The balance of payments is a
statistical record of all the economic transaction between residents of the
reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time
period. The usual reporting period for all the statistics included in the
accounts is a year. A good or bad set of figures can have an influential effect
on the exchange rate and can lead policy makers to change the content of their
economic policies. Deficits may lead to the government raising interest rate or
reducing public expenditure to reduce expenditure on imports. Alternatively,
deficits may lead to calls for protection against foreign imports or capital
controls to defend the exchange rate. A key definition that needs to be resolved at the outset is that of a domestic and foreign resident. It is important to note that citizenship and residency are not nec A. The balance of payments is a digital table of all the economic transactions between residents of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period. B. The balance of payments is a figured table of all the economic transactions between residents of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period. C. The balance of payments is a statistical record of all the economic transactions between residents of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period. D. The balance of payments is a digital record of all the economic transactions between residents of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period. [单项选择]在账务处理模块中,若会计科目编码定义为一级3位、二级3位、三级2位、四级2位、五级2位,则科目编码5210011009表示的是( )代码。
A. 四级 B. 三级 C. 五级 D. 六级 [判断题]大队以下单位通常每天组织交班;大队以下单位值班员的交接班,通常每周组织1次,由单位首长组织;中队(站)值日员和其他专业值班、值日的交接班,通常每日组织1次,由中队(站)值班员组织。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]马克思在形容商品时,之所以考察商品的使用价值,因为使用价值是()
A. 构成财富的物质内容 B. 人类生存、发展的物质条件 C. 满足人们需要的物质实体 D. 商品交换价值的物质承担者 [单选题]应力放散时,应每隔()m设一位移观测点观测钢轨位移量,及时排除影响放散的障碍,锁定轨温应准确。
A.50~100 B.100~200 C.200~300 D.300~400 [判断题]×县县政府拟公布加强机关廉政建设的几条规定。
[多选题]使用临时拉线的安全要求有( )。
A.不得利用树木作受力桩; B.一个锚桩上的临时拉线不得超过3根; C.临时拉线不得固定在有可能移动的物体上; D.临时拉线绑扎工作应由有经验的人员担任 [单项选择]患者女性52岁,拟一次性拔除口内多个残冠残根,注射局麻药后患者出现全身麻木、心悸、胸闷,表情肌及全身抽搐,随即出现脉细而弱、血压下降、神志模糊。
上述症状可诊断为 A. 医源性感染 B. 癔病 C. 肾上腺素反应 D. 局麻药物中毒 E. 晕厥 [单选题]诊断支原体肺炎的主要依据是:
A.临床表现 B.血细菌培养阳性 C.血清冷凝集试验阳性 D.红霉素治疗有效 E.以上都不是 [单项选择]人类世界和自在世界分化与统一的基础是()。
A. 天然自然 B. 人化自然 C. 实践 D. 自在世界 [单项选择]女,56岁,高血压病史7年,5h前因吵架感头痛、恶心,右侧肢体无力,20min后出现意识不清。血压180/120mmHg,中度昏迷,双侧瞳孔2mm,对光反应存在,右侧鼻唇沟浅,右侧上下肢肌力2级,右侧病理征阳性。最可能诊断为()
A. 脑血栓形成 B. 脑出血 C. 蛛网膜下隙出血 D. 脑栓塞 E. 脑膜炎 [单选题]下列卵巢肿瘤中,属于低度恶性上皮性肿瘤是( )。
A.浆液性乳头状囊腺癌 B.黏液性乳头状囊腺癌 C.浆液性乳头状囊腺瘤 D.交界性乳头状囊腺瘤 E.黏液性乳头状囊腺瘤 我来回答: 提交