500元(借方)。A材料库存数量为500千克。 (1)20×9年1月份,材料采购的资料如下: ①1月5日向一般纳税人企业购入A材料100千克,价款为14 000元(不含增值税额)。验收入库时发现短缺5%,经查属于运输途中合理损耗。该批原材料入库前的挑选整理费用为380元。 ②1月10日向一小规模纳税企业购入A材料150千克,未取得增值税专用发票。涉及下列支出:不包含增值税的买价20 000元;向运输单位支付运输费 500元,并取得运输发票,车站临时储存费200元;采购员差旅费300元。小规模纳税企业增值税的征收率为6%,外购运费增值税抵扣率为7%。1月10日如数收到材料并验收入库。 (2)20×9年1月份,生产车间生产甲产品的资料如下: ①用于生产甲产品的原材料均为开工时一次投入。 ②甲产品的工时定额为30小时,其中第一道工序的工时定额为10小时,第二道工序的工时定额为20小时。 ③月初甲在产品的成本为7 300元,其中材料成本 3 600元,直接人工2 200元,制造费用1 500元。 ④1月1日,生产车间领用A材料400千克。 ⑤1月份发生直接人工10 000元,制造费用 3 000元。 ⑥期末甲产品完工840件,甲在产品数量为500件,其中第一道工序在产品300件,第二道工序在产品200件。每道工序在产品的完工程度为 40%,该企业完工产品和在产品成本分配采用约当产量法。 (3)大海公司以其生产的甲产品一批换入东大公司的一台生产经营用设备,甲产品的账面余额为 42 000元,计税价格等于公允价值50 000元,增值税税率为17%。交换过程中大海公司以现金支付给东大公司 A. 60 000 B. 60 500 C. 52 500 D. 56 000 [单项选择]
I was reading Shirley Hazzard’s novel The Transit of Venus. Though I (51) her other books, I had always resisted this one. It (52) me as too pure somehow, too heroic, larger or finer than life and therefore unreal. But now I read it with an almost (53) pleasure. There were sentences that (54) of gratification to my eyes and (55) the hairs on the nape of my neck. I was in a Boston hospital, propped tip in bed with a feeding tube in my arm after (56) surgery for cancer. It was [单项选择]()是会计人员职业道德的灵魂。
A. 爱岗敬业 B. 诚实守信 C. 廉洁自律 D. 客观公正 [单选题]蓄电池组的核对性放电试验,是以实际负载进行放电,放出蓄电池额定容量的( ) 。
A.30%-40% B.10%-20% C.50%-60% D.80%以上 [判断题]对特种设备做到持证上岗并按规定着装,正确使用劳动防护用品,严格按章操作,并做好各项记录。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]增值税的有关规定,下列增值税一般纳税人,可按6%征收率计算纳税的有( )。
A. 自来水公司销售自来水 B. 供电部门供应的电力 C. 建筑用和生产建筑材料所用的砂、土、石料 D. 用动物毒素制成的生物制品 E. 一般纳税人生产销售商品混凝土 [单项选择]Passage Three
Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.A. Sitting in an armchair benefits a person as meditation does. B. Structured relaxation techniques are more beneficial for a person. C. To achieve a state of deep relaxation is possible through various means. D. What people are all struggling for is a state of deep relaxation. [单选题]
校园网内的一台计算机不能使用域名而可以使用IP地 址访问外部服务器,造成这种故障的原因不可能是()。 A.本地域名服务器无法与外部正常通信 B.提供被访问服务器名字解析的服务器有故障 C.该计算机DNS设置有误 D.该计算机与DNS服务器不在同一子网 [单选题]具备条件的设备可进行()操作,即应用可编程计算机进行的自动化操作。
A.就地 B.远方 C.程序 D.遥控 [单选题]根据《国内航行海船法定检验技术规则(2011)》,所有船舶应为船上每人至少配备1件符合要求的救生衣;客船还应配备至少为船上乘客人数()的适合儿童穿着的救生衣。( )
A.2.5% B.5% C.8% D.10% [单选题]工作票签发人名单应()。
A.公布 B.公示 C.备案 D.口头通知 [填空题]
[单项选择]What are the chances that we will encounter some alien form of life, as we explore the galaxy.If the argument about the time scale for the appearance of life on Earth is correct, there ought to be many other stars, whose planets have life on them. Some of these stellar systems could have formed 5 billion years before the Earth. So why is the galaxy not crawling with self designing mechanical or biological life forms Why hasn’t the Earth been visied, and even colonized. I discount suggestions that UFOs contain beings from outer space. I think any visits by aliens would be much more obvious, and probably also, much more unpleasant.
What is the explanation of why we have not been visited One possibility is that the argument about the appearance of life on Earth is wrong. Maybe the probability of life spontaneously appearing is so low that Earth is the only planet in the galaxy, or in the observable universe, in which it happened. Another possibility is that there was a reas A. it is impossible that we encounter some alien form of life B. life only exists on Earth C. it is likely that we’ll encounter some alien form of life D. beings from outer space will never visit the earth [判断题]如果是间断的碰撞声,可能是分离轴承前后有窜动,更换的是分离轴承回位弹簧。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]食品中香气有()、直接酶和间接酶作用等途径形成。
A. 生物合成 B. 高温分解 C. 香熏 D. 对流 [简答题].辙叉轨距不合标准预防、整治措施有哪些?
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