Questions 153-156 refer to the
following memo. Memorandum To: Juan Gomez From: Maria Johnson, Building Engineer Date: 17 Jan. 20__ Re: Thermostat located in your office It has come to our attention that the thermostat located in your office is frequently being turned off. Please be aware that although this thermostat is located in your office, it actually controls the temperature on the entire second floor. When it is turned off, it affects not only your office, but all t A. (A) pay for B. (B) change C. (C) look at D. (D) open [多选题] 经验型命题的缺点是( )。
A.能够充分反映内容专家的经验 B.单批次命题速度较慢 C.试卷内在质量难以控制 D.难以重复使用 [名词解释]燃烧反应的扩散区
[单选题] 禁止作业人员( )接地线位置。 (1.0分)
A. 变更工作票中指定的 B. 变更 C. 擅自变更工作票中指定的 D. 改变 [多项选择]以下对于行政诉讼过程中哪些证据可以作为定案的依据()。
A. 甲某诉县人民政府的行政案件中,县人民政府依法提供的证据没有在法庭上出示 B. 乙某因不服学校不发学位证诉某大学一案中,作为被告的学校无正当理由拒不到庭而需要依法缺席判决的,该学校提供的证据 C. 丙某因不服某国家安全局对其作出的行政处罚行为而起诉该国家安全局一案中,被告提供的某证据没有在法庭上公开出示,但该证据涉及个人隐私的 D. 丁某因不服某省工商行政管理局对其作为的行政处罚行为,而起诉该工商行政管理局,被告无正当理由拒不到庭而需要依法缺席判决的,被告提供的在庭前交换证据中没有争议的证据 [单项选择]病人女性,25岁。淋雨后打喷嚏、咳嗽、鼻塞、流涕,开始为清水样,3天后变稠,伴有咽痛,轻度畏寒、头痛。如果病人原有症状未缓解,又出现了头痛、发热,伴有脓涕,鼻窦压痛等情况,考虑病人出现()。
A. 鼻窦炎 B. 中耳炎 C. 病毒性咽炎 D. 病毒性支气管炎 E. 急性肺炎 [单选题]电缆线路防火的重点部位是:变、配电站内电缆层,电缆沟,(),电缆隧道和电缆竖井等。
A.电缆终端 B.发电厂粉煤系统 C.电缆接头集中地段 D.电缆桥架 [单项选择]Most banks in the US open at 9:00 or 10:00 and close between 3:00 and 5:00, but stay open later on Fridays, and some banks have longer hours in order to attract customers on this day.
What’s the best way to carry money safely while you are traveling There are three possibilities-personal checks from your country, travelers checks and credit cards. Some Ame-rican banks accept foreign checks such as Eurocheques (欧洲货币支票);the problem is that only those banks that are used to dealing with foreigners will know what Eurocheques are. It may be more convenient to carry travelers checks, which are insured against loss. They should be in dollars, because only a few banks do much business in foreign currencies. If your checks aren’t in dollars, it may take you a long time to find a bank that will exchange them. You can use travelers checks almost anywhere. If you run out of them, you can buy more at most banks. Their service charge will vary, though, so ask what it is before y A. there are many kinds of credit cards B. they are not easy to lose C. they can be canceled after being stolen D. they are easy to carry with [单项选择]There was snow everywhere, so that the shape of things was difficult to ()
A. identify B. authorize C. justify D. rationalize [单项选择] 当重整所产的氢纯度下降时会() a:影响循环机的负荷; b:影响预加氢杂质的脱除; c:影响催化剂的积炭 d:影响重整高分压力的控制;
A. a、b B. b、c C. a、c D. a、b、c [单选题]车辆在下坡道上停车时,要在拉紧手制动器的同时挂上( )
A.一档 B.空档 C.倒档 D.二档 [单选题]有些高压电容器内部设有放电电阻,能够通过放电电阻放电,当电容器与电网断开后,放电电阻在()分钟后使电容器殘压降至75V以下。
A.1 B.10 C.20 [填空题]A boy doesn’t become a man at the same age everywhere over the (76)
world. Many people in America felt that a boy becomes a man (77) since he is eighteen years old. It is difficult for an Eskimo boy. (78) An Eskimo boy becomes a man when he kills his first polar (79) bear. The polar bear, that may be nine feet long and weigh (80) 1,000 pounds, is a very dangerous animal. To kill one take a (81) lot of courage and skills. The boy who must kill a polar (82) bear developed the skills and courage. (83) Polar bears give the Eskimos meat for eat, skins for clothing, (84) and oil for heating and lighting. A boy who can provide all these things certain becomes a man. [填空题]The female panda of the London Zoo and the male panda in Moscow are mentioned to give readers an idea of______.
