It came as something of a surprise when Diana,
Princess of Wales, made a trip to Angola in 1997, to support the Red Cross’s
campaign for a total ban on all anti-personnel landmines. Within hours of
arriving in Angola, television screens around the world were filled with images
of her comforting victims injured in explosions caused by landmines. "I knew the
statistics," she said, "But putting a face to those figures brought the reality
home to me: like when I met Sandra, a 13-year-old girl who had lost her leg, and
people like her. " The Princess concluded with a simple message: "We must stop landmines. " And she used every opportunity during her visit to repeat this message. But, back in London, her views were not shared by some members of the British government, which refused to A. she had not consulted the government before the visit B. she was ill-informed of the government’s policy C. they were actually opposed to banning landmines D. they believed that she had misinterpreted the situation in Angola [单选题]车轮端面跳≤( )。
A.0.5mm B.0.8mm C.1.0mm D.1.2mm [单选题]《铁路机车运用管理规则》规定:担当固定调车作业的调车机车乘务员原则上采取( )轮班方式。
A.三班 B.小四班 C.五班 D.六班 [单项选择]哥伦布很有些幸运,他以一个错误“真理”做信念,却成就了伟大的航海家的美名,甚至他至死都坚持他到达的是印度这一明显荒谬的想法,亦丝毫无损于他的光辉。而他所相信的“真理”正是托勒密的“小地球”理论。相比于埃拉托色尼所计算出的“不可思议地大”的地球,古人更愿意相信前者。或许,这种“相当然”给予了哥伦布穿越大洋的勇气,“无知者无畏”在他这里得到了一个显然的证明。这段文字的主旨是( )。
A. 哥伦布相信托勒密的错误“真理”,从而穿越了大洋,这是一个关于“无知者无畏”的例证 B. 托勒密的“小地球”理论为古人所接受,是哥伦布航海的动力所在,并成就了伟大的航海家的美名 C. 埃拉托色尼所计算出的大地球与托勒密的“小地球”相比,古人包括哥伦布更愿意相信后者 D. 哥伦布他要到达的将是印度这一错误信念,使他能有足够的勇气穿越大洋,这正是“无知者无畏”的表现 [判断题]CRH380BG型动车组增设了洗面台。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]微型计算机可控制电梯按( )从启动.加速.稳速.减速到制动的全过程。
A.电阻值; B.载重量; C.控制方式; D.运行曲线 [单项选择]关于投标文件的提交,下列说法不正确的是( )。
A. 投标人将投标文件送达投标地点,应当在招标文件要求投标文件的截止时间前 B. 在截止时间后送达的投标文件,招标人应当拒收 C. 招标人收到投标文件后,应当签收保存 D. 投标人少于两个的,招标人应当依法重新招标 [单项选择]不属于扁平苔藓组织病理学特点的是()。
A. 角化过度 B. 角化不全 C. 颗粒层增厚 D. 基底细胞液化变性 E. 真皮炎症细胞呈带状浸润 [单选题]计算机之所以能实现自动连续运算,是由于采用了( )原理。[232000000]
A.布尔逻辑 B.存储程序 C. 数字电路 D. 集成电路 [单选题] 旅客列车停车后,司机应按规定向列车调度员、车站值班员报告,并将停车原因及相关情况通知( )。
A. 车辆乘务员 B. 列车长 C. 机车乘务员 D. 随车机械师 [判断题]SF6气体的含水量和SF6气体成分测量中,SF6气体含水量≤250uL/L、SF6纯度≥99.8%满足标准。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]各种机动车辆进入常减压蒸馏装置是无需批准的。
[判断题]1.144. 第144题
敷设在河床下的电缆埋设深度为1m。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪项是关于资产组合模型监测商业银行组合风险的正确说法( )
A. 主要是对信贷资产组合的授信集中度和结构进行分析监测 B. 必须直接估计每个敞口之问的相关性 C. Credit P0rtfoli。View模型直接估计组合资产的未来价值概率分布 D. CreditMetrics模型直接估计各敞口之间的相关性 [单项选择]特许经营项目融资招标的目的是( )。
A. 新建项目的资格审查 B. 落实招标项目投资的法人 C. 评估项目的财务可行性 D. 澄清谈判,确认招标人的要求、条件 [简答题]微信营销:
A.A.设备状况 B.B.设备状况及检修质量 C.C.检修质量 D.D.设备运行状态 [单选题] 矿山建设项目的施工单位必须按照批准的安全设施设计施工,并对安全设施的工程质量负责。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1935年12月9日,北平的青年学生在党、团的领导下,发动组织了( )抗日救亡运动,继而掀起了全国范围的抗日爱国运动。
A.九·一八 B.七七事变 C.一二·九 D.五四 [判断题]体育锻炼能较好地改善中老年人脑细胞的营养代谢,延缓其中枢神经系统的衰退过程。
A.包括对整个生产线或装置运行无负荷和有负荷试运转所发生的费用 B.包括施工单位参加试运转人员的工资及专家指导费 C.包括试运转中暴露的因设备缺陷发生的处理费用 D.包括对单台设备进行单机试运转工作的调试费 [判断题]机动链锯使用前应安装锯链和导板,调整锯链的松紧度和方向
