期数 | 5% | 6% | 7% | 8% | 10% |
1 | 0.9524 | 0.9434 | 0.9346 | 0.9259 | 0.9091 |
2 | 0.9070 | 0.8900 | 0.8734 | 0.8573 | 0.8264 |
3 | 0.8638 | 0.8396 | 0.8163 | 0.7938 | A. 1600 B. 1428.07 C. 11600 D. 171.93 [单选题]A-C-B-001 4 2 3
凡承受动荷载的结构构件或连接,应进行( )。 A.荷载组合 B. 冲击力检算 C. 疲劳检算 D. 离心力检算 [判断题]1 根据新奥能源工程数字化系统应用管理规则要求:PE管热熔连接前应选定本工程项目名称或项目定义。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在重点防火部位或场所以及禁止明火区动火作业,应填用动火工作票,其方式有()。
A.填用配电一级动火工作票 B.填用配电二级动火工作票 C.填用三级动火工作票 D.填用作业指导书 E.略 F.略 [单选题]十八反中反藜芦的清热药是哪一组
A.金银花、连翘、栀子 B.青黛、板蓝根、秦皮 C.黄柏、黄连、黄芩 D.苦参、玄参、赤芍 E.大青叶、红藤、败酱草 [判断题]( )砖柱在计算工程量时,其高度从下层地面算至上层地面,不应扣除梁头所占体积。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]使用钳形电流表测量时若需拆除遮栏(围栏),应在拆除遮栏(围栏)后立即进行。工作结束,应恢复遮栏(围栏)原状。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]光缆线路终端引上杆上装设预留架,每处预留( )米。
A.15 B.20 C.25 D.30 [单选题]轴颈与防尘板座之间的过渡圆弧称为()。(1.0分)
A.轮座前肩 B.轮座后肩 C.卸荷槽 D.轴颈后肩 [单项选择]()包括斗子与链条两个部分
A. 斗链组件 B. 机尾部 C. 机头部 D. 箱体 [单选题]根据《沧州市商业银行汽车消费贷款管理办法》规定,经销商从事汽车经销行业()年以上,有()年以上的消贷管理经验,且在其他金融机构无不良贷款记录。( )
A. 2,3 B. 2,4 C. 3,2 D. 4,2 [多选题]办理刑事案件中需要查明的案件事实包括( )。
A.实施犯罪行为的时间、地点、手段、后果以及其他情节 B.犯罪行为是否为犯罪嫌疑人实施 C.犯罪嫌疑人实施犯罪行为的动机、目的 D.犯罪嫌疑人有无法定从重、从轻、减轻处罚以及免除处罚的情节 [简答题] Life is indeed full of problems on which we have to make decisions, as citizens or as private individuals. But neither the real difficulty of these decisions, nor their true and disturbing challenge to each individual, can often be communicated through the mass media. The disinclination to suggest a real choice of individual decision, which is to be found in the mass media, is not simply the product of a commercial desire to keep the customers happy. It is within the grain of mass communications.
The organs of the Establishment, however well intentioned they may be and whatever their form (the State, the Church, voluntary societies, political parties), have a vested(既得的)interest in ensuring that the public boat is not violently rocked and will so affect those who work within the mass media that they will be led insensibly towards forms of production which, though they go through the motions of dispute and enquiry, do not break through the skin to where such enquiries might reall
[单选题]调车、矮型出站、矮型进路、复示信号机,容许、引导信号及各种表示器,不得小于 ( )m。
A.100 B.200 C.300 D.400 [单选题]根据执行的层次分类,美国农产品质量标准的主体是( )。
A.国家标准 B.企业标准 C.行业标准 D.地方标准 [判断题]目前农发行逐步形成了以粮棉油收储、加工、流通为重点的全产业链信贷业务和以支持新农村建设和水利建设为重点的农业农村基础设施建设中长期信贷业务“两轮驱动”的业务发展格局。
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