Many researchers have found greater
dependence and obedience in very young girls, greater autonomy and activity in
boys. When a barrier is set up to separate children from their mothers, boys try
to knock it down; girls cry helplessly. There is little doubt that mother’s
encouragement or discouragement—of such behavior plays a major role in
determining adult personality. For example, a mother often stimulates male
autonomy by throwing a toy far away from her young son, thus silently suggesting
to him that he leaves her to get it. Animal studies suggest that there may be a biological factor in material behavior; mothers of some monkeys punish their male babies earlier and more often than their female offspring; they also touch their female babies more often and act more protectively toward them. As for the controversial question of female "{{U A. they may get the result of how hormones work B. they should do more studies on male hormones C. they may get hormones to serve people D. nearly half of the female patients have hormone problem [单项选择]大额支付系统以会计年度为()年度,上年度和本年度的帐务要严格区分。
A. 对账 B. 结算 [判断题]库内不具备给水条件或库外停留的,普速列车终到后补水3辆用于车内保洁。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 连续 12 个月内累计出现( )个月绩 效等级为 D 或下调一级后( )个月内绩效等级再 次出现 D 的,退回劳务派遣公司。
A.6 、6 B.3 、6 C.3 、3 D.6 、3 [简答题]窦房结和房室结各位于什么部位?
[单选题]我市出租汽车应使用统一制定的发票票据,票据由( )监制。
A.A.出租车管理机构 B.B.公安管理机构 C.C.出租车公司 D.D.税务机构 [判断题]合金钢是指在碳素钢基础上特意加入合金元素所获得的钢种。(易)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下图所示属于那种类型的化学反应?
AB + C = A + BC
A.化合反应 B.置换反应 C.分解反应 D.复分解反应 [单项选择]男婴,6个月,出生体重3.0kg,生后人工喂养,皮下脂肪消失,轻度水肿,精神萎靡,反应差,体温低,腹泻与便秘交替进行,患儿属于()
A. 轻度营养不良水肿型 B. 轻度营养不良消瘦型 C. 重度营养不良水肿型 D. 重度营养不良消瘦型 E. 中度营养不良水肿型 [单项选择]
A. 组织缺损大 B. 创缘不齐 C. 有感染 D. 愈合时间长 E. 愈后形成白色线状瘢痕 [单选题]学习环境卫生的主要目的是
A.提高诊断疾病的本领 B.认识疾病在人群中流行的原因 C.了解污染物在环境中的分布规律 D.认识全球环境问题 E.认识自然环境和生活环境与人群健康的关系 [不定项选择题]下列关于“计划复制”功能,说法正确的是:
A.可以复制广告计划的地域 B.可以复制广告计划的投放时间 C.可以复制广告计划的出价 D.可复制广告预算设置 [单选题] 联控用语中,车次读法:临时旅客列车( )次称为:客车临次。
A.K B.N C.L D.Y [单选题]扣板、轨距挡板严重磨损,扣板、轨距挡板前后离缝超过( )应有计划地修理或更换。
A.2mm B.3mm C.4mm D.1mm [单选题]架设绝缘隔离防护设施时,必须经有关部门批准。架设时采用线路暂时停电或其他可靠的( )措施,并应有电气工程技术人员和专职安全人员监护。
A.安全技术 B.施工技术 C.设计 D.监理 [填空题]股利支付率是指净收益中()所占的比重,反映了公司股利分配政策和支付股利的能力。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](判断题)新民主主义革命不是一般地反对资本主义和资产阶级。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]古墓葬、古建筑、石窟寺、石刻及壁画属于不可移动文物。
[单项选择]Oh, the fire is getting nearer and nearer. It is ______ our children and old people.
A. dangerous on B. dangerous to C. dangerous for D. dangerous with 我来回答: 提交