I lost my sight when I was four years
old by falling off a box car in a freight yard in Atlantic City and landing on
my head. Now I am thirty-two. I can vaguely remember the brightness of sunshine
and what color red is. It would be wonderful to see again, but a disaster can do
strange things to people. It occurred to me the other day that I might not have
come to love life as I do if I hadn’t been blind. I believe in life now. I am
not so sure that I would have believed in it so deeply, otherwise. I don’t mean
that I would prefer to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the loss of them
made me appreciate the more what I had left. Life, I believe, asks a continuous series of adjustments to reality. The more readily a person is able to make these adjustments, the more meaningful his own private world b A. makes him believe in life more deeply than the other people. B. makes him appreciate the value of the rest of his faculties. C. makes him prefer going without his eyes. D. strengthens his memory of the color of red. [判断题]《特种设备生产和充装单位许可规则》规定:储罐可以不设置防超装(超压)、超限装置或者其报警装置。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题](十六)45岁,男性,中学教师,体型肥胖,1周前健康检查:身高170cm,体重75kg。化验检查结果:尿糖(++),血清胆固醇6. 9mmol/L,甘油三脂2.34mmol/L, 血清胰岛素24卩U/ml, GHbAc 9.5%。 4.检测GHbAc 的意义反映的是( )
A.近2-3周血糖平均值 B.近4-6周血糖平均值 C.近8-12周血糖平均值 D.近3-6月血糖平均值 [单选题]在有砟桥上设置护轨时,护轨与基本轨头部间净距为()mm,允许误差为(+10,-5)mm,当桥上设有调节器时,允许误差为(+10,-10)mm。《修规》第3.11.1条
A.300 B.400 C.500 D.600 [单项选择]男性,25岁。3天前抬重物扭伤腰部。服用芬必得,卧床休息腰痛无缓解,出现右腿麻木,右直腿抬高40°~50°阳性,加强试验阳性。根据患者的病情,查体下列哪一项阳性发现一定发生()
A. 小腿前内侧和足的外侧感觉减退 B. 足跖屈肌力减弱 C. 膝反射减退 D. 踝反射减退 E. 肛门反射减退 [多项选择]填写收据需要填写什么()
A. 时间 B. 交款数目 C. 交款事由 D. 收款人 [单选题]在市场交易指标中,房地产价格通常用不同类型房屋的( )表示。
A.中位数价格 B.销售价格 C.抽样价格 D.成交价格 [填空题]钢轨折断临时处理时,应先在断缝两侧轨头_做出标记。
[多选题]固定损耗包括( )。
A.变压器、电机绕组的损耗 B.电容器的介质损耗 C.窃电损失 D.电网元件漏电损失 [单选题]移频自动闭塞交流电压的允许波动范围是( )。[321010101]
A.±15V B.±18V C.±20V D.±22V [判断题]在正常情况下,列车运行采用区间(或闭塞分区)间隔行车的方法,即同一时间和同一区间(或闭塞分区)内的一条正线上,只准许有一列列车运行,以防止同向列车尾追或对向列车正面冲突。为实现铁路行车上这一要求的技术设备,称为闭塞设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]既属"五体",又属"奇恒之腑"的是
A. 胞官 B. 髓 C. 骨 D. 脑 E. 胆 [单选题]电流对人体的伤害可以分为()两种类型。
A.电伤.电击 B.触电.电击 C.电伤.电烙印 [单选题]调戏、侮辱妇女或者与他人发生不正当性关系,情节严重的,予以( )。
A.警告 B.记过或记大过 C.降级或撤职 D.开除 [单选题]沿着手盘上的“open”方向转动即为( )
A.开阀 B.关阀 C.两者都不对 我来回答: 提交