朱某是某出租车司机。2008年9月8日晚21时许,皮某携一密码箱,搭乘朱某的出租车去汽车站,并于上车前约好价格是10元。途中,朱某先是劝皮某人住其兄弟开的宾馆,遭拒绝后就恐吓皮某说:“我几个哥们都是混黑社会的,你快把钱拿来,不然我就叫他们把你弄死扔到阴沟里!”,接着又强行从皮某上衣口袋内搜走100元,之后将皮某送达目的地,并将密码箱交给皮某。次日凌晨1时许,朱某在某机场搭载乘客杨某,行至半路朱某的朋友雷某上车坐在杨某旁边。途中,雷某要求杨某支付480元出租车费,杨某不从,雷某即拿出刀子威胁杨某,朱某将车停下,并对杨某搜身,共搜出人民币650元。之后朱某将杨某送到目的地。同月13日、16日,朱某、雷某先后到公安机关投案,女口实供述了作案经过,并退出赃款600元。后在法院开庭审理时,朱某翻供,雷某没有翻供,后在法院宣判前朱某又作有罪供述。 请根据以上案情,请回答91-94题: |
During the past 15 years, the most important component of executive pay packages, and the one .most responsible for the large increase in the level of such compensation, has been stock-option grants. The increased use of option grants was justified as a way to align executives’ interests with shareholders’. For various tax, accounting, and regulatory reasons, stock-option grants have largely comprised "at-the-money options": rights to purchase shares at an "exercise price" equal to the company’s stock price on the grant date. In such at-the-money options, the selection of the grant date for awarding options determines the options’ exercise price and thus can have a significant effect on their value.
Earlier research by financial economists on backdating practices focused on the extent to which the company’s stock price went up abnormally after the grant date, My colleagues and I focused instead on how a grant-date’s
A. responsibilities increase very fast on the shoulders of the executives.
B. they account for a very important part in executives’ pay package.
C. shareowners intend to tie executives’ interests with their own.
D. shareholders expect executives to buy stocks at exercise price.
A recent report on population trend
conducted by the think (1) of the World watch Institute
identifies signs of slowing growth in some countries. It says populations in 32
countries—all in the industrialized world—have stabilized because of declining
birthrates. But in a handful of developing countries where population is
slowing, the cause isn’t something to (2) , because more
people are dying. This trend is called "population fatigue", and it’s beginning in many of the developing countries that have experienced (3) birthrates and sharp population growth for several decades. Governments in these countries are now having trouble dealing with feeding, housing and educating an increasing number of children, (4) at the same time confronting the falling water (5) , deforestation and soil erosion that rapid popu A. into an amount B. at a degree C. to a point D. by an extent [单项选择]评标委员会中评标专家人数不得少于成员总数的( )。
A. 1/2 B. 1/3 C. 2/3 D. 没有规定 [单选题]食品生产经营者在一年内累计_( )_次因违反食品
安全法规定受到责令停产停业、吊销许可证以外处罚的,由食品安全监督管理部门责令停产停业,直至吊销许可证。 A.五 B.四 C.三 D.二 [单选题]程控机用户电路中,检查铃流范围符合我国规定的是()
A.48±15V B.60±15V C.90±15V D.以上都不对 [单选题]超声波局部放电检测环境温度不宜低于()ºC。
A.0 B.5 C.10 D.15 [多选题]依据《建设工程质量管理条例》,工程监理企业不得与()有隶属关系或其他利害关系。
A.被监理工程的施工承包单位 B.建筑材料供应单位 C.设备供应单位 D.建设单位 E.建筑构配件供应单位 [单选题]企业收入总额中属于不征税收入的是( )。
A.国债利息收入 B.技术转让收入 C.股息、红利收入 D.财政拨款 [单选题]在Windows“显示属性”对话框中,用于调整显示器分辩功能的标签是()。
A.背景 B.外观 C.效果 D.设置 [多选题]人生观的主要内容包括( )。
A.人生目的 B.人生态度 C.人生价值 D.人生信仰 [单选题]个人保安线应使用有透明护套的多股软铜线,截面积不准小于( )mm²,且应带有绝缘手柄或绝缘部件。
A.20 B.16 C.14 D.12 我来回答: 提交