In the same way that a child must be
able to move his arms and legs before he can learn to walk, the child must
physiologically be capable of producing and experiencing particular emotions
before these emotions can be modified through learning. Psychologists have found
that there arc two basic processes by which learning takes place. One kind of
learning is called’" classical conditioning." This occurs when one event or
stimulus is continuously followed by a reward or punishment. It is through
classical conditioning that a child learns to associate his mother’s face and
voice with happiness and love, for he learns that this person provides food and
comfort. Negative emotions are learned in a similar fashion. The second kind of learning is called "operant (动作的) conditioning. "This occurs when an individual learns to do things that produce rewa A. teach children how to learn to produce and experience certain emotions B. give the common reader a general description of two basic kinds of learning C. give parents some advice on how to modify their children’s emotions through learning D. discuss with psychologists how positive and negative feelings are produced [单选题]烟叶工艺成熟期的主要特点是( )。
A.叶组织细胞旺盛分裂,细胞数目迅速增加 B.烟叶代谢活动以分解占优势 C.叶内干物质积累最多,生物学产量最高 D.烟叶生长速度、生长量最大 [判断题]在楼层内部出水灭火时,应采取防水导流措 施,阻止积水流入电梯井。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]个体工商户凭营业执照以___或___开立的银行结算账户纳入单位银行结算账户管理。
A. 字号 B. 经营者姓名 C. 证件号 D. 公司名 [简答题]病害对植物生理生化有何影响?作物抗病的生理基础如何?
A. 气压控制器和落压比控制器 B. 流量控制器和气压控制器 C. 转速控制器和落压比控制器 D. 转速控制器和流量控制器 [名词解释]多边投资担保机构
[填空题]GSM-R空口接收质量分为( )个等级。
A.参加投票的人数为8000人,张先生获得选票4001张 B.参加投票的人数为 4100人,张先生获得选票4000张 C.参加投票的人数为4100人,张先生获 得选票2000张 D.参加投票的人数为4000人,张先生获得选票4100张 我来回答: 提交