In the people’s Republic of China the
odd prequake behavior of horses and other animals (1)
successfully to warn people that earthquakes (2) . Recently,
a group of American geologists and geographers visited China and listened with
great interest (3) the scientists there (4)
explained how they have been able to predict many earthquakes in the
past three years. The American scientists compared the (5)
of the unique Chinese program (6) the impact of Chinese
acupuncture (7) Western medicine. The Chinese scientists use (8) but they also monitor strange (9) such as various ground noises, the fluctuation of well-water levels, and the strange behavior of animals. The results are quite interesting, Chinese seismologists, for example, (10) predicted two magn A. how B. very C. so D. such [判断题]领导机关要严格落实下基层当消防员.蹲站(中队)住班制度( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]操作转换开关规范用语是
A.投入、退出 B.拉开、合上 C.取下、装上 D.切至。 [多项选择]根据“„互联网+‟背景下传统产业如何转型升级”这讲,下列属于互联网演进步伐的有()。
A. 互联网萌芽和普及化阶段 B. 以“内容”为特征的桌面互联网 C. 以“社交为特征”的桌面互联网 D. 移动互联网兴起 E. 以“融合”为特征的产业互联网 [判断题]车站验证过程中,发现票、证、人不一致以及乘车日期、车次不符的,拒绝进站。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]硫醇被碘氧化生成二硫化物,过量的碘用Na2S2O3 标准溶液滴定,从而计算它的含量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]建筑策划方法的第二研究领域的研究内容是( )。
A. 建筑、环境与人的课题 B. 建筑的风格与结构 C. 建筑功能与空间的组合方法 D. 项目的性质、品质和级别 [单选题]探测厚焊缝中垂直于表面的缺陷最适用的方法是()。
A.聚焦探头 B.直探头 C.斜探头 D.串列双斜探头 [多项选择]下列哪几项属于石油成因学说?()
A. 油气无机成因说 B. 油气有机成因说 C. 油气成因二元论 D. 煤转化成因说 [单选题]杨先生,50岁,胃大部切除术后5天,切口疼痛,发热38.5℃,应考虑()
A..外科热 B..盆腔脓肿 C..腹部切口感染 D..肺部感染 E..膈下脓肿 [单项选择]甲、乙签订一合同。为保证合同的履行,除约定违约金外,乙方还向甲方支付定金作为合同的担保,后乙方违约。根据合同法律制度的规定,甲方追究乙方违约责任的形式是( )。
A. 合并适用违约金和定金条款 B. 选择适用违约金或者定金条款 C. 只能适用违约金条款 D. 只能适用定金条款 [单项选择]One year ago we stared aghast at images of the Southeast Asian tsunami. Video cameras taken on vacation to record the everyday pleasures of the beach were suddenly turned to quivering utility as they documented the panic and mayhem of a natural disaster. Who can forget the disbelief in the recorded voices This can’t be happening to us. Human beings are never prepared for natural disasters. There is a kind of optimism built into our species that seems to prefer to live in the comfortable present rather than confront the possibility of destruction, It may happen, we seem to believe, but not now, and not to us. Mount Vesuvius has been erupting since historical records began. The eruption of A. D. 79 both destroyed Pompeii and preserved it for posterity. Pliny the Younger starkly recorded the details in prose that can still be read as a scientific ac-count. Yet houses are still being erected today at vulnerable sites around Vesuvius, in the face of the geological inevitability of further e
A. The natural disaster may happen but not now and not to us. B. The natural disaster is a punishment we deserve from gods. C. It is our responsibility to protect our world and ourselves. D. It’s miserable to live in such a world with plenty of disasters. [填空题]A four-year-old boy Nicholas is now a student of the (1) Science Department of West London Institute because he is too intelligent for school.
Nicholas spoke well before he was one. At eighteen months, he took telephone (2) for his parents. At two, he began to learn French. The strange thing about Nicholas is that he (3) himself to read before he could speak. When Nicholas went to school, his teachers gave him pictures to color and toys to play with because they did not have time to prepare (4) lessons for him. His parents had no idea what to do with him. Then, the West London Institute (5) to help. Now Nicholas spends some of his time there and also studies at home. He reads the newspaper every day and he can play the violin well. "We don’t have any (6) life," said his father, "Nicholas is our life. He is a clever child and we want to help him in every way./A four-year-old boy Nicholas is now a student of [判断题]HXD1型机车牵引电机手动隔离操作可以在低压电器柜上牵引电机隔离旋钮开关和微机屏上进行软隔离。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]急性心肌梗死患者,哪些情况下不宜使用硝酸酯类药物
A.心源性休克; B.右室心肌梗塞; C.合并快速房颤; D.合并高血压; [判断题] 道路运输管理机构、公安机关交通管理部门、应急管理部门依据法定职责,对道路运输车辆动态监控工作分别实施监督管理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 如果2 个FMGC 或MCDU(多功能控制和显示组件)都失效,必须选择RMP 1 和2 上的备用调谐方式。飞机在应急供电时,只有RMP几有电?
