1 LAND, Switzerland, May 12 - The world’s cod stocks
could be wiped out by 2020 because of overfishing, illegal catches and oil
exploration, the World Wildlife Fund says. 2 In a report to be released on Thursday, the environmental group said the world’s largest remaining cod stock, in the Barents Sea, was under particular threat. 3 The world’s cod fisheries are disappearing fast, with a global catch that declined to 1 million tons in 2000, from 3.42 million tons in 1970, the report said. 4 "If such a trend continues, the world’s cod stocks will disappear in 15 years time," it said. 5 In North America, the catch has declined by 90 percent since the early 1980’s, while in European waters, the catch of North Sea cod is now just 25 percent of what it was two decades ago. 6 "Overfishing of cod continues because fisheries A. The Barents Sea cod stock has been declining since the 1990s. B. In North America, the cod catch is now just 10 percent of what it was two decades ago. C. Barents Sea cod were not threatened by expanded shipping and oil exploration plans instead of by illegal catches. D. Both Russia and Norway will reopen the potentially oil-rich sea for exploration. [判断题]人机界面(DMI)安装在CC机柜内。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]扑救医院火灾时,必须要坚持救人第一原则,集中兵力于火场主要方面。( ))
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]有关N1级护士职责说法错误的是()
A.在上级护士指导下负责二级、三级护理的患者 B.按照护理工作流程、标准、技术规范完成患者基础护理和一般专科护理 C.承担轻患者的护理,包括评估患者、实施护理措施和评价护理效果 D.参与重症患者护理配合 E.参与护生的临床带教工作 [判断题] ( ) 进站、出站、进路信号机及线路所的通过信号机,均以显示停车信号为定位。
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A. Because it can be easily remembered by a computer hacker. B. Because computer programs can crack it. C. Because computer hackers are determined to crack it. D. Because the lists are so huge that the words are not easy to remember. [单项选择]目前广泛应用的人类生育控制技术不包括()
A. 避孕 B. 人工流产 C. 绝育 D. 产前优生学诊断 E. 克隆 [单项选择]直流锅炉给水调节系统中,校正信号是()
A. 汽包水位信号; B. 过热度; C. 水煤比; D. 以上都不是。 [单项选择]“四折一楔子”是()剧本结构的通例。
A. 南戏 B. 传奇 C. 元杂剧 D. 昆剧 [单项选择]甲向乙银行借款20万元,乙银行要求甲提供担保,甲遂请丙以其所有的一个房产为其债务提供了抵押,并依法办理了登记。约定债务履行期间为2001年5月1日之前还款,担保期间为6个月,并在登记部门登记了该保证期间;后来甲不能清偿到期债权,但乙银行也没有要求甲还款,也不行使担保物权,到了2004年8月,乙银行要求实现担保物权。
A. 该担保期间具有法律效力,当事人应当遵守,乙银行未能在6个月期间内行使担保物权,现在不能行使 B. 该债权已经经过诉讼时效,乙银行不能行使担保物权 C. 担保物权是没有期限限制的,因此乙银行的担保物权并没有消灭,一直可以行使 D. 乙银行在主债权的诉讼时效结