Man finds living together with his own
species (物种) difficult enough and living together with other species almost
impossible. Our usual solution is to kill off anything that get in our way. Even
on those rare occasions when we do enter a relationship with other species, it
is heavily biased (带有倾向) in our favor. The other species benefit only when they
suit our own interests. Our attempts to communicate with another species are
concerned mainly with giving orders in our own language and having them obeyed.
Probably our best attempt has been the whistle language that is used in the
shepherd-sheepdog relationship. This is a system that is natural to neither
species, but one that both can under stand. Its only fault lies in fact that the
bias is still there—the dog cannot whistle for the man. But now comes news of a piece of research that promis A. tries to communicate with them B. tries to teach them a language C. sets up a relationship with them D. wipes them out [单项选择]神经母细胞瘤是比较常见的肾上腺恶性肿瘤。有关该肿瘤错误的描述有()。
A. 80%发生在5岁以下 B. 肿瘤多呈结节状,界清质软 C. 常见出血,坏死和囊性变 D. 肿瘤组织中出现较多向成熟方向分化的成分提示预后较好 E. 为低度恶性肿瘤 [单选题]流行性乙型脑炎病变最明显的部位在( )
A.脑桥 B.小脑 C.大脑皮质及基底核 D.脊髓 E.丘脑 [单项选择] Nobody Had Believed It Was Possible
In 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg on its first trip across the Atlantic, and it sank four hours later. It was carrying 2207 people, but it had taken on enough lifeboats for only 1178 people. When the passengers tried to leave the ship, only 651 of them were able to get into lifeboats and 1502 people lost their lives.
Throughout the whole tragedy, the California was only ten miles away. Its officers were close enough to see the Titanic, but they did not understand the situation. They never received the Titanic’s call for help, and they did not come to the rescue until too late.
First of all, nobody had prepared for such a tragedy. Nobody had believed that the Titanic could sink. The steamship company had thought that its ship would be completely safe in all situations. They followed an old rule for the number of lifeboats, so they had supplied lifeboats for only half the people. And the passengers had not practiced lifeboat drills before t
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned [单项选择]目前,按设备的特点与用途,中石油炼化企业将设备分为()大类。
A. 13 B. 20 C. 22 D. 24 [单选题]列车在曲线上行驶的速度越快,产生的离心力( ) ,为了保证列车运行的平稳、舒适和安全,必须限制列车通过曲线时的速度。
A.增加 B.减小 C.不变 D.无法判断 [单选题]语音共振增强见于
