Passage Four Television carries more national advertising than any others in the United States. The same is true in some smaller countries such as Spain and Portugal, where it is the only medium reaching a general national audience. In many countries, Sweden and Denmark, for example--the stateowned television accepts no advertising. In many other countries the amount of commercial time is extremely limited, as in France, Germany, and Italy. Soviet state-owned television began accepting a limited amount of advertising in 1988. The chief reason for the population of television among United States advertisers is that it it reaches a vast number of people at the same time. While it can cost well over 100,000 dollars, a 30- second commercial on network television can be seen and heard by as many as 25 million viewers. For manufacturers who must make prospects aware of their products and convince them of its benefits immediately, there is nothing as efficient as television adver
A. optimistic
B. unconcerned
C. enthusiastic
D. positive
{{B}}What if You’re on the Receiving End {{/B}} For most employers, the principal concern is the employee who takes trade secrets to a new job -- but what about the employer who unwittingly hires someone who has stolen trade secrets An employer is going to be liable if he knew or he should have known that this employee was {{U}} (21) {{/U}} with trade secrets. Thus, it’s important to do an entrance interview {{U}} (22) {{/U}} on trade secrets, ask him outright if he signed a nondisclosure agreement. If so, review it. Show the employee the {{U}} (23) {{/U}} pro A. take B. bring C. adopt D. make [单项选择]集装装备的最大优点在于()。
A. 集少量货为大量货 B. 单元化 C. 标准化 D. 减少装卸次数 [单选题]对月用电量较大的用户,供电企业可按用户月电费确定每月分若干次收费,并于抄表后结清当月电费。收费次数由供电企业与用户协商确定,一般每月不少于()。
A.五次 B.二次 C.四次 D.三次 [多项选择]含非零声母音节的是()
A. yi、yu B. wa、ri C. an、ou D. yin、jin E. e、ya [单项选择]一个公司强烈意识到公司信息的敏感性。因为公司数据是有价值的,安全管理员需要监控的最重要的事情是什么?()
A. 数据所有者对数据的多重访问 B. 修改访问需要管理层授权 C. 特权用户对运营数据的访问 D. 数据所有者的访问特权说明 [判断题] 扑救影剧院火灾时,进入室内侦察或进入闷顶的灭火人员,必须佩戴空气呼吸器等防护装备。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]恶意代码采取反跟踪技术可以提高的伪装能力和防破译能力,增减检测与清除恶意代码的难度,常用反动态跟踪的方式不包括:( )
A.禁止跟踪中断 B.伪指令法 C.封锁键盘输入 D.屏幕体术 [判断题]国家在社会主义的初级阶段,坚持按劳分配为主体的原则,完善按要素分配的体制机制,促进收入分配更合理、更有序。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]糖的有氧氧化过程中丙酮酸代谢产生CO2和H2O发生在()
A. 核糖体 B. 内质网 C. 溶酶体 D. 细胞质基质 E. 线粒体 [单选题]压力试验机是()类设备。
A.A B.B C.C D.无规定要求 [填空题]铁路行车有关人员于接班前必须充分休息,严禁( )。
A. 永新 B. 安福 [判断题]生产经营单位应当建立相应的机制,加强对全员安全生产责任制落实情况的监督考核,保证全员安全生产责任制的落实。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] In the American family the husband and wife usually share important (36)______. When the children are old enough, they take part as well. Foreigners are often (37)______by the American way of family life. The old rule that children should be seen and not heard is (38)______followed, and children are often (39)______to do what they wish without question, and children are (40)______to be independent at an early age. Some people believe that American parents carry this (41)______too far. Others think that a strong father (42)______would not suit the American values of (43)______and independence. Because Americans emphasize the importance of independence, (44)____________ Indeed, not to do so is often regarded as a failure, a kind of weak dependence.
(45)____________ The average American is expected to live beyond the age of 70. The job retirement age is usually 65. The children have left home, married, and set up their own households. At present 20 percent of all people over 6
[单选题]下列应税消费品中,除了在生产销售环节征收消费税外,还应在批发环节征收消费税的是( )。
A.高档手表 B.高档化妆品 C.卷烟 D.超豪华小汽车 [判断题]担任合规联络员不足半年的原则上在合规联络员考评中不得评为'优秀'。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]属于危险废物的是( )。
A.工业垃圾; B.生活垃圾; C.含油污泥; D.废机油。 [单项选择]发票管理的基础环节是( )。
A. 发票的领购管理 B. 票的开具管理 C. 发票的印制管理发 D. 发票的使用管理 [判断题]
(W stands for the potential customer; M stands for the salesman. ) [简答题]简述电子商务法对传统法律的挑战?
A.断流阀宜采用配重式结构 B.断流阀达到额定流量时应能可靠关闭 C.断流阀能可靠输出信号 D.断流阀应安装在储油柜与气体继电器之间 [多选题]起重时,重量达到起重设备额定负荷的90%及以上时,应( ),否则不准施工。
A.制定专门的安全技术措施 B.经本单位批准 C.作业时应有技术负责人在场指导 D.作业时应有工区领导在场指导 [多选题]生产过程中的有害因素包括( )。
A.化学因素 B.物理因素 C.生物因素 D.环境因素 [判断题]确定设备绝缘水平的方法,有惯用法和(简化)统计法两种。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]鲁迅说:“在中国的王道(儒家思想),看上去虽然好像是和霸道(法家思想)对立的东西,其实却是兄弟。”这句话说明了()
A. 儒家思想和法家思想根本一致 B. 儒家思想就是法家思想 C. 儒家、法家都是体现统治阶级意志,是统治人民的工具 D. 儒家、法家的代表是兄弟 [判断题]一般地,APG中的统计文件传输采用被动方式(RESPONDING)
[单项选择] A new server was installed for the purpose of monitoring network traffic. The network has been configured in such a way that all traffic will be mirrored out the port this server is connected to. When reviewing the network traffic logs on the server only traffic destined to the server is listed in the logs. Which of the following is preventing the server from seeing all network traffic?()
A. NIC filtering is enabled. B. Port security is configured. C. NIC is not in promiscuous mode. D. NIC is in promiscuous mode. 我来回答: 提交