Paper enables a certain kind of thinking. Picture,
for instance, the top of your desk. Chances are that you have a keyboard and a
computer screen off to one side, and a clear space roughly eighteen inches
square in front of your chair. What covers the rest of the desktop is probably
piles -- piles of papers, journals, magazines, binders, postcards, videotapes,
and all the other artifacts of the knowledge economy. The piles look like a
mess, but they aren’t. When a group at Apple Computer studied piling behavior
several years ago, they found that even the most disorderly piles usually make
perfect sense to the piler, and that office workers could hold forth in great
detail about the precise history and meaning of their piles. The pile closest to
the cleared, eighteen-inch-square working area, for example, generally
represents the most A. Sorting Office Documents B. Meaning in Chaos C. The Importance of Documents D. Desire for Disorder [填空题]()是COx抑制剂。
[单项选择]对项目实地考查的目的不包括( )。
A. 检保证项目资料的真实性、合法性 B. 开发商从事房地产建筑和销售的资格认定 C. 检查项目的位置是否理想 D. 开发项目资金是否到位 [单选题]执勤战斗预案制定的方法不包括( )。
A. 分类制定预案 B.分级制定预案 C. 跨区域制定预案 D.分片制定预案 [单选题]下面属于服务用语的是
A.这样做,您看可以吗 B.我也没办法 C.这事你不懂 D.公司是怎么搞的 [单项选择]具有清肝热、息肝风、平肝阳功效的药物是()
A. 石决明 B. 珍珠母 C. 牛黄 D. 决明子 E. 羚羊角 [简答题]商业银行的资金来源由哪几部分构成?其中支票存款和非交易存款在成本和流动性方面对银行经营有何不同影响?
[多选题]下列人员中,( )可以适用取保候审。
A.王某因危险驾驶罪可能判处拘役的 B.李某因交通肇事罪可能判处徒刑以上刑罚,采取取保候审不致发生社会危险性的 C.田某患有严重疾病,采取取保候审不致发生社会危险性的 D.吕某正在怀孕,采取取保候审不致发生社会危险性的 [单选题]60kg/m 无缝线路采用碎石道床的混凝土枕,当通过总重为()Mt 时,需安排中修。
A.200~300 B.300~400 C.400~500 D.700 [单选题]服务提升方案设计的第一步是必须要有一套科学合理.围绕经营性服务的( )。
A.经营目标 B.经营方法 C.服务流程 D.服务目标 [单选题]该患者经治疗后心电监护仍为Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞,最慢心率35次/分,现决定植入永久起搏器,安装永久起搏器后应告诉患者不能接受的治疗与检查有:作为接诊护士,下列措施中首先落实哪项?()
A.饮食指导 B.用药指导 C.心理护理 D.建立静脉通道 E.心电监护 [多选题]石油化工装置火灾扑救优先利用消防控制室、生产中控室系统进行侦查,重点查明下列情况:( )
A.消防水泵、固定消防设施及其联动设备动作情况; B.着火装置和关联装置温度、压力、物料储量等情况; C.工艺处置措施运用情况; D.着火装置高处、周边部位的监控图像。 [单项选择]Coastal regions are mentioned as cases where ______.
A. sea water is less salty because fresh water joins in B. rivers carry industrial exhaust into sea C. sea ice tend to melt more quickly than in the center of oceans D. heavy water sinks to the deeper portions of the oceans [多选题]水电厂设置的安全标志包括( )四种基本类型。
A.禁止标志 B.警告标志 C. C.指令标志 D.提示标志 [判断题]在高速铁路中,安全等级二级人员可以进行巡视作业。( )《高速铁路接触网安全工作规则》附则
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]按照驱动形式不同,灭火器可分为( )。
A.贮压式灭火器 B.储气瓶式灭火器 C.二氧化碳灭火器 D.手提式灭火器 [判断题]对于5.0平台设备,T2000无法搜索出PP环,但是可以创建PP环,“创建PP环”数据会下发到网元,因此建议创建PP环尽量在业务影响小的情况下进行。()
[多选题]“三不离”内容,是( )。
A.工作完了,不彻底试验良好不离 B.影响正常使用的设备缺点未修好前不离 C.发现设备有异状时,未查清原因不离 D.对设备性能、状态不清楚不离 [单项选择]流感传染性最强的时期是()
A. 潜伏期 B. 恢复期 C. 发病3天内 D. 发病3天后 E. 发病一周内 [单选题]在不计负荷电流情况下,带有浮动门槛的相电流差突变量起动元件,下列情况不正确的是( )。
A.双侧电源线路上发生各种短路故障,线路两侧的元件均能起动 B.单侧电源线路上发生相间短路故障,当负荷侧无接地中性点时,负荷侧元件不能起动 C.单侧电源线路上发生接地故障,当负荷侧有接地中性点时,负荷侧元件能起动 D.系统振荡时,元件不动作 [单项选择]脊髓灰质炎的主要传播途径()
A. 经口传染 B. 呼吸道传染 C. 接触传染 D. 生物媒介传染 E. 以上都不是 [单选题]慢性肾衰竭的最常见病因是( )
A.急进性肾炎 B.慢性肾炎 C.糖尿病 D.慢性肾盂肾炎 E.高血压 [单项选择]TADS探测站安装选址的要求是()。
A. 轨道线间距大于等于4M B. 轨道线间距大于等于4.25M C. 轨道线间距大于等于4.50M [单项选择]计算机出现病毒是属于()风险。
A. 系统设计/开发 B. 系统安全 C. 数据/信息质量 D. 系统的稳定性 [单项选择]以下( )符合金切机床应选装防护罩、盖或栏的规定。
A. 距操作者站立地面高度≤3m处有外露的传动部位 B. 旋转部位的键、销、楔等突出≥2mm的部位 C. 高于地面≥0.7m的操作平台或需巡视设备的平台 D. 超出主轴后端30mm以上的工件 [填空题]管理的基本原理有( )。
A.由小到大 B.先编车辆段后编停车场 C.由大到小 D.先编停车场后编车辆段 [单项选择]作为有无二次污染的信号,我国饮用水卫生标准规定,管网末梢水的游离性余氯不低于()
A. 0.01mg/L B. 0.05mg/L C. 0.5mg/L D. 0.02mg/L E. 0.2mg/L [单项选择]Here are some situations where renting makes more sense than buying.
1.Job uncertainty. If you are a professional working with a company that can, or does, transfer you to different cities in short periods of time, then it may not make sense to buy. Renting allows you the flexibility of moving at the drop of a hat. If you are a professional on the move, make sure any/ease(租赁合同) you sign is a "tenancy(租赁) at will", meaning, you can leave on 60 days (or a different agreed upon time) notice. Breaking a lease can be expensive, so keep this in mind. 2. Traveling. If you are constantly traveling with your job; particularly overseas, you may want to consider renting until you find the place you want to settle in. Owning a home requires that you are around (or someone reliable is around) to maintain your property. Being an absentee owner can be stressful since you are never able to take proper and full care of your purchase. 3. Risk. The housing market is uncertain just like any A. investing in the housing market will certainly be profitable B. the housing market once crashed in the late 1980s C. no market is as certain as the housing market D. many people would buy a car earlier than buying a house [单项选择] (由单选和多选组成。)