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]土地使用强度是通过( )指标来控制的。
A. 土地使用方式 B. 容积率 C. 建筑密度 D. 容积率和建筑密度 [单选题]定金合同从( )之时生效。
A.双方当事人签字 B.合同备案 C.定金实际交付 D.主合同成立 [单项选择]对抗醛同酮作用的药物是
A. 氢氯噻嗪 B. 呋塞米 C. 氨苯蝶啶 D. 螺内酯 E. 阿米洛利 [简答题]Word 6.0工作窗口顶端可划分为四个工作区,请说明是哪四个工作区,其功能是什么?
A. 血白蛋白显著下降 B. 尿胆红素强阳性 C. 血钾降低 D. 白细胞总数升高,中性粒细胞增多 E. 网织红细胞增多 [判断题]交通检测器负责采集车辆位置、车辆速度、车辆流量、交通环境等多种状态信息。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]目前全瓷冠修复主要应用于
A.后牙桥修复 B.前牙桥修复 C.后牙冠修复 D.前牙冠修复 E.以上均可 [单项选择]It is said that in England death is pressing, in Canada inevitable and in California optional. Small wonder. Americans ’’life expectancy has nearly doubled over the past century. Failing hips can be replaced, clinical depression controlled, cataracts removed in a 30-minute surgical procedure. Such advances offer the aging population a quality of life that was unimaginable when I entered medicine 50 years ago. But not even a great health-care system can cure death--and our failure to confront that reality now threatens this greatness of ours.
Death is normal; we are genetically programmed to disintegrate and perish, even under ideal conditions. We all understand that at some level, yet as medical consumers we treat death as a problem to be solved. Shielded by third-party payers from the cost of our care, we demand eyed ’’thing that can possibly be done for us, even if it’’s useless. The most obvious example is late-stage cancer care. Physicians--frustrated by their inability to cure
A. medicine will further prolong people’’s lives. B. life beyond a certain limit is not worth living. C. death should be accepted as a fact of life. D. excessive demands increase the cost of health care [单项选择]Two travelers engaged in a warm dispute about the color of the Chameleon. One of them affirmed it was blue, that he had seen it with his own eyes upon the naked branch of a tree, feeding on the air in a very clear day. The other strongly asserted it was green, and that he had viewed it very closely and minutely upon the broad leaf of a fig tree. Both of them were positive, and the dispute was rising to a quarrel; but a third person luckily coming by, they agreed to refer the question to his decision. "Gentlemen," said the Arbitrator, "You could not have been more lucky in your reference, as I happen to have caught one of them last night; but, indeed, you are both mistaken, for the creature is totally black." "Black, impossible." "Nay," said the Umpire, with great assurance, "the matter may be soon decided, for I immediately enclosed my Chameleon in a little box, and here it is." So saying, he drew it out of his pocket, opened the box, and, lo! It was white as snow.
The reason the wr A. changes its color according to its surroundings B. can easily be put into a box C. is really colorless D. is a fabulous monster whose existence has never been proved [判断题]根据《国境卫生检疫法》的规定,受入境检疫的船舶,必须按照悬挂检疫信号,在卫生检疫机关发给入境检疫证前,不得降下检疫信号。白天入境检疫时,在船舶的明显处悬挂国际通语检疫信号旗:“Q”字旗,表示本船有染疫或染疫嫌疑,请即实施检疫。( )
A. 动脉瘤 B. 碘过敏 C. 急性出血 D. 颅脑外伤 E. 严重肝、肾功能损害 [单选题]风电场所选风电机组在并网点电压跌至20%额定电压时具有能够维持并网运行( )ms的低电压穿越能力。
A.425 B.525 C.625 D.725 [多选题]电缆径路应避开( )和承受重压可能发生大量塌陷危险的地带,以及道岔的岔尖、辙岔心、钢轨接头、接触网的杆塔基础等处所。
A.A、酸、碱、盐聚集 B. B、石灰质 C. C、污水 D.D、土质松软 [单选题]在皮损部位湿敷时,湿敷纱布应
A.挤干 B.以不滴水为度 C.以滴水为度 D.底层湿.上层干 E.只要湿就可以 [单选题](5320)经过防腐处理的木枕一般可用( )左右。
A.10年 B.12年 C.15年 D.20年 [不定项选择题]A.败血症
A.毒血症 B.内毒素血症 C.脓毒血症 D.菌血症 E.革兰阴性菌入血引起中毒症状,称为 我来回答: 提交