Text 2 A very important world problem — in fact, I think it may be the most important of all the great world problems which face us at the present time — is the rapidly increasing pressure of population on the land. The population of the world today is about 4,000,000,000. That is an enormous number, yet it is known quite accurately, because there are very few parts of the world which have not carried out a modem census. The important thing is not so much the actual population of twenty million — about six months’ increase in world population. Take Australia for example, there are ten million people in Australia. So it takes the world about three months to add to itself a population which peoples that vast country. Let us take our own crowded country, England and Wales — forty-five to fifty million people. This is just A. has a population of twenty million B. is a vast country that needs a bigger population C. constitutes one-fourth of the world’s population increase every year D. has a population that happens to be one-fourth of the yearly world increase [判断题]铁路运输企业责任中客运部门责任分为车站责任和列车责任。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]农业推广人员引进一项技术成果,在当地推广以前必须进行()
A. 试验设计 B. 制定实施方案 C. 系统观察 D. 试验(示范) [判断题]水上作业应有救生衣或救生船等设备。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]1. 有些人认为“为人民服务”已经过时;
2. 另一些人则认为没有过时;
3. 我的看法。
Remember to write your composition clearly.
{{B}}To Serve the People: Is It Going Out of Style {{/B}}
A. 凝血活酶形成障碍 B. 凝血酶形成障碍 C. 纤维蛋白形成障碍 D. 血小板质或量的异常 E. 血管壁异常 [单项选择]对于肾盂旁囊肿,最有价值的CT检查技术是()
A. 增强后动脉期扫描 B. 增强后静脉期扫描 C. 螺旋容积扫描 D. 增强后延迟扫描 E. 图像重建 [单项选择]EDI系统格式转换的第一步是将单证数据转换为______。
A. 标准文件 B. EDI报文 C. 平面文件 D. 表单文件 我来回答: 提交