All U. S. nuclear weapons production facilities are presently closed down, and if the various agreements are adhered to, those facilities will never be required except for one critical capability. All modern nuclear weapons use uranium (铀), plutonium (钚), and tritium (氚). Uranium and plutonium have very long half-lives, and there is large surplus of these materials.
Tritium, however, has a relatively short half-life of about 12.6 years, so about 5 percent of the amount on hand must be replaced each year to maintain the current inventory. (46) Because of the large retirement of nuclear weapons by the United States in compliance with early agreements and national policy, tritium from retired weapons has been used to make up that lost through natural decay. (47) However, in about 10 to 15 years, depending on future negotiations, the United States will need a guaranteed supply of tritium to maintain its stockpile at whatever level is agreed on.
In anticipation
Passage 1 A bank’s bookkeeping system is trying to prove three things—that all the day’s transactions have gone through for the right amounts, that they have all been posted to the right accounts, and that the fresh balances of those accounts are correct after recording the transactions. The waste lists all the day’s transactions. At the end of the day you prove that no transactions are missing or wrong by balancing the total debits against the total credits. Next, you prove that all transactions have reached the ledger correctly by balancing the total debits and credits on various parts o A. To prove that all the day’s transactions have gone through for the right amounts. B. To prove that they have all been posted to the right accounts. C. To prove that the fresh balances of those accounts are correct after recording the transaction. D. To try to prove the three things mentioned above. [多项选择]按照时间顺序,战略失效可以分为( )
A. 早期失效 B. 晚期失效 C. 偶然失效 D. 中期失效 [判断题]一级动火区域,也称禁火区域。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )769.进入施工现场必须正确佩戴安全帽和安全带。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]变压器油位过低的原因有()。
A.严重渗漏油 B.气温过低且油量不足或油枕容积偏小 C.修试人员因工作需要多次放油后未作补充 D.假油位 [单选题]对于变更经营主体的渠道,等同于____进行管理,应按照社会渠道引入退出的相关要求,评估新经营主体的资质,签订新的合作协议。( )
A. 原有渠道商 B. 意向渠道商 C. 新纳入渠道商 D. 一级渠道商 [判断题]经营个人征信业务的征信机构变更名称的,应由国务院征信业监督管理部门审批。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]现场供电系统总配电箱及分配电箱PE保护接地线需做重复接地.接地电阻值
须( ). A.≤4.n B.≤10.n C.≤30.n D.≤5.n [单项选择]隐孢子虫感染者的病原学诊断为
A. 粪便中查合子 B. 粪便中查滋养体 C. 粪便中查卵囊 D. 粪便中查裂殖体 E. 粪便中查配子体 [填空题]土壤结构体及其内部存在许多大小不一的孔隙,通常分为()两类。
A. 沙门菌中毒 B. 副溶血性弧菌中毒 C. 葡萄球菌中毒 D. 肉毒杆菌中毒 E. 变形杆菌 [单选题]通过金融分期购物车模式,无法纳入合约包的业务费用有:
A.沃家固话年包 B.沃家神眼年包 C.一次性组网服务费 D.沃家神眼包月月费 [单项选择]在实际运用中,进行资本结构决策时一般使用()。
A. 间接资本成本 B. 加权平均资本成本 C. 个别资本成本 D. 边际资本成本 我来回答: 提交