Children’s literature traces its beginnings to preliterate times, when ancient storytellers passed tales and legends from generation to generation in the oral tradition. William Caxton, who established England’s first printing press, published books of etiquette, fables and legends. However, these didn’t constitute a body of work that could be considered literature for children. Because children at that time were considered "miniature adults", books were didactic in nature. The content for young readers consisted mainly of religious instruction, rules of behavior, ethical messages, and moral platitudes. In 1774, Englishman John Newberry changed children’s publishing when he began to create books with attractive formats, quality illustrations, and sturdy bindings, that were designed primarily for children to enjoy. The A. the children couldn’t read them B. the early books were too heavy for children to use C. the stories were too difficult for children to appreciate D. the stories were for education rather than enjoyment [单选题]接入网NU/ONU设备维护项目及周期中,音频电路( )测试、净衰耗频率特性测试、空闲信道噪声测试属于年检修项目。
A.衰耗 B.噪声 C.通路电平 D.话路音频 [单项选择]患儿3岁,证见咳嗽流涕,两三天后咳嗽增剧,痰稀白量不多,或痰稠不易咳出,咳声不扬,入睡咳重,舌苔薄白,舌质淡红,脉浮数,首选方剂是
A. 桑白皮汤 B. 止嗽散 C. 三拗汤 D. 桑菊饮 E. 麻黄汤 [多项选择]报考监理工程师的条件有( )。
A. 具有一定的专业学历 B. 取得高级职称 C. 从事工程管理工作 D. 具有一定年限的工程建设实践经验 E. 热爱本职工作 [多项选择]社区获得性肺炎的临床诊断依据是()。
A. 发热 B. 胸部X线检查显示斑片状阴影 C. WBC>10乘以十的九次方/L或<4乘以十的九次方/L D. 新近出现的咳嗽、咳痰,并出现脓性痰 E. 肺实变体征 [单选题]指战员大会,每( )或者一个工作阶段召开1次。
A.周 B.半月 C.月 D.季度 [单项选择]19世纪末20世纪初,在欧洲兴起一场新教育运动,其标志是______。
A. 英国人雷迪开办阿博茨霍尔姆乡村寄宿学校 B. 法国人德莫林开办罗歇斯学校 C. 德国人利茨开办乡村教育之家 D. 1912年国际新教育联盟的成立 [多选题]甲因与妻子感情不和,已经分居半年,正在闹离婚。一日,甲暴病身亡,未留遗嘱。甲留有遗产10万元,甲的下列亲属中有权继承该10万元遗产的是()。
A.其子乙 B.其父丙 C.其妻丁 D.其弟戊 [多选题]持续推进数字化全量客户运营体系落地,通过“四全五化“建设,实现高效客户运营,提升客户价值。下面属于五化的是( )。
A.集约化 B.一体化 C.精准化 D.数字化 [单选题]浮充电运行的铅酸蓄电池,单只蓄电池电压应保持在( )之间。
A.1.15±0.05V; B.1.65±0.05V; C.2.15±0.05V; D.2.55±0.05V [单选题]个人收入中,应按"劳务报酬所得"缴纳个人所得税的是( )。
A.在其他单位兼职取得的收入 B.退休后再任职取得的收入 C.在任职单位取得董事费收入 D.个人购买彩票取得的中奖收入 [多选题]属于油脂类的坚果包括()。
A.榛子 B.腰果 C.杏仁 D.葵花籽 [判断题]变压器室不得开窗。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]柱上隔离开关的直流电阻在超过标准值50%以上时,应进行解体检查,消除接触不良处的接触电阻,特别是拉簧式中间触头打磨处理,如果解体检修后,电阻仍超标应进行更换处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]因胃阴不足引起呃逆的主要表现是()
A. 呃声短促而不得续 B. 呃声低弱无力,气不得续 C. 呃逆连声,常因情志不畅而诱发或加重 D. 呃声洪亮有力,冲逆而出,口臭烦渴 E. 呃声沉缓有力,得热则减,遇寒更甚 我来回答: 提交