Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Airport baggage screeners in the USA, displaying seized chain saws, machetes and knives, (21) travelers to check their luggage for offensive objects before boarding a (22) . Officials of the Transport Security Administration (TSA) (23) that since February 2002 more than 7.5 million (24) items had been seized. They included 50,000 box cutters-- a (25) said to be used by the Sept. 11, 2001 hijackers --and 1,437 firearms as (26) as 2.3 million knives. The TSA officials told a news conference most people with (27) items in their bags i A. with B. by C. in D. from [单选题]美羊羊参加灰太狼的生日Party时很想吃比萨饼。美羊羊在借用灰太狼的手机打电话时,又偷偷地以借用的手机给必胜客打电话,并以灰太狼的名义订购了3个比萨饼,要求必胜客送到灰太狼家中。必胜客如期送至。关于美羊羊叫外卖的行为,下列表述正确的是:()
A.构成表见代理,必胜客有权要求灰太狼支付价款 B.构成无权代理,灰太狼有权拒绝支付价款 C.构成间接代理,必胜客有权选择要求美羊羊或者灰太狼支付价款 D.构成自己代理,美羊羊应承担全部责任 [单选题]井深在3500m以内,18m井架前绷绳地锚中心至井口的距离是()。
A.18~20m B.18~22m C.20~22m [单项选择]男性,68岁。进行性贫血1年,剧烈腰痛3个月,近日因打喷嚏致肋骨骨折。肝脾未触及。血红蛋白95g/L,白细胞3.4×109/L,血小板70×109/L。红细胞沉降率18mm/1h。尿蛋白(+++),血清蛋白电泳出现M蛋白,IgG增高,异常浆细胞0.60。腰椎X线片示骨质疏松和圆形穿凿样溶骨损害。本例最可能的诊断是()
A. 反应性浆细胞增多 B. 淋巴瘤 C. 良性单株丙种球蛋白增多症 D. 原发性巨球蛋白血症 E. 多发性骨髓瘤 [多选题]下腔静脉的属支为
A.肝静脉 B.左睾丸静脉 C.右睾丸静脉 D.腰静脉 E.髂外静脉 [判断题]证明案件真实情况的一切事实,都是证据。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]接地线截面积应满足装设地点短路电流的要求,且低压接地线和个人保安线的截面积不得小于( )mm2。
A.16 B.20 C.25 D.36 [判断题]可移动手车式高压开关柜在断路器手车未推到工作位置或拉到试验位置时断路器都不能正常合闸。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]动车段每( )组织一次标准化动车所评估。
A.月 B.季度 C.半年 D.年 [简答题]在我国开展社区矫正工作有什么现实意义?
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述行政组织目标的作用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
The Sea What do you know about the sea We know that it looks very pretty when the sun is shining on it. We also know that it can be very rough when there is a strong wind. What other things do we know about it The first thing to remember is that the sea is very big. When you look at the map of the world you will find there is more water than land. The sea covers three quarters of the world. The sea is also very deep in some places. It is not deep everywhere. Some parts of the sea are very shallow. But in some places the depth of the sea is very great. There is one spot, near Japan, where the sea is nearly 11 kilometers deep! The highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high. If that mountain were put into the sea at that place, there would be 2 kilometers of water above it! What a deep place! If you have swum in the sea, you know that it is salty. You can taste the salt. Rivers, which flow into the sea, carry salt from the A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned [判断题]电动机械与保护零线(PE线)的连接线截面积一般不得小于相线截面积的1/3且不得小于1.5平方毫米。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]“原生态民歌”兴起于哪个时代?()
A. 20世纪末21世纪初 B. 21世纪20年代 C. 20世纪末 D. 20世纪50年代 [单选题]消防技术服务机构应当将机构和从业人员的基本信息,以及消防技术服务项目情况,录入()系统。
A.双随机、一公开系统 B.社会消防技术服务信息系统 C.政务服务信息系统 D.户籍化管理系统 [单项选择]当道岔由定位转换到反位后()。
A. DBJ励磁吸起 B. FBJ励磁吸起 C. FCJ励磁吸起 D. DCJ励磁吸起 [单选题]人民法院应当在立案之日起5日内,将起诉状副本发送被告。被告应当在收到起诉状副本之日起( )日内向人民法院提交作出行政行为的证据和所依据的规范性文件,并提出答辩状。
A.10 B.5 C.15 D.3 [单选题]油田水套式加热炉长期停用时,必须将炉内中间介质水和盘管内的液体排净,并打开()阀门将水放净,关闭各阀门,使炉体保持密封,
A.加热炉底部排污 B.安全阀 C.液位计上部丝培 D.液位计下部排污 [判断题]不服行政机关作出的行政处罚或者其他人事处理决定的,不能申请行政复议。() 判断题
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交