The most famous painter in Victoria’s
history is Emily Carr. When she was a child, she discovered that walking in the
woods 1 more to her than playing with other children, and
that she was more interested in 2 the streets of old Victoria than playing at home with 3 and spending her time making up. Emily was a cute little girl who spent 4 of her childhood in Beacon Hill Park, 5 was very close to her home. Drawing 6 her, and she also liked to play with the pets. She had ducks and chickens, and even 7 a monkey. She was 8 interested in the First Nations people and the Chinese people she saw in Victoria’s Chinatown. Their culture and way of dressing seemed so 9 from her own. As sh A. any B. some C. certain D. none [单选题]CRH380B动车组,直通式电空制动控制失效,MMI显示故障代码为1610和( )。
A.1610 B.1710 C.1810 D.1910 [判断题]现金收支统计包含对公客户业务统计和对私客户业务统计.
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在防寒过冬期间,内燃机车柴油机故障无法再启动时,要及时排放柴油机、冷却单节、热交换器及管路内的冷却水。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]企业按照“谁出口谁收汇、谁进口谁付汇”原则办理货物贸易外汇收支业务。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]同一电压等级、同类型、相同安全措施且依次进行的( )上的不停电工作,可使用一张配电第二种工作票。
A.不同配电线路或不同工作地点 B.不同配电线路 C.不同工作地点 D.相邻配电线路 [判断题]对光源进行强度调制的方法有两类,即直接调制和间接调制。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]拨打火警电话报火警时,应向接警人讲清哪几项内容?
[单项选择]Questions 53 to 56 are based on the following passage:
The accuracy of scientific observations and calculations is always at the mercy of the scientist’s timekeeping methods. For this reason, scientists are interested in devices that give promise of more precise timekeeping.
In their search for precision, scientists have turned to atomic clocks that depend on various vibrating atoms or molecules to supply their “ticking”. This is possible because each kind of atom or molecule has its own characteristic rate of vibration. The nitrogen atom in ammonia, for example, vibrate or “ticks” 24 billion times a second.
One such atomic clock is so accurate that it will probably lose no more than a second in 3000 years. It will be of great importance in fields such as astronomical observation and long-range navigation. The heart of this atomichron is cesium atom that vibrates 9.2 billion times a second when heated to the temperature of boiling water.
An atomic clock that operates with
A. Precise timekeeping is essential in science. B. Scientists expect to disprove Einstein’s relativity theories. C. Atomic clocks will be important in space flight. D. The rate of vibration of an atom never varies. [判断题]十三陵中各陵的形制虽然保持一致,但从其豪华程度及其他细节,也可以看出该皇帝所处时期的国力状况、建筑水平以及皇帝本人的性格特点等历史信息。
A.前台进程数增加 B.前台的端口绑定数目增加 C.基本无变化 D.单实例业务量减少 [单项选择]把城市分为大城市、中等城市和小城市的依据为()
A. 城市人口的规模 B. 城市功能 C. 行政等级 D. 城市体制 [单项选择]要在命令按钮控件上显示图像应( )。
A. 设置Picture属性 B. 实现不了 C. 先将Style设置为1,然后再设置Picture属性 D. 以上都不对 [单项选择]下列不是脱疽病因的是
A. 吸烟 B. 寒冷 C. 免疫 D. 激素紊乱 E. 饮酒 [填空题]《党内监督条例》中首次赋予( )监督的法规保障地位。
[多选题]23041】合同价格分析的主要内容包括( )。 ( )
A.工程价款的税率构成 B. 合同所采用的计价方法及合同价格所包括的范围 C. 拖欠工程款的合同责任 D. 工程计量程序,工程款结算方法和程序 E. 费用索赔的条件、价格调整方法,计价依据,索赔有效期规定 [多选题]在役油气储运设施安全专项整治中,根据排查结果,建立( )和( ),“照单”开展风险管控和隐患整治工作
A.风险清单 B.隐患治理项目清单 [多项选择]钢结构组装前,组装人员必须熟悉(),并检查组装零部件的外观、材质、规格、数量,当合格无误后才能施工。
A. 施工图 B. 组装工艺 C. 质量合格书 D. 有关文件的要求 E. 结构组成 [多选题]利用职权或者职务上的影响为他人谋取利益,本人的______收受对方财物,情节较重的,给予警告或者严重警告处分;情节严重的,给予撤销党内职务、留党察看或者开除党籍处分。
A.配偶; B.子女及其配偶; C.边工作人员; D.其他特定关系人身 [多选题]在作业层班组里,熟悉“三算四验五禁止”要求的有( )。
A.班组负责人B B.班组安全员 C.班组质检员 D.副班长 [判断题]当停电作业时,在消除命令之前,禁止向停电的设备上送电。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]工作班人员应相互关心作业安全()。
A. 不伤害自己 B. 不伤害他人 C. 不被他人伤害 D. 保护他人不受伤害 [多选题]ATS运行图支持当日及指定日期实际运行图的( )
A.查看 B.编辑 C.导出 D.打印操作 我来回答: 提交