The English Weather{{/B}} "Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather". This statement, often made by Englishmen to describe the strange weather conditions of their country, is both revealing and true. It is revealing because in it we see the Englishman insisting once again that what happens in England is not the same as what happens elsewhere. Its truth can be proved by any foreigner who stays in the country for longer than a few days. In no country other than England, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day! Day may break as a warm spring morning; an hour or so later black clouds may have appeared from nowhere and the rain may be pouring down. At midday it A. England is covered by heavy fog for ten months of the year. B. It tends to make the Englishman cautious. C. One cannot be sure when the different types of weather will occur. D. You may have a spell of winter in summer. [判断题] 特殊的重要电气试验,应有详细的安全措施,并经单位批准。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]甲组织他人偷渡,在带领偷渡人员通过边检站时,被工作人员发现。甲将工作人员打成重伤。甲的行为应认定为组织他人偷越国(边)境罪和故意伤害罪,数罪并罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]接地线截面积应满足装设地点短路电流的要求,且高压接地线的截面积不得小于( )mm2。
A.16 B.25 C.36 D.20 [多选题]机具和安全工器具入库、出库、使用前应检查。禁止使用( )等不合格的机具和安全工器具。
A.损坏 B.变形 C.有故障 D.无编号 [单项选择]无臭,味苦,嚼之有黏性药材为()
A. 白及 B. 知母 C. 玉竹 D. 黄精 E. 射干 [单选题]25T型客车的可编程控制器(简称PLC)供电后,绿色PWR灯亮,橙色RUN灯亮,红色ERR灯灭,连接触屏或网关后橙色( )灯闪烁。
A.FH B.COM C.ZD1 D.XS [判断题]重点税源监控实行总局、省局、地市局和县级局四级管理模式,由上而下,层层负责。( )由下而上
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安全生产管理,要以( )为核心,推广应用安全生产风险管理体系,系统地开展风险评估和预控,建立安全生产隐患排查治理长效机制。
A.生产管控 B.安全管控 C.安全风险管控 D.风险管控 [填空题]
Sporting activities are essentially modified forms of hunting behavior. Viewing biologically, the modern footballer S1. ()is revealed as a member of a disguised hunting pack. His killing weapon has turned into a harmless football and his prey into a goal-mouth. If his aim is inaccurate and he scores a goal,S2. ()enjoys the hunter’s triumph of killing his prey. S3. ()To understand how this transformation has taken place we must briefly look up at our ancient ancestors.. They spent over S4. ()a million year evolving as co-operative hunters. Their very survival S5. ()depended on success in the hunting-field. Under this pressure their whole way of life, even if their bodies, became radically S6. ()changed. They became chasers, runners, jumpers, aimers, throwers and prey-killers. They cooperate as skillful male- S7. ()group attackers. Then, about ten thousand years ago, when this immensely S8. ()long formative period of hunting for food, they became farmers. Their improved int [单项选择]以下哪个特征不是在人一出生就已确定下来并且终身不变的?()
A. 指纹 B. 视网膜 C. 虹膜 D. 手掌纹线 我来回答: 提交