W: Are you going to New York tomorrow
M: Yes. I thought I’d drive or fly, but I decided that taking a bus would be cheaper and more convenient than driving or flying.
When television first began to expand,
very few of the people who had become famous as radio commentators (31)
effective on television. Some of the difficulties they experienced
when they were trying to (32) themselves to the new medium
(33) When working (34) radio for
example, they had become (35) to seeing on behalf of the
listener. This art of seeing for others means that the commentator had to be
very good at taling. (36) all he has to be able to create a
continuous sequence of visual images which add meaning to the sounds which the
listener hears. In the case of television, however, the commentator sees
everything with the viewer. His role, (37) is completely
different. He is there to make sure that the viewer does not miss some point of
interest, to help him focus on particular things, and A. were able to be equally B. were able to be equal C. were able being equally D. were able to be equal [单项选择]( )文件按单位工程、专业、阶段、分部工程组卷。
A. 施工设计文件 B. 竣工验收文件 C. 施工文件 D. 工程前期文件 [填空题]()是影响微生物生存及生物化学反应最重要的因素之一。
[单选题]根据DL/T499—2001《农村低压电力技术规程》的规定,一般架空线路的弛度误差不得超过设计值的( )。
A.±5% B.-5%,+10% C.-10%,5% D.±10% [填空题]教师劳动具有复杂性、( )( )长期性、劳动的个体性和劳动成果的集体性等特点。
A.血瘀 B.风湿 C.实热 D.厥逆 E.痛经 [简答题]简述玄学的历史地位和作用。
A.铅酸卷电池 B.镣镉电池 C.锂聚合物电池 [判断题]冬季天气寒冷,露天作业人员穿戴较多,衣着笨重,行动不便,反应相对迟缓,作业场所溜滑,易碰伤或摔伤。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]新版铁路乘车证共分( )。
A.9种 B.10种 C.11种 D.12种 [判断题] 题目:金融机构向金融消费者说明重要内容和披露风险时,应当依照相关法律法规、监管要求留存相关资料,留存时间不少于五年。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 从电热转换方式上工业电锅炉有三种形式,不包含以下哪种形式( )。
A. 电压式 B. 电磁式 C. 电阻式 D. 电极式 [判断题]物质的燃点越高 ,发生的危险性越大。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]一般说来,人民内部矛盾是在人民根本利益一致基础上的矛盾,因而是非对抗性的矛盾。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]受电弓及车顶状态动态检测系统实现了对受电弓滑板磨耗、中心线偏移、工作压力等关键特性参数的“ ” 。
A.动态自动检测 B.动态手动检测 C.静态自动检测 D.静态手动检测 [判断题]在一定条件下,烯烃能以双键加成的方式互相结合,生成相对分子质量较高的化合物,这种反应称 为烯烃的聚合反应。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交