We cannot feel speed. But our senses let us know that we are moving. We see things moving past us and feel that we are being shaken. We can feel acceleration, an increase in speed. But we notice it for only a short time. For instance, we feel it during the take-off run of an airplane. We feel the plane’s acceleration, because our bodies do not gain speed as fast as the plane does. It seems that something is pushing us back against the seat. Actually, our bodies are trying to stay in the same place, while the plane is carrying us forward.
Soon the plane reaches a steady speed. Then, because there is no longer any change in the speed, the feeling of forward motion stops.
China to help Europe Develop GPS
Rival China is to contribute to a new global satellite navigation system being developed by European nations. The Galileo satellite system {{U}} (51) {{/U}} a more accurate civilian alternative to the Global Positioning System(GPS), operated by the US military. China will provided 230m Euros (USD 259m) in {{U}} (52) {{/U}} and will cooperate with technical, manufacturing and market development. "China will help Galileo to {{U}} (53) {{/U}} the major world infrastructure for the growing market for location services, " said Loyola de Palacio, EU transport commissioner. A new center that will coordinate co-operation was also announced {{U}} (54) {{/U}}) the European Commission, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Chinese Mi A. speed B. direction C. distance D. location [单项选择]零件图中直线的画法要求是要画的直而()。
A. 细 B. 均匀 C. 粗 D. 短 [单项选择]女性,30岁,因剧烈头痛5天入院,诊断为颅内巨大动静脉畸形,决定手术切除。病人术前血压120/80mmHg,心率75次/分,心肺功能检查无异常发现。Hb130g/L,肝、肾功能良好。其诊断首先要考虑的是()。
A. 喉痉挛 B. 肺内误吸 C. 气胸 D. 舌后坠 E. 药物过敏 [单选题]( )能说明变压器二次电压变化的程度大小,是衡量变压器供电质量好坏的数据。
A.电压波形 B.电压相位 C.电压幅值 [单选题]油层能量低.气量过大或当泵吸入口处的压力低于( )时,进入泵内的将是油气混合物,相对地减少了进入 泵内油的体积,降低了泵效甚至造成气锁现象。
A.地层压力 B.流动压力 C.饱和压力 D.井口油压 [多选题]对人民检察院作出的不起诉决定不服的,被害人( )。
A. 讯问李某,应当有女工作人员在场 B. 对维持不起诉决定的,可以向人民法院起诉 C. 可以不经申诉,直接向人民法院起诉 D. 可以向检察院检委会提出控告 [单项选择]公安机关是人民民主专政的重要工具,人民警察是武装性质的国家(),承担依法预防、制止和惩治违法犯罪活动,保护人民,服务经济社会发展,维护国家安全,维护社会治安秩序的职责。
A. 治安行政力量 B. 治安行政力量和刑事司法力量 C. 《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法法》 D. 治安司法力量 [简答题]简述缝隙连接的结构和功能。
[单项选择]设备储存时间的长短对设备投资也存在一定的影响。设备的储存费用与( )同向变动。
A. 储存时间 B. 计算方式 C. 储存地点 D. 储存质量 [单项选择]WHO推荐的"限定日剂量"的正确英文缩写为:
A. DUR B. GDD C. PDD D. DDD E. OTC [单选题]配平油箱的作用是:
A.控制飞机的重心; B.使飞机重心后移; C.供APU用油; D.作为备份油箱 [单项选择]建设投资的合理性,主要从( )方面进行分析。
A. 各类工程费用构成的合理性分析 B. 单位投资的产出水平 C. 分年投资计划的合理性分析 D. 总投资计划的合理性分析 [单项选择]熟能生巧,说的是人力资本的( )特征。
A. 收益递增性 B. 累积性 C. 个体差异性 D. 无限创造性 [单选题]判断交流或直流接触器的依据是( )。
A.线圈电流的性质 B.主触点电流的性质 C.主触点的额定电流 D.辅助触点的额定电流 [判断题]纯电车空调是整车用电设备中最大耗能装置。
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