I have noticed that children are not even being school in social graces. At a Sunday brunch, a clown was making balloon animals for the children. 61) My friend’ s daughter, Sarah, stood by me waiting her turn. The children grabbed their balloons one by one and ran. 62) I was the only adult present who prompted "What do you say "when the clown handed Sarah her balloon. The clown beamed at us, grateful he had actually been acknowledged.
I don’ t blame the children, however. They emulate what they see. 63) And what they are seeing is a society focused solely on acquisition_be it another drink in a restaurant or a space on a crowded freeway—without ever stopping to thank the source.
Rude language is now so common that it is accepted behavior. And I’m not talking about the obviously blue vocabulary in books and movies, or that damn is considered harmless compared to what else has become acceptable. I’m referr
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Ulcer{{/B}} Stomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people. Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers. They could not cure them. Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers. This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain. Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their life. So a possible cure is good news for many people. Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears. These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach, the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines. Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer. How does a person know he or she has an u [单项选择]男,45岁,高血压病史2年,近日血压170/110mmHg,心率100次/分,血浆肾素增高,首选哪种药物治疗()
A. 氢氯噻嗪(双氢克尿塞) B. 硝苯地平 C. 美托洛尔 D. 硝酸甘油 E. 地西泮 [判断题]离心过滤通常用于固相含量较高、颗粒较小的悬浮液的分离。答案:( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] ( )着火爆炸极限的下限越低,火灾危险性越小。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]1211灭火器是干粉灭火器。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题].通信电源设备故障处理方法有哪几种?
A. 资本积累 B. 具体劳动和抽象劳动的矛盾 C. 私人劳动和社会劳动的矛盾 D. 资本集中 [单项选择]在一项研究记忆的实验中,要求A组被试在前后两次记忆测试中间学习记忆技巧,要求B组被试在前后两次测试之间休息,则A组被试通常被看做是( )
A. 后测控制组设计的实验组 B. 前测一后测控制组设计的实验组 C. 后测控制组设计的控制组 D. 前测一后测控制组设计的控制组 [单选题]列车运行速度不超过120km/h的非自动闭塞区段的集中联锁车站,进站预告信号机处的钢轨绝缘,宜安装在预告信号机前方()处。
A.50m B.100m C.150m D.200m [单选题]( )只允许液流向一个方向通过,对另一个方向的液流则截止。
A.方向阀 B.流量阀 C.压力阀 D.单向阀 [单选题]违反《山东省安全生产风险管控办法》规定,生产经营单位未按照规定对从业人员进行安全生产风险教育培训,由负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门责令限期改正,逾期未改正的,责令停产停业整顿,对其主要负责人、直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处()的罚款。
A.1万元以上2万元以下 B.1万元以上3万元以下 C.3万元以上5万元以下 D.5万元以上10万元以下 [单项选择]福睿斯自动档车型配备()变速箱。
A. 4速手自一体变速箱 B. 5速手自一体变速箱 C. 6速手自一体变速箱 D. CVT无级变速箱 [判断题]方坯铸机9流定尺所有轧制规格标重一样。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]How much has China reduced its population since 1970
China has already cut its rate of population growth by ______. [简答题]电源相序反了,会出现什么现象?
A.充换电站 B.计量库房 C.实验室 D.营业厅 [单选题]在感知觉发育上,预计6个月的婴儿可以达到的水平为
A.视力达到l.5 B.能够注视3m远的小玩具 C.能够区别语义 D.可以区别父母声音 E.具有空间知觉 [多项选择]人的行为风格差异主要表此刻()
A. 分析型 B. 推动型 C. 表现型 D. 温和型 [单选题]患者,女性,50岁,体重68kg,车祸导致颈椎4骨折,现四肢瘫痪,呼吸困难。护士的以下行为会给患者心理造成不良影响的是( )。
A.向患者介绍脊髓损伤的手术并发症 B.转移患者注意力,教其放松技巧 C.安排康复较好的患者与其交流 D.建议家属多陪伴安慰患者 E.尽力开导患者 我来回答: 提交