某建筑企业承包一项大型宾馆的建筑业务,为转移风险拟向保险公司进行投保建筑工程一切险。 |
Scientists can determine someone’s favorite food from their body shape. They have discovered that the arrangement of taste buds(舌部味蕾) on the tongue varies for different body types. The scientist team examined 1 000 British adults and divided them into three physiologically recognized body types--ectomorphs, endomorphs and mesomorphs. They determined that a person’s body type indicated where they. were likely to have the most taste buds-on the sweet, bitter or salty areas of their tongue.
The study showed that ectomorphs, who make up one in three of the population, usually have a small delicate shape, have a sweet tooth but hate bitter foods. Mesomorphs, who make up 20 percent of the population, usually have a muscular shape and prefer salty or bitter foods but dislike sweet foods. Half the British population are endomorphy with soft, rounded bodies, and they like most foods. The findings showed that for two in three people food preference was a physiological r
A. how many body shapes there are
B. how the tastebuds arrange on your tongue
C. food preference is a physiological choice
D. whether our body shape is decided by the food we enjoy most
Good looks, the video-games industry is
discovering, will get you only so far. The graphics on a modern game may far
outstrip the pixellated blobs of the 1980s, but there is more to a good game
than eye candy. Photo-realistic graphics make the lack of authenticity of other
aspects of gameplay more apparent. It is not enough for game characters to look
better—their behaviour must also be more sophisticated, say researchers working
at the interface between gaming and artificial intelligence(AI). Today’ s games may look better, but the gameplay is"basically the same" as it was a few years ago, says Michael Mateas, the founder of the Experimental Game Lab at the Georgia Institute of Technology. AI, he suggests, offers an" untapped frontier" of new possibilities. "We are topping out on the graphics, so what’ s going to be the next thing t A. increase communication between the eastern and western spheres. B. garantee the traffic of the gameplayers and the innovation of ideas. C. cooperate to make more money from the computer game industry. D. tap the commercial and academic use of A1 through further communication. [填空题]从儿童期到老年期,异相睡眠与慢波睡眠的慢波4期时间逐渐()。
A. 1.15~1.20 B. 1.15~1.25 C. 1.10~1.20 D. 1.10~1.25 [单项选择]甲银行工作人员制作虚假的银行存单交付张三属于()。
A. 金融凭证诈骗罪 B. 普通民事纠纷 C. 非法吸收公众存款罪 D. 伪造、变造金融票证罪 [多项选择]患者,女性,32岁。1月前无明显诱因开始发热,体温37.5~38.5℃,持续不退,并盗汗。经抗感染治疗无效,渐出现上腹胀满,腹部隐痛,消瘦、乏力,排黏液便每天2~3次。11年前患肺结核病。月经不调,婚后7年未生育。查体:全腹压痛,腹壁柔韧感,移动性浊音阳性。X线:提示右肺尖结核。提问:腹壁柔韧感可见于()
A. 结核性腹膜炎 B. 血腹 C. 腹膜癌病 D. 胃穿孔 E. 巨大卵巢囊肿 F. 十二指肠穿孔 [单项选择]やまださんは すずきさんに えいごを おしえました。
A. すずきさんは やまださんに えいごを みせました。 B. やまださんは すずきさんに えいごをを みせました。 C. すずきさんは やまださんに かえいごを ならいました。 D. やまださんは すずきさんに えいごを ならいました。 [单项选择]六十岁男性,舌背白色斑块1年,无疼痛。查体:舌背中份可见2cm×2cm大小白色斑块,略高出黏膜表面,触之稍粗糙,周围黏膜未见明显异常对该病的描述,不正确的是()
A. 病理改变多有上皮异常增生 B. 分为均质型与非均质型两大类 C. 发病与吸烟有关 D. 除伴有溃烂时,一般无疼痛 E. 不会转化为癌 [单选题]( )承受风荷载,并把它传给柱子和基础梁。
A.单层厂房屋面板 B.单层厂房吊车梁 C.单层厂房墙体 D.单层厂房连系梁 [单选题]当一个牵引变电所停电时,相邻的牵引变电所能( )。
A.提供用电 B.间接送电 C.供信号用电 D.越区供电 [多选题]遇有新能源汽车火灾应携带( )等装备器材
A.电绝缘装具 B.绝缘剪断铝 C.漏电探測仪 D.测温仪 [多选题]在煤矿井下搬运伤员的方法有( )。
A.担架搬运 B.单人背负 C.双人徒手搬运 D.汽车搬运 [多项选择]下列选项中,()属于广义的水能资源。
A. 潮汐水能 B. 河流水能 C. 波浪能 D. 海流能 [单项选择] 船用齿轮箱主要技术性能参数有()。 ①标定传递能力; ②标定输入转速; ③输入轴、输出轴的 转向; ④减速比; ⑤标定螺旋桨的推力、允许工作倾斜度; ⑥换向时间、操纵方式、重量与尺寸。
A. ①+②+③+⑤+⑥ B. ①+②+③+④+⑤+⑥ C. ①+②+③+④+⑥ D. ②+③+④+⑤+⑥ [判断题]新安装或一、二次回路有变动的变压器差动保护,当被保护的变压器充电时,应将差动保护投入。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交