On British Newspapers Besides the daily newspapers, there are a number of Sunday newspapers in Britain. Manyof them are connected with the "dailies", though not run by the same editor and his members.The Sunday papers are larger than the daily papers and usually contain more articles concernedwith comment (评论) and general information rather than news. The national daily and Sunday papers have the largest circulation(发行) in the world. Of the Sunday papers, the Observer and the Sunday Times are the best known. It is a regrettable fact that the number of magazines of a literary or political nature hasdropped down since the war. This has probably been caused by the everwider use of radio andtelevision. The most successful magazines are those published for women. [填空题]所谓“合理密植”是指能充分利用()、()资源保证棉花的个体发育良好。
[单选题]SDH的基本复用单元的下标表示与此复用单元相应的信号“ ”。
A.质量 B.效率 C.级别 D.容量 [单项选择]关于安全控制柜操作注意事项的说法不正确的是()。
A. 检查控制柜供电是否正常。若POWER指示灯不亮,可检查供电线路和熔断器 B. 检查安全控制系统。启动控制柜查看“RUN”指示是否正常,有无报警发生 C. 安全控制柜的温度越低越有利于元器件散热,对安全控制柜越好 D. 定期吹扫内部灰尘,以保证风道的畅通和元件的绝缘 [单选题]持证人员在同一会计从业资格证管理机构管辖范围内调转工作单位,且继续从事会计工作的,应当自离开工作单位之日起的一定期限内,填写调转登记表,持会计从业资格证书及调入单位开具的从事会计工作的证明,办理调转登记。该期限为()。
A.15日 B.90日 C.20日 D.60日 [单选题]( )应将经批准的电力设施新建、改建或扩建的规划和计划通知城乡建设规划主管部门。
A.电力施工单位 B.电力运维单位 C.电力管理部门 D.电力检修单位 [多项选择]下列属于六极的为()
A. 气极 B. 血极 C. 筋极 D. 骨极 E. 肌极 [判断题] 机动车所有人的住所迁出车辆管理所管辖区域的,转出地车辆管理所应当自受理之日起三日内,查验机动车,在机动车登记证书上签注变更事项,将机动车档案交机动车所有人。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]全国人民代表大会常务委员会的职权有 () 。
A.立法权 B.任免权 C.决定权 D.监督权 [单项选择]
A. NST B. OCT C. CST D. OCT和CST E. 以上都不是 [简答题]MK系列快速密闭的用途和特点有哪些?
[单项选择]—Would you like to go picnicking with us today —______, but it looks like rain.
[简答题]Edith Smith of New York was concerned about her 18-month-old daughter, Amanda The daughter did not respond when her parents spoke to her, and never react to noises. "She doesn’t seem to know what is happening around her," she told the doctor. Without examining Amanda, the doctor assured Edith that her little girl was fine.
But when Amanda was not talking by the time she was two, Edith and her husband became more and more anxious. (1) Finally, Edith took Amanda to an ear, nose and throat specialist, who did an auditory brain-stem response test in which clicking sounds sent through earphones are measured in the brain. This examination showed that Amanda was severely hearing-impaired in both ears. The tragedy was that late detection had delayed her language development and threatened, long-term, to hinder her growth socially.
Hearing impairment is one of the most common birth defects in Asia today. (2) Dr. Andrew Smith, medical officer with the World Health organization’s Ac
A. 力图建立正常的外交关系 B. 小农的保守意识 C. 没有与外来反清势力联合 D. 对西方列强本质认识不清 [单选题]下列不属于房地产投资方式的是( )。
A.房地产购买 B.房地产租赁 C.房地产信托 D.房地产担保 [名词解释]逆变器
[判断题]小型机械捣固时两台捣固机应同起、同落、同时转移推进,动作一致,保持平稳。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]票务事故调查应当在()个工作日内完成,遇重大、复杂或特殊情况需要延
长时间的,可以申请适当延长处理时间。 A.3 B.5 C.7 D.10 [多选题]电气三相五线( )
A.A. 相 B.B. 相 C.C.相 D. N线 E.地线 [多选题]短促口令其特点是:( ),不论几个字,中间( ),通常按音节(字数)平均分配时间,是时最后一个稍长,发音短促有力。
A.只有动令 B.预令 C.不拖音 D.不停顿 我来回答: 提交