{{I}}Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.{{/I}} |
People who work night shifts are constantly fighting
against an “internal clock” in their bodies. Quite often the clock tells them to
sleep when their job requires them to remain fully awake. It’s no wonder that
more accidents happen during night shifts than at any other time. Light
therapy(光照治疗法)with a bright light box can help night-shift workers adjust their
internal clock. However, many doctors recommend careful planning to help improve
sleep patterns For example, night-shift workers often find it difficult to sleep
in the morning when they get off work because the body’s natural
rhythm(节律)fights back, no matter how tired they are. Some experts recommend that
night-shift workers schedule two smaller sleep pe A. their internal clock will not allow them to B. they are often disturbed by morning visits C. they are not trying hard enough to do so D. they are too tired to go to sleep well [判断题]当钻遇地层与设计出现明显变化时,必须向钻井进行及时预报并停钻循环钻井液。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]用一夜读完的小说有一种是靠情节取胜,像《达·芬奇密码》。还有一种就是像《朗读者》, 很难说它靠什么来吸引人需要用一夜读完,没有_的情节设置,也没有_的人物关系。填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。
A.环环相扣 千头万绪 B.引人入胜 纷繁芜杂 C.抑扬顿挫 扑朔迷离 D.跌宕起伏 错综复杂 [多选题]时钟信号来源包括()。
A.线路 B.支路 C.外部 D.内部振荡 [单项选择]人际关系的重要特点是(),不同的人际关系会引起不同的情绪体验。
A. 个别性 B. 差异性 C. 独立性 D. 情绪性 [简答题]保证安全的技术措施?
[判断题]CRH3A 型动车组的防冻排水操作需按如下顺序进行: 给水卫生系统排水→电热开水器排水→制动系统排水→污物箱排空→水封排水。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]始终保持火灾隐患整治的高压态势,为( )发展营造良好的消防安全环境。
A.文明社会 B.经济社会 C.法治社会 D.服务社会 [判断题]血管性疾病和代谢性疾病都是视神经疾病的常见病因。
(1)从银行提取现金50000元,发放职工工资。 (2)以银行存款支付本月水电费7600元,其中车间耗用4600元,厂部耗用3000元。 (3)购入材料一批,价款60000元,增值税10200元,开出商业承兑汇票一张支付货款,材料验收入库。 (4)以银行存款支付本月的电话费2840元。 (5)提取本月车间固定资产的折旧费16000元。 (6)预付下年度房屋的租赁费12000元。 (7)接受由外商捐赠的设备一台,价值6000元。 (8)年终,将税后净利346000元予以结转。 (9)本年末按税后净利的10%提取法定盈余公积34600元。 (10)财产清查中发现盘亏固定资产设备一台,原价30000元,已提折旧16000元,原因待查。 [单选题]该患者持续氧疗的氧浓度及氧流量为:( )
A.20%~24%,1~2L/min B.24%~30%,1~2L/min C.30%~34%,2~3L/min D.34%~40%,2~3L/min [单项选择]It took him ten years to fulfill his goal.
A. start B. achieve C. improve D. finish [单选题]在纯电感交流电路中,电路的有功功率( )。
A.小于零 B.大于零 C.等于零 [单项选择]()比例混合流程是将比例混合器在水泵进口和出口之间的环路管道上,利用水流喷射产生的负压将泡沫液按比例吸入。
A. 泵吸入式 B. 泡沫泵压入 C. 环泵式 D. 水轮驱动式 我来回答: 提交