The Xinhua bookstore chain, China’s
largest official publishing enterprise, has become a surprising flash point for
interest among foreign venture capital investors. "We are actively promoting the process of shareholding reform. Everyday, we receive lots of offers from domestic and foreign investors interested in getting involved and may pick one or two to do so in the next two to three months," Zhang Yashan, the leading cadre of the head store’s office said. According to a company insider who requested anonymity, several securities firms are overseeing Xinhua bookstore’s reform and the company could list on the domestic stock market once reforms are reported to the government in May and then completed. The source would not reveal the specific names of the firms involved or details of the reform. "We will stipulate that we must remain the m A. The largest bookstore is going to accept foreign investment. B. Xinhua bookstore is going to have a shareholding reform. C. Xinhua bookstore must take actions according to the situation. D. Xinhua bookstore has to keep its promise with WTO. [判断题]公民应当按照规定对生活废弃物进行混合弃置,减少日常生活对环境造成的损害。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]工作票上应填写使用的接地线( )等随工作区段转移情况。
A.编号 B.装拆时间 C.位置 D.装设人 [简答题]取得的增值税普通发票可以抵扣进项税额。
[单项选择]利用键盘在对话框中的不同项目组问移动光标用( )键。
A. Tab B. Esc C. Shift D. Ctrl [单选题]受行政侵权行为侵害的公民死亡,()有权要求赔偿。
A.其继承人和其他有扶养关系的亲属 B.其所在村(居)民委员会 C.当地民政部门 D.其近亲属 [多选题]消防“三懂三会”中的三会内容为:( )。
A.会报警 B.会预防火灾 C.会使用消防器材 D.会扑救初起火灾 [单项选择]男性患者,46岁。发现右面部膨隆9个月。曲面断层片显示右下颌骨体后部及下颌支多房型透影区。部分呈蜂窝状改变,下颌支骨质膨胀明显,下颌第三磨牙移位。此种X线表现最可能的诊断是()
A. 骨纤维异常增殖症 B. 含牙囊肿 C. 成釉细胞瘤 D. 牙源性角化囊肿 E. 根尖囊肿 [单项选择]
M: You were very quiet at the meeting this morning. A. She wanted to make everyone else interested. B. She found the meeting uninteresting. C. She was listening attentively to the other people. D. She wanted everyone at the meeting to be quiet. [多项选择]车身板料基本敲平后,再用木锤进行一次调整性地敲击,以使整个组织舒展均匀,消除内应力,有利于金属板的()。
A. 消除应力 B. 防止腐蚀 C. 表面美观 D. 充分延展 [判断题]某商场以包安装方式向客户销售空调,这属于混合销售行为,应当一并缴纳增值税
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列属于材料盘点的内容有( )。
A.清点材料数量 B.检查材料质量 C.检查堆码是否合理 D.永续盘点 [单选题]下列关于法人分公司.子公司,表述错误的一项为( )
A.法人分支机构以自己的名义从事民事活动,产生的民事责任由法人承担。 B.法人分支机构以自己的名义从事民事活动,也可以先以该分支机构管理的财产承担,不足以承担的,由法人承担。 C.法人分支机构从性质上属于法人的组成部分 D.法人分公司与子公司,权利义务相同。 我来回答: 提交