{{B}} Questions 62 to 66 are based on the
following passage.{{/B}} No one should be forced to wear a uniform under any circumstances. Uniforms are demanding to the human spirit and totally unnecessary in a democratic society. Uniforms tell the world that the person who wears one has no value as an individual but only lives to function as a part of a whole. The individual in a uniform loses all self-worth. There are those who say that wearing a uniform gives a person a sense of identification with a larger, more important concept. What could be more important than the individual himself If an organization is so weak that it must rely on cloth and buttons to inspire its members, that organization has no right to continue its existence. Others say that the practice of making persons wear uniforms, say in a school, eli A. efforts B. motivation C. skills D. attempts [单选题]以下的修复体设计,有利于牙周健康的是
A.颊、舌面过突的外形高点 B.后牙邻面的接触区位于中央沟的颊侧 C.后牙邻面的接触区位于中央沟的舌侧 D.宽大的后牙邻面的接触区 E.以上都不是 [填空题]党在新世纪新阶段的奋斗目标是( )。
A. 法家 B. 道家 C. 儒家 D. 墨家 [单选题]通过连续的动作、姿势、表情等表现思想情感的作品是( )。
A.音乐作品 B.曲艺作品 C.摄影作品 D.舞蹈作品 [判断题]森林灭火的主要方法:一是以水灭火;二是风力灭火;三是化学灭火;四是隔离灭火;五是以火攻火;六是特种车辆灭火;七是航空灭火;八是爆炸灭火。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]漏电保护器的使用是防止( )。
[多选题]任何单位或个人在架空电力线路保护区内,必须遵守下列规定:不得堆放( )易燃物、易爆物及其他影响安全供电的物品。
A.主站 B.通信信道 C.采集设备 D.计量装置 [多选题] 车站在编制卸车、装车和排空车计划时,必须完成局调度所下达的()任务。
A.发车 B.卸车 C.装车 D.排空车 [判断题]桥型接线是接线最简单、设备最少的接线方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]放线、撤线和紧线工作均应设专人( )检查紧线工具及设备是否良好。
A.A、统一指挥 B.B、统一信号 C.C、统一监护 D.D、统一计划 我来回答: 提交