In this small town there was not a single man of importance who would dare to have house keeper younger than sixty, for fear of what people might say without (36) . However, when I needed a housekeeper I (37) a girl called Bridie Casey, a lovely little girl of seventeen from a village up the coast. But I (38) my choice carefully. I drove out there one day when she was at home, and I had a look at the cottage and a (39) with her mother and a cup of tea, and after that I did not need anyone to say that she was (40) . I knew if there was anything Bridie did not do (41) her mother would not (42) long to correct her. After that there was only one (43) to raise.
"Have you a (44) , Bridie" said I.
"No, doctor, I have not," said she with a simple expression that did not (45) me a bit. As a doctor you soon get used to innocent (无邪的) (46) .
"Well, you’d bette
A. or
B. but
C. and
D. so
Television is the greatest
communication medium ever designed and operated by man. It sends into the human
brain an (61) amount of opinions and information and
(62) moral and artistic standards for all of us. Every minute
of a television programme teaches us something. It is never neutral (中立的)
(63) . For example, how and when public issues are
(64) depends in large part (65) how they are
treated by the television networks in entertainment (66)
news and public affairs programmes. What the American people think about governm A. entertainment B. news C. programmes D. television [单选题]三相无功功率表可进行( )测量。
A.单相有功功率 B.单相无功功率 C.三相有功功率 D.三相无功功率 [单选题]面向新山村方向,验电接地正极在轨道梁的( )。( )
A.左侧 B.右侧 C.两侧 D.上部 [单选题]ZDJ9转辙机的各种传动拉杆、表示连接杆及导管等的螺纹部分的内、外调整余量应不少于多少mm?
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单选题]塔脚检查,在不影响铁塔稳定的情况下,可以在()两个塔脚同时挖坑。配电《安规》
A.对角线 B.同一侧 C.四个角中任选 D.相邻 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]风险的构成要素包括( )。
A. 风险事故、风险成本、风险价值 B. 不确定性、风险成本、风险价值、风险因素 C. 不确定性、风险事故及损失 D. 风险因素、风险事故及损失 [单项选择]下面的描述与原型化方法不一致的是______。
A. 应用模拟的方法 B. 使用最新的软件工具和技术 C. 更符合人们认识事物的规律 D. 掌握该方法尚显困难 [单项选择]以下哪项不是新生儿的胆红素的代谢特点:()
A. 胆红素生成较多 B. 肠循环增加 C. 肝葡萄糖醛酸转移酶活性低 D. 转运胆红素的能力不足 E. 缺氧、酸中毒时黄疸不会加重 [判断题]人身伤亡事故、因工伤亡事故、工伤事故三个用语是同一个概念,都是在生产过程中发生的伤亡。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]甲为乙打工,认为工资太少,产生勒索乙钱财之念。准备了一桶汽油,于某日凌晨1时许将汽油倒在乙家门前草堆上,点燃后,躲回家中,乘乙全家人救火之际,翻墙进入乙家院内,撬开门锁将乙某已18个月的儿子丙抱回家中。乙回家后发现丙不见,即向公安机关报案,公安人员及时赶至现场,组织全村村民在路口设卡追堵。甲见无法将丙带走,丙在其家中又哭闹不止,怕被人发现,即将丙抱还乙家人,并谎称丙是其从小偷手中追回,后装晕倒地。对甲的行为应如何定性( )
A. 甲构成绑架罪的既遂 B. 甲构成绑架罪的未遂 C. 甲构成绑架罪的中止 D. 甲构成绑架罪和放火罪 [多项选择]员工素质测评中,能力测评的类型主要有()
A. 创造力测评 B. 特殊能力测评 C. 学习能力测评 D. 综合能力测评 E. 一般能力测评 [多选题]下列关于硅酸盐尘肺的描述正确的有
A.硅酸盐尘肺的病理改变主要是肺间质弥漫性纤维化 B.胸部X线改变以不规则形小阴影为主 C.病理组织切片中可见含铁小体 D.症状体征出现早,且比矽肺明显 E.并发肺结核比矽肺多 我来回答: 提交