[单选题]从____到____,是“两个一百年”奋斗目标的历史交汇期。( )
A.二〇二〇 年二〇三五年 B.十九大 二十大 C.二十大 二十一大 D.二〇三 五年本世纪中叶 [单选题]安全标志牌由( )制作。
A.绝缘材料 B.钢材 C.铝材 D.铜材 [单选题]( )接线图以双回路、环网接线和双电源供电网络的图形。
A.冷备用 B.热备用 C.无备用 D.有备用 [多选题]柜面经理指纹自行采集为用户自行登录系统,通过______完成指纹采集。
A. 身份证识别 B. 手机验证 C. 用户自行采集指纹 D. 主管或管理员现场复核 [判断题]制动主管达到定压后,司机按规定及检车人员的要求进行列车制动机试验,装有防折关装置的机车无需确认制动主管贯通情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]吐血是血自何来,经呕吐而出()。
A. 肺 B. 肝 C. 胃 D. 肾 E. 胆 [判断题]社会褒扬是指政府和社会各界为优抚对象提供的各种优惠照顾措施、授予优抚对象的各种荣誉称号,以及节日的慰问和表彰,以表达人们对优抚对象的敬意,提高优抚对象的荣誉感和自豪感。
[多选题]现场操作箱上控制模式为( )。
A.低压 B.集中 C.点动 D.零位 E.机旁 [简答题]为什么采用蒸汽中间再热(给水回热和供热)循环能提高电厂的经济性?
[判断题]四线制道岔控制电路,二极管极性接反,道岔只有一个位无表示。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]力偶三要素
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]看到飞来的物体,人立即产生躲避的行为是一种
A.反射 B.调试 C.顺应 D.应对 E.自我控制 [简答题]简述膜污染常用的清洗技术。
[单项选择]待排序的关键码序列为(33,18,9,25,67,82,53,95,12,70),要按关键码值递增的顺序排序,采取以第一个关键码为基准元素的快速排序法,第一趟排序后关键码33被放到第( )个位置。
A. 3 B. 5 C. 7 D. 9 [单选题]采用独立坐标系统建立地籍控制网,其坐标系应与( )坐标系统建立联系。
A.国际 B.国家 C.独立 D.任意 [单选题]有限空间作业,作业人员与监护人应确定(),测试通讯工具信号良好。
A.作业结束时间 B.信息记录方式 C.有效沟通方式 [单选题]《劳动合同法》规定:“劳动合同期限三年以上固定期限和无固定期限的劳动合同,试用期不得超过( )。
A.一个月 B.两个月 C.三个月 D.六个月 [判断题]轮候冻结期间若发生续冻,冻结序号按新的冻结序号执行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]强化安全生产()引导,推动组织、宣传、工会、团委等职能部门支持保障安全生产工作,充分利用思想政治工作优势,做好安全生产方针政策宣贯、职工权益保障、职业病防治、劳动保护、安全生产月活动等工作。
A. 宣传 B. 舆论 C. 教育 [单项选择]下列所得,要依法计征个人所得税对象的是:
A. 外籍人员从外商投资企业取得的股息红利所得。 B. 个人将劳务报酬所得直接捐赠给希望工程。 C. 股票转让所得。 D. 国债利息所得。 我来回答: 提交