A.RMP1 B.RMP2 C.都有电 D.都没电 [多选题] 卡钻的分类一般有( )。
A.键槽卡钻 B.坍塌卡钻 C.落物卡钻 D.缩径卡钻 [不定项选择题]糖尿病发病率近15年来持续上升属于( )。
A.短期波动 B.季节性 C.周期性 D.长期趋势 E.变化浮动 [单项选择]“工商业的发展导致了资产阶级--由平民出身、从事贸易或其他资本主义冒险事业的人组成的中产阶级的相应发展。到19世纪末,资产阶级政治家在西欧很多国家中担任最高领导职务,同贵族分享权力,因为出身不再能保证贵族对国家政治权力和社会权力的垄断。富有的资产阶级花钱买大地产,模仿贵族的习惯和爱好,成了遍及欧洲各地的寻常事。”上述现象主要说明()。
A. 资本主义国家人民获得了自由、平等 B. 工业革命促使社会结构发生变化 C. 房地产业迅速发展 D. 世界经济格局逐渐改变 [多选题]电能量采集装置上的工作结束前,应验证()的一致性。
A.电能表数据 B.电能量采集装置数据 C.电量主站数据 D.D5000数据 E.略 F.略 [单选题]甲公司投标承包了一栋高档写字楼工程的施工总承包业务,经业主方认可将其中的专业工程分包给了具有相应资质等级的乙公司,工程施工中因乙公司分包的工程发生了质量事故给业主造成了10万元的损失而产生了赔偿责任。对此,正确的处理方式应当是( )。
A.业主方只能要求乙赔偿 B.甲不能拒绝业主方的10万元赔偿要求,但赔偿后可按分包合同的约定向乙追赔 C.如果业主方要求甲赔偿,甲能以乙是业主认可的的分包商为由而拒绝 D.乙可以拒绝甲的追赔要求 [单选题]患者,女,50岁,干部,某年12月22日入院,发热7天,少尿1天入院。同年11月去江西高安出差,当地有类似发热病流行,12月中旬返南昌。体检:体温366℃,血压90/60mmHg,脉搏110次/分,呼吸28次/分,重病容,神志尚清,全身散在瘀斑,软腭针尖样出血点,两腋下搔抓样出血,球结膜水肿充血,血象:WBC205×10_TagUpStart_12_TagUpEnd_/L,异形淋巴细胞30%,PLT89×10_TagUpStart_9_TagUpEnd_/L。尿蛋白+++,诊断应首先考虑( )
A.败血症 B.伤寒 C.钩体病 D.急性肾盂肾炎 E.流行性出血热 [单选题]当大气过电压使线路上所装设的避雷器放电时,电流速断保护( )。
A.可能会同时动作的 B.不应动作 C.可能以时间差动作 D.视情况而定是否动作 [简答题]下列明细账即可,逐日逐笔登记。
[判断题]更换印鉴卡交易,上收集中授权进行审核时,开户许可证/基本存款账户信息为必传影像。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]变压器运行电压有什么要求?过高有什么危害( )。
A.A-运行变压器中的电压不得超过分接头电压的5% B.B-电压过高的危害:1)电压过髙会造成铁芯饱和、励磁电流增大;2)电压过高铁损增加;3)电压过高会使铁芯发热,使绝缘老化;4)电压过高会影响变压器的正常运行和使用寿命 C.C-电流过高铁损增加 D.D-电源电压过高时,会使变压器过励磁,响声增大且尖锐 E.E-谐波电流使变压器的铜耗增加。绕组过热,使变压器附加损耗增加 [单项选择]以下哪一种不是虚拟客户销售卷烟的现象()。
A. 编造原本不存在的零售户 B. 利用实际停止营业但未办理手续的网内零售户名义,编造访销记录 C. 利用虚拟客户办理特殊卷烟供应 D. 在电话访销环节已生成订单,但是零售户并未收到订单显示卷烟的情况 [单选题]人的室颤电流约为()mA。
A.16 B.30 C.50 [单选题]《电力供应与使用条例》第三十条规定:不属于违约用电行为的()。
A.擅自改变用电类别 B.擅自超过合同约定的容量用电 C.擅自使用已经在供电企业办理暂停使用手续的电力设备,或者擅自启用已经被供电企业查封的电力设备 D.在供电企业的供电设施上,擅自接线用电 [判断题]通风空调系统中,水流开关未打开的情况下,冷水机组也可以开启。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述全站轨道停电恢复的试验方法?
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