧伤人员时,不应把创伤面的水疱弄破,是为了避免伤面污染。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 一台发电机,发出的有功功率为80MW、无功功率为60Mvar,它发出的视在功率为( )MVA。
A. 120 B. 117.5 C. 100 D. 90 [多选题]商品不管采用什么样的分类方法必须符合以下哪些分类方法( )
A.没有任何要求 B.满足商品分类管理的要求 C.能从本质区分商品,保证分类明确 D.能划分所有的商品,且每种商品只能有唯一的分类类别 [单项选择]听声音,若闻妊娠后期声音嘶哑甚至不能出声多为
A. 心肾不交 B. 心肝血虚 C. 肺脾气虚 D. 脾肾阳虚 E. 肺肾阴虚 [单项选择]小儿心肌炎最常见的病因是()
A. 细菌感染 B. 病毒感染 C. 毒物 D. 自身免疫因素 E. 克山病 [单选题]下列不属于医师的义务的是( )。
A.依法执业 B.恪守医德 C.勤勉义务 D.努力钻研业务 E.卫生宣传 [多选题]符合以下条件之一时,应填用变电第一种工作票?
A.高压线路、设备上工作,需要全部停电或部分停电者。 B.二次系统上的工作,需要将高压设备停电或做安全措施者。 C.其他工作需要将高压设备停电或做安全措施者。 D.高压线路、设备上工作,不需要全部停电或部分停电者。 [单项选择]The children looked up as the planes passed_________.
A. overall B. overhead C. outward D. forward [单选题] 钢丝绳在卷筒上的缠绕单层容易控制,而( )就比较难控制。
A. 多位 B.多根 C.多个 D.多层 [多选题]下列各项中,影响企业净利润的有( )。
A.计提生产车间固定资产折旧 B.交易性金融资产公允价值上升 C.购买交易性金融资产时支付的相关交易费用 D.年末交纳的所得税费用 [单项选择]与膳食纤维的作用相同的大豆成分是()。
A. 脂肪氧化酶 B. 水苏糖 C. 皂苷 D. 异黄酮 E. 植物红细胞凝集素 [判断题]电绝缘手套最高测试电压为5000伏。( )3
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 33倒闸操作有就地操作和遥控操作两种方式
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]车站人员对故障道岔加锁时,若故障道岔需频繁转换,钩锁器挂锁可“只挂不锁”
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]机车磁场削弱接触器不可带电转换。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG510001-2015)第18. 4. 2条规定:测量设备绝缘电阻时,应将被测设备从( )断开,验明无电压,确实证明设备无人工作后,方可进行。
A.高压侧 B.低压侧 C.各方面 D.以上均可 [单选题]( )应当按照国家有关规定安排职业病病人进行治疗.康复和定期检查。
A.用人单位 B.医疗卫生机构 C.地方卫生行政部门 [单项选择]45岁,男性,任部门经理,送来急诊,自述半小时前突然感到气急、胸闷、心悸、头晕出汗,认为生命垂危,要求紧急处理。近一个月来,这种情况发生过三次,发病间歇期一切正常,发病与饮食无明显关系。最大可能的诊断是
A. 癔症发作 B. 低钾血症 C. 惊恐发作 D. 心肌梗死 E. 内脏性癫痫 [多选题]某供电所某日夜间,辖区配电变压器故障停电。供电所职工李某随后独自到现场处理事故。在未经任何人允许,没有履行工作票程序,也没有人监护的情况下,登上变压器台架检查,发现为熔断器熔丝熔断,擅自修复,虽及时完成了故障抢修工作,但事后却受到供电所对此次故障处理的通报批评,原因是:
李某违反( )保证安全的组织措施。
A.无工作许可 B.无票工作 C.工作监护 D.无资质工作 [配伍题]一种药物的功效能够被另一种药物减弱或消除,称为()|两种药物合用,能够产生毒性反应或副作用,称为()
A. 相使配伍 B. 相畏配伍 C. 相杀配伍 D. 相恶配伍 E. 相反配伍 [多选题]网络报文记录及分析装置应能自动导入SC,D文件中的哪些信息( )
A.GOOSE控制块配置信息 B.SV控制块配置信息 C.104点表配置信息 D.MMS报告控制块配置信息 [单项选择]在定义报表单元属性中,字符单元输入后只对()有效。
A. 2张表页 B. 本表页 C. 其他报表 D. 所有表页 [单项选择] 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项([A]、[B]、[C]和[D])中,选出最佳选项。