We live in a part of the night sky
called the Milky Way Galaxy. Our galaxy can be seen{{U}} (67)
{{/U}}the naked eye at a clear summer night. It{{U}} (68) {{/U}}a
ribbon stretched across the night sky. During the summer is{{U}} (69)
{{/U}}the Milky Way is at its fullest with the stars clustered{{U}} (70)
{{/U}}. Our galaxy is a gigantic agglomeration of stars whose numbers will
probably never been{{U}} (71) {{/U}}, though technology advanced
rapidly. Currently we{{U}} (72) {{/U}}this number to be about thirty
billion. Scientists have assumed that the radius of our galaxy,{{U}}
(73) {{/U}}it were to be traveled, would{{U}} (74) {{/U}}us
about fifty thousand light years. We live in small part of the Milky Way Galaxy,
which is{{U}} (75) {{/U}}to as solar system. The solar system is made up
of nine planets, which{{U}} (76) {{/U} A. increased B. limited C. known D. checked [单选题]某空调器的温度设置为25°
A.“红色指示灯亮”和“正在制冷”均是信息 B.“红色指示灯亮”和“正在制冷”均是信号 C.“红色指示灯亮”是信号,“芷在制冷”是信息 D.“红色指示灯亮”是信息,“正在制冷”是信号 [判断题]进行设置气体喷洒控制状态的操作时,屏幕将提示输入密码,输入气体喷洒控制密码 (也可以是系统密码)后可进行相关操作,遇出该设置菜单后密码失效,再次进行此项操作需重新输人此密码。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] 安全教育训练制度要求是什么?
[单选题]为昏迷患者每次吸痰时间为( )
A.<5秒 B.<15秒 C.<1分钟 D.<30秒 E.1~2分钟 [单选题]居民个人取得的下列所得中,属于境内所得的是( )。
A.在境外分公司任职取得境内总公司支付的工资 B.将境内的不动产出租给境外单位使用而取得的租金 C.许可特许权在中国境外使用而取得的特许权使用费 D.持有境外某公司股权而取得的该公司支付的股息 [多选题]石油成品油具有容易燃烧的特性,加油站应控制的可燃物应包括如下哪些 ( )
A.装卸过程中发生的跑.冒.漏.滴油 B.清罐中清出的油污.废油等 C.灌区等建筑物周围的杂草树叶 D.站内管沟,低洼地带聚集的油蒸汽 我来回答: 提交