下列处理中对该患儿首先应该做的为( ) A federal judge on Monday certified a
$200 billion class action lawsuit against the tobacco industry for its marketing
of light cigarettes. Eastern District of New York Judge Jack B. Weinstein’s 540-page opinion in Schwab v. Philip Morris USA, Inc., 04-CIV-1945—which included an additional 965 pages of appendices for a total of 1,505 pages—gave tens of millions of smokers an avenue to recover damages from the nation’s largest tobacco companies, including Philip Morris USA Inc., R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Lorillard Tobacco Co., and Liggett Group, Inc. The class will include anyone who purchased light cigarettes from the time tobacco companies began selling them in the 1970s. The judge said he even would consider broadening the class, to encompass smokers of all "low tar" brands, not just light cigarettes. The judge suggested that an expansion o A. lawsuit B. ruling C. evidence D. progress [判断题]判断题:二号线电客车紧急疏散门未关闭到位时,列车依然有牵引( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]除( )汽车库外,I类汽车库、修车库,Il类地下、半地下汽车库、修车厍等应设置火灾自动报警系统。
A.敞开式 B.复式 C.独立式 D.封闭式 [判断题]虽然许多农产品期货的生产与消费具有很强的季节性,但是其交割月份的规定并不具有季节性特点。()
[判断题]停煤气设备(管道)用盲板可靠断开后,必须通入蒸汽或氮气进行全线吹扫,末端放散检测合格后,方可从事检修、施工。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Imagine waking up and finding the value of your assets has been halved. No, you’re not an investor in one of those hedge funds that failed completely. With the dollar slumping to a 26-year low against the pound, already-expensive London has become quite unaffordable. A coffee at Starbucks, just as unavoidable in England as it is in the United States, runs about $8. The once all-powerful dollar isn’t doing a Titanic against just the pound. It is sitting at a record low against the euro and at a 30-year low against the Canadian dollar. Even the Argentine peso and Brazilian real are thriving against the dollar. The weak dollar is a source of humiliation(屈辱), for a nation’s self-esteem rests in part on the strength of its currency. It’s also a potential economic problem, since a declining dollar makes imported food more expensive and exerts upward pressure on interest rates. And yet there are substantial sectors of the vast U.S. economy—from giant compan [单项选择]劳动争议仲裁委员会收到仲裁之日起( )日内,认为符合受理条件的,应予以受理。
A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 30 [单选题]施工机具应定期维护、保养。施工机具的()部分应保持润滑。
A.转动和传动 B.转动和机电 C.传动和机电 D.链接和电气 [单选题]剪断废旧电缆前,应与电缆走向图纸核对相符,并确认电缆无电后方可作业。拆解盘、柜内二次电缆和剪断废旧电缆前,必须确定所拆电缆确实已退出运行,并有专人监护,()不得擅离职守。
A.监护人 B.工作票许可人 C.工作票签发人 D.安全员 [判断题]在配电装置上检修部分若分为几个在电气上不相连接的部分[如分段母线以隔离开关(刀闸)或断路器(开关)隔开分成几段],则各段应分别验电接地短路。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]治疗绝经前后诸症的主穴、除气海、三阴交外,还包括()。
A. 肝俞、脾俞、太冲 B. 肾俞、肝俞、太溪 C. 脾俞、带脉、中极 D. 肝俞、地机、足三里 E. 肾俞、归来、命门 [单项选择]Although the cultural pattern of the community affects early upbringing of a child in the home, it is______not the only factor.
A. however B. anyhow C. nevertheless D. yet 我来回答: 提交