The climate of Earth is changing.
Climatologists are confident that over the past century, the global average
surface temperature has increased by about half a degree Celsius. This warming
is thought to be at least partly the result of human activities, such as the
burning of fossil fuels and the clearing of forests for agriculture. As the
global population grows and national economies expand, the global average
temperature is expected to continue increasing by an additional 1.0 to 3.5℃ by
the year 2100. Climate change is one of the most important environmental issues facing humankind. Understanding the potential impacts of climate change for natural ecosystems is essential if we are going to manage our environment to minimize the negative consequences of climate change and maximize the opportunities that it may offer. Because natural ecosystems are comp A. The burning of fuels such as coal or oil. B. The clearing of forests. C. The cultivation of farmland. D. The negative consequences of human activities. [简答题]白土的寿命与哪些因素有关?如何判断白土失活?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]举高消防车的升降斗主要用于运送灭火救援装备。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪个器官不位于腹膜后间隙内?( )
A. 胰腺 B. 肾上腺 C. 肾 D. 输尿管 E. 脾脏 [填空题]经过( )的气体被循环水冷却至( ),这时已有部分液氨冷凝。
[单选题]一个人未来的成就需要很多方面的素质,智力只是一个方面,且一个人的智力也包含很多的方面,学术能力和非学术能力。罗宾森爵士在著作《让思维自由起来》讲,现代社会日新月异,企业和组织在全球范围内展开竞争。竞争的重心转到劳动力与服务上,各个机构迫切需要那些具有创造力、原创性和灵活性的员工。( ),甚至不是传统的教育体制能够生产出来的。
A.这类员工十分罕见 B.这类员工的智力普遍超常 C.这类员工通常多才多艺 D.这类员工不是单一由智商决定 [单项选择]某试制的注射液(输液)使用后造成溶血,应该如何进行改进
A. 适当增加水的用量 B. 适当增大一些碱性 C. 酌情加入抑菌剂 D. 适当增加NaC1用量 E. 适当增大一些酸性 [多项选择]
某单位工程——民用住宅,由基础工程、主体工程、装饰工程三个分部工程组成,其流水节拍分别为6周、12周和9周。 A. 组织图纸会审与技术交底 B. 设置质量控制点,严格遵守工艺规程 C. 控制工序活动条件的质量 D. 及时检查工序活动效果的质量 E. 对物料抽样检查 [单选题]不宜一人进入SF6配电装置室进行巡视,( )一人进入从事工作。
A.不宜 B.可以 C.不准 D.做好防护后可 我来回答: 提交