A.胸腔积液 B.肺气肿 C.肺实变 D.支气管阻塞 [判断题]为了降低贮煤层的爆炸危险性,要确保贮煤斗内不漏入煤气,应采用敞开或半敞开结构的贮煤层建筑,主厂房应设安全出口。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据南网安规,工作人员不应擅自变更工作票中指定的接地线位置。如需变更,厂站工作时应由()征得()同意,并在工作票上注明变更情况。
A.工作负责人、工作许可人 B.班组负责人、工作负责人 C.工作人员、工作负责人 D.工作负责人、班组负责人 E.lue [多选题]心跳呼吸停止后的症状有()。
A.(A)心音消失,脉搏消失 B.(B)瞳孔固定散大 C.(C)脸色发绀 D.(D)神志丧失 [多项选择]下列属于异型叶性的是()。
A. 蓝桉嫩枝上的叶较小,无柄,对生,而老枝上的叶较大,有柄,互生 B. 生长在适宜温度下的玉米叶片呈绿色;生长在低温下的玉米叶片呈紫红色 C. 水毛茛气生叶,扁平广阔;而沉水叶细裂成丝状 D. 白菜茎基部的叶较大,有显著的带状叶柄,而上部的叶较小,无柄,抱茎而生 [多选题]押运中,发现可疑车辆时应该( )。
A.高度警惕,做好应急准备 B.不继续执行任务,返回单位 C.将可疑车辆情况报本单位 D.严密监视可疑车辆 E.将可疑车辆中的人员扭送公安机关 [单选题]属于直接灸的是
A.瘢痕灸 B.蒜泥灸 C.隔姜灸 D.实按灸 E.温灸器灸 [单选题]与药源性疾病有关的药理作用因素不包括
A.副作用 B.药物过量 C.继发反应 D.配伍禁忌 E.后遗效应 [单项选择]下列哪种过程中产生的粉尘的危害性最大?()
A. 颚式破碎机破碎石灰石时产生的 B. 熔炼铜时,熔融的铜蒸发到空气后冷却产生的 C. 面粉包装装袋过程中产生的 [单项选择]与穿破硬膜外血管及注射空气有关()
A. 空气栓塞 B. 硬膜外血肿 C. 硬膜外脓肿 D. 全脊髓麻醉 E. 刺破胸膜 F. 脊神经根损伤 [判断题]作业人员进入电容器组围栅内或在电容器上工作时,要将电容器逐个放电后方准作业
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]艺术的思想性:
A.保兑行 B.偿付行 C.承兑行 D.转让行 [单选题]塔式起重机主体结构和所有电气设备的金属外壳、金属线管均应可靠接地。重复接地电阻不大于( )Ω。
A.4 B.6 C.8 D.10 [单选题]( )1276.在平地测量时,A-B路线长度0.64km,共6站,B-C路线长度0.32km,共4站,C-A路线长度0.48km,共6站,等外水准测量高差闭合差限差是( )mm。
A.24 B.36 C.48 D.72 [单项选择]pfm全冠肩台的宽度一般为()。
A. 0.5mm B. 1.0mm C. 1.5mm D. 2mm E. 2.5mm [单选题]I am going to buy a (microbus).括号内单词的含义为。
A.large bus B.truck C.small bus D.medium-sized bus [判断题]采掘工作面接近可能积水的井巷、老空时,应立即停工,由专业人员和专职队伍进行探放水。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]若有如下说明:
union s char a[9] int b; float c; t; 则下列叙述正确的是 ( ) A. 共用体变量t不能作为函数的参数 B. 通过引用共用体变量名t可以得到成员的值 C. 共用体变量t的地址和它的各成员的地址不同 D. 共用体变量t所占的内存长度等于它的各成员所占的内存长度之和 [单选题]根据RFC1918,下面哪个地址是私有地址?______
A. B. C. D. [单选题]某公司从租赁公司融资租入一台设备,价格为350万元,租期为8年,租赁期满时预计净残值15万元归租赁公司所有,假设年利率为8%,租赁手续费率为每年2%,每年末等额支付租金,则每年租金为( )万元。
A.8%,8) B.[350-15×(P/ C.10%,8)]/(P/ D.10%,8) [单选题]CRH2A型动车组200H车载设备轮径设置原则是( )
A.A、取小进位 B.B、取大进位 C.C、按实际设置 D.D、四舍五入 [简答题]我党确定的“两个一百年”奋斗目标分别是什么?
[单项选择](Each) employee with (a modicum of intelligence) (would be able to) undertake (such) a basic process.
A. partly because of language, and partly because of religion B. long been considering C. to separate D. the rest [多选题]决定道地药材的因素有
A.生长环境 B.药材品种 C.栽培方法 D.加工经验 [判断题]BD001启动柱塞泵时应打开柱塞泵出入口手动阀、换热器入口手动阀及放空手动阀。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]消防水泵应在接到报警后( )min以内投入运行。 ( )
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [判断题]用H08MnA焊丝替代H08A焊丝时,一定要重新进行焊接工艺评定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( ) 使用电话闭塞法行车时,列车占用区间的行车凭证为路票(附件2)。当挂有由区间返回的后部补机时,另发给补机司机路票副页。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述辅导员职业能力的九个方面。
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