How’s this for unintended consequences
Some of the biggest beneficiaries(受惠者) of the women’s movement have
been married men. According to a new study by the Pew Research Center, married
men have a 60% higher average household income than they did in 1970, even
adjusted for inflation. Unmarried men, on the other hand, only got a 16% bump.
One reason for the rise is that more men are marrying women who make more money than they do, mainly because there are more high-income women to go around. In 1970, just 4% of men ages 30 to 44 had wives who brought in more money than they did. By 2007, more than a fifth of men in that age range had wives who out-earned them. Members of this thriving demographic(人口统计学的) are effectively doubling their income or more when they wed, without doubling their costs. A. A.had even less education B.had lower marriage rates C.had slower growth in household income D.had more trouble adjusting for inflation [多项选择]女性不孕因素有( )
A. 子宫因素 B. 输卵管因素 C. 性功能异常 D. 免疫因素 E. 阴道因素 [单项选择]在生产过程中,消除或控制危险及有害因素,保障人身安全健康、设备完好无损、环境免遭破坏及生产顺利进行是指( )。
A. 劳动安全 B. 劳动保护 C. 职业安全卫生 D. 安全生产 [简答题]外汇期货合约的内容有哪些?
[单项选择]免疫缺陷的病人易发生( )
A. 肿瘤 B. 过敏性休克 C. 接触性皮炎 D. 自身免疫性溶血性贫血 E. 强直性脊柱炎 [不定项选择题]A.缩小
A.不变 B.较前扩大 C.极度放大 D.缩小,濒死时放大 E.阿托品化的瞳孔表现为 [填空题]Pentium微处理器有三种工作模式,即实地址模式、保护地址模式,______ 。
A. 脑梗死 B. 肺梗死 C. 肾梗死 D. 脾梗死 E. 下肢梗死 [单项选择]下列费用中属于直接工程费的是( )。
A. 施工中损耗的辅助材料费 B. 混凝土施工过程中需要的模板费 C. 施工中需要的脚手架摊销费用 D. 支架的支、拆、运输费用 [单项选择]维生素C的生理功能除外()。
A. 抗氧化作用 B. 促进小肠钙吸收 C. 神经介质和类固醇的羟化反应 D. 参与胶原合成 E. 解毒作用 [单选题]计算机的软件系统可分类为( )
A.程序与数据 B.系统软件与应用软件 C.操作系统与语言处理程序 D.程序、数据与文档 [单选题]女,17岁。反复发作咳嗽、咳痰10年。近3年反复咯血,最多一次量约200ml。现胸部CT示左下叶肺菱缩,可见囊柱状支气管扩张影像。最佳治疗方案是( )
A.吸氧、止血治疗 B.抗炎治疗 C.解痉、化痰 D.体位排痰 E.左下肺叶切除 我来回答: 提交