Sleep Lets Brain File
Memories To sleep. Perchance to file Findings published online this week by the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences further support the theory that the brain organizes and stows memories formed during the day while the rest of the body is catching zzz’s. Gyorgy Buzsaki of Rutgers University and his colleagues analyzed the brain waves of sleeping rats and mice. Specifically, they examined the electrical activity emanating(散发) from the somato-sensory (耳、目、口等以外的) neocortex (新大脑皮层) ( an area that processes sensory information) and the hippocampus(海马), which is a center for learning and memory. The scientists found that oscillations in brain waves from the two regions appear to be intertwined. So-called sleep spindles (bursts of activity from the neocort A. To prevent hippocampus shrinkage. B. To control weight. C. To exercise. D. To control glucose levels. [单选题]电机B3安装方式为( )。
A.卧式 B.立式 C.卧、立式 [单项选择]水汽的分布集中于()。
A. 平流层上部 B. 平流层下部 C. 对流层上部 D. 对流层下部 [单项选择]患者女,27岁,右下后牙牙龈肿痛5天,进行性加重。现开口受限,局部跳痛。检查见左下8近中阻生,冠周红肿,触痛。挤压有脓液从远中袋溢出。如果出现明显张口受限,以下颌角为中心的红肿压痛,应怀疑存在()
A. 翼颌间隙 B. 颊间隙 C. 咬肌间隙 D. 眶下间隙 E. 咽旁间隙 [单选题]水沟穴于( )上1/3和中1/3。
A.鼻部 B.人中沟 C.下颌 D.眉头 [单选题]计算机网络中,分层和协议的集合称为计算机网络的().
A.A:体系结构 B.B:组成结构 C.C:TCP/IP参考模型 D.D:ISO/OSI网络协议 [单选题]国家教委提出的“阳光体育运动”的含义是( )。
A..让青少年在自然阳光中运动 B.让青少年在体育课上表现出阳光朝气 C.公开体育课时计划,接受上级和家长监督 D.让青少年在清晨阳光升起时锻炼 [多选题]对电工仪表的保管要求有( ) ( )
A. 温度应保持在10-40摄氏度之间 B.没有过多尘土并不含有酸碱等腐蚀性气体 C. 相对湿度应不超过90% D. 要经常检查、定期送检保证测量准确、防止线圈发霉或零件生锈 我来回答: 提交