She was French; he was English; they had just moved to London from Paris. When he found out about her affair, she begged for a reconciliation. He was more ruthless: the same afternoon, he filed for divorce in France, one of the stingiest jurisdictions in Europe for the non-earning spouse and where adultery affects the court’s ruling. Had she filed first in England her conduct would have been irrelevant, and she would have had a good chance of a large share of the marital assets, and even maintenance for life.
International divorce is full of such dramas and anomalies, so the natural response of policymakers is to try to make things simpler and more predictable. But the biggest attempt in recent years to do just that, in a European agreement called Rome Ⅲ, has just been shelved. Instead, several EU countries are now pressing ahead with their own harmonisation deal. Many wonder if it will work any better.
At issue is the vexed question of which country’s
A. Couples are more inclined to divorce, being detrimental to the matrimonial stability of Europe
B. Couples are more inclined to quarrel during the divorce, postponing the settlement of the case
C. Couples that fail to divorce would be ashamed into anger, thus pursing extreme ways
D. Couples that want to divorce are more inclined to file their case to the courts in the country where they live
Another critical factor that plays a
part in susceptibility to colds is age. A study done by the University of
Michigan School of Public Health revealed {{U}}particulars{{/U}} that seem to hold
true for the general population. Infants are the most cold-ridden group,
averaging more than six colds in their first year. Boys have more colds than
girls up to age three. After the age of three, girls are more susceptible than
boys, and teenage girls average three colds a year to boys’ two. The general incidence of colds continues to decline into maturity. Elderly people who are in good health have as few as one or two colds annually. One exception is found among people in their twenties, especially women, who show a rise in cold infections, because {{U}}people in this age group{{/U}} are most likely to have young children. Adults who delay having children u A. tentative B. humorous C. certain D. critical [单项选择]在年最高温度超过40℃,而且长期处,于低湿度的干热地区,应选用型号后带( )字样的干热带型产品。
A. TA B. TH C. TT D. TN [单选题]对气体含量正常且无增长趋势的设备()。
A.比值没有意义 B.不能进行比值 C.应多次进行比值 D.无需采样 [多选题]关于 2015 年版第五套人民币 100 元纸币应用的双色横号码,下列说法错误的是( )。[多选题]
A.由字母和数字组成,共 8 位; B.不可供设备读取以判定该特征的真伪; C.红色和黑色冠字号码均具有磁性; [单项选择]在TPN期间,发生高糖高渗性酮性昏迷时的死亡率为:()
A. 20%~40% B. 10%~20% C. 5%~10% D. 4%~5% E. 2%~4% [多选题]参与检修前现场勘察及检修方案、标准作业卡编制是()的职责,
A.省检修公司变电运维班, B.省检修公司变电检修班, C.省检修公司电气试验班, D.变电运维中心, [简答题]简述设备选型的总原则。
[单选题]根据事故造成的人直接经列车脱中断铁路行车时间等情形,事故等级分为特别重重( )和一般事故
A.大事故 B.险性事故 C.较大事故 D.中等事故 [多选题]稳压管的主要参数有()。
A.稳压电压 B.稳定电流 C.最大耗散功率 D.动态电阻 [单选题]( )是一种将交流电的电能转变为机械能的装置。
A.直流电动机 B.直线电动机 C.交流电动机 D.永磁同步电动机 [单选题]远曲小管和集合管对水的调节性重吸收受哪种激素调节
A.糖皮质激素 B.胰岛素 C.甲状腺激素 D.抗利尿激素 E.催产素 [单选题]球泡LED(20W)才盛 正道 单位 个 批发价( )
A.10.00 B.20.0 [多选题]氯气泄漏事故,利用仪器检测事故现场气体浓度时,不宜使用( )。
A.有毒气体检测仪 B.可燃气体检测仪 C.军事毒剂检测仪 D.二氧化碳检测仪 [单选题]-30,-4,(),24, 122, 340。
A.-1 B.-2 C.6 D.13 [判断题]生产经营单位应当在有较大危险因素的生产经营场所和有关设施、设备上,设置明显的安全使用说明。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()不属于质量控制的系统过程。
A. 事前控制 B. 事中控制 C. 事后控制 D. 事后弥补 [单项选择]定义:
①成语:语言中经过长期使用、锤炼而形成的固定短语。成语是表示一般概念的固定词组或句子,绝大部分是由四个字组成的。 ②谚语:流传于民间的比较简练而且言简意赅的话语。民间集体创造、广为口传、言简意赅并较为定型的艺术语句,是民众丰富智慧和普遍经验的规律性总结。谚语包括:认识自然和总结生产经验的谚语:认识社会和总结社会活动经验的谚语;总结一般生活经验的谚语。 ③歇后语:具有独特艺术结构形式的民间谚语,它由两部分组成,前面是假托语,是比喻;后面是目的语,是说明。分为寓意的和谐音的两种,主要用来表现生活中的某种情景和人们的某种心理状态。 典型例证: (1)空中楼阁 (2)老虎戴数珠——假慈悲 (3)天下乌鸦一般黑 上述典型案例与定义存在对应关系的数目有( )。 A. 0个 B. 1个 C. 2个 D. 3个 [多项选择]蒸发过程的必要条件是
A. 在沸点温度下进行 B. 不断地向溶液供给热能 C. 溶液的极性 D. 溶液蒸发时的浓度 E. 不断地去除所产生的溶剂蒸汽 [判断题]翻越障碍训练时,必须设置缓冲垫,在落点及翻越障碍两侧安排专人保护。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]枪支与弹药必须分柜存放,并分别设置双锁,钥匙由分管负责人管理,妥善保管。存取枪支弹药实行同存同取。
[单选题]安全生产教育和培训范围是( )。
A.总包单位的职工 B.分包单位的职工 C.本企业的职工与分包单位的职工 D.有违章作业记录的职工 [单项选择]一个农贸市场2斤油可换5斤肉,7斤肉可换12斤鱼,10斤鱼可换21斤豆,那么27斤豆可换几斤油______
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 [多选题]按口头或电话命令执行的工作为( )
A.测量接地电阻 B.修剪树枝 C.杆塔底部和基础等地面检查、消缺工作。 D.涂写杆塔号、安装标示牌等,工作地点在杆塔最下层导线以下,并能够保持表4安全距离的工作。 [填空题]影响学生学习特点的因素是基础因素,内部因素和( )。
A. 甲醛-硫酸反应 B. 硫色素反应 C. 芳伯胺基反应 D. 硫酸荧光反应 E. 戊烯二醛反应 [单项选择]当总风缸压力达到()Kpa时,高压安全阀应喷气。
A. 800 B. 850 C. 900 D. 950 [填空题]元代家具出现的新结构(),是指中部高、两头低的一种枨子。
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