First, the spotted owl was threatened
by logging in the Pacific Northwest. Now it’s in danger from a new enemy, the
barred owl. Barred owls have been moving to the Northwest from the eastern part
of the United States. Stan Sovern has studied spotted owls. Now when he calls
for spotted owls, barred owls are starting to appear. Sovern threw a mouse on
the ground, and a barred owl grabbed it. Scientists have learned that spotted owls start to vanish when barred owls come. Some barred and spotted owls have mated and produced hybrid babies. One spotted owl was killed by a barred owl. Professor Ned K. Brown of the University of California-Berkeley says, "In some areas of Washington, the barred owls moved into very dense, deep woods. The time kind of woods that are opened up, or destroyed by logging, that adversely influences the A. the northeastern United States B. Canada C. deep, dense woods of Washington D. warm climates [简答题]改变回流比,就可以使产品纯度发生变化,还能影响加热蒸汽和冷却水的消耗量,影响能耗。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]在采用精密精馏时为何要考虑补偿或消除压力的微小波动?
A. 弱反应 B. 异常反应 C. 偶合疾病 D. 中反应 E. 强反应 [多选题]无缝线路应力放散可根据具体条件采用( )进行放散。
A.滚筒配合撞轨法 B.滚筒结合拉伸配合撞轨法 C.列车碾压法 D.自然放散法 [单项选择]
Predictions of many robots in industry have yet come true. For ten years or more, manufacturers of big robots have explained how their machines can make industry mom competitive and productive. The maker for (21) robots is oversupplied now, and the driving force of the robotics(机器人学) revolution is (22) to be with makers of machines that handle a few kilos at most. [单选题]人们的衣食住行蕴含着丰富的化学知识,下列说法错误的是()。
A.暖宝宝是一种防寒用品,发热的原因是暖宝宝中的炭粉发生了缓慢氧化,进而放出热量 B.米饭、苹果、蛋糕和馒头中,维生素含量最高的是苹果 C.用食醋除去暖水瓶中污垢的过程会生成二氧化碳等新物质 D.洛阳牡丹天下闻名,牡丹花可观赏,亦可食用,牡丹花中为人体提供的主要营养元素是维生素 [多项选择]城市有哪些主要特征
A. 以商业活动为主的居民点 B. 非农业人口聚集的居民点 C. 非农业生产聚集的居民点 D. 公共活动聚集的居民点 E. 人口高度集中的居民点 [单选题]下滑信标保护区的“A”区内,杂草高度不得高于( )。
A.0.3m B.0.5m C.1m D.1.5m [判断题]进行电力通信光缆接续工作时,工作场所周围应装设遮拦(围栏、围网)、标识牌,无需看管。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在低压用电设备上停电工作前,应验明确无电压,方可工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对新增不良贷款按____监测,各级机构每____要将新增不良贷款情况逐级汇总上报。
A.月、月 B.月、季 C.季、季 D.季、半年 [单项选择]骨肉瘤最特异性的标记物是()
A. S-100 B. 波形蛋白(vimentin) C. 细胞角蛋白(cytokeratin) D. 骨钙素(osteocalcin) E. 碱性磷酸酶(alkalinephosphatase,AKP) [单选题] 题目:金融机构应当建立个人金融信息( )制度。
A.使用管理 B.保存管理 C.授权管理 D.加工管理 E. F. [判断题]施工人员不得在道心行走,只许走道木头。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]26、对贷款部分偿还或发放部分额度后不再发放,确需解押部分押品的,需满足以下条件:()。
A. 项目运行正常,贷款投放和项目工程进度正常,无重大影响贷款项目运行的事件发生。 B. 债务人经营与财务状况正常,还贷意愿良好,还本付息正常,无挤占挪用、逃废债务或恶意欠息等不良信用。 C. 押品具有可分割性,部分解押对剩余押品处置不会产生不利影响。 D. 解押后的抵(质)押覆盖率低于原审批贷款时的抵(质)押覆盖率。 [单项选择]城镇体系最本质的特点是( )。
A. 核心是中心城市 B. 各城镇都有自己的特色 C. 相互联系,从而构成一个有机整体 D. 以一个相对完整区域内的城镇群体为研究对象 [单选题][T]B-B-B-001 4 2 2
插拔光板( )带纤插拔。 A.不应该 B.能 C.不一定 D.不确定 [单选题]高压验电前,验电器应先在有电设备上试验,确证验电器良好;无法在有电设备上试验时,可用( )高压发生器等确证验电器良好。
A.工频 B.高频 C.中频 D.低频 [单选题]根据《煤矿安全规程》关于井工煤矿井下通风条件的要求,采掘工作面的进风流中,氧气浓度不低于( )
A.15% B.20% C.25% D.30% [单选题]广告标牌设施应当在显著位置标明审批机关发出的管理编号、设施所有人及其( )。
A.联系地址 B.联系方式 C.批准年限 D.设置的时间 [单选题]公职人员对监察机关作出的涉及本人的政务处分决定不服的,可以依法向作出决定的监察机关申请();公职人员仍不服的,可以向上一级监察机关申请()。
A.复审;复核 B.复核;复审 C.复议;复核 D.复审;复议 [单项选择]
Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is offered to them and a child’ s rarely dislikes food unless it is badly cooked. The (21) a meal is cooked and served is most important and an attractively served meal will often improve a child’ s appetite. Never ask a child (22) he likes or dislikes a food and never discuss likes and dislikes in front of him or allow (23) else to do so. If the father says he hates fat meat or the mother (24) vegetables in the child’ s hearing he is likely to copy this procedure. Take it (25) granted that he likes everything and he probably will. Nothing healthful should be omitted from the meal because of a supposed dislike. At meal times it is a good (26) to give a child a small portion and let him come back for a second helping rather than give him as (27) as he is likely to all at once. Do not talk too much to the child during meal times, but le [名词解释]《日本经济新闻》
[单选题]承运后交付前发生包装破损、松散时,( )应及时修整
A.行李员 B.列车长 C.承运人 D.押运人 [判断题]结束终止处的主和弦可以采取不完全形式,省略三音或五音均可。
A. 媒体 B. 人际 C. 环境 D. 制度 [填空题]12紧急情况处置的原则( )
A. 肝的疏泄功能 B. 肝的藏血功能 C. 两者均有关 D. 两者均无关 [填空题]含有纯虚函数的类称为 【6】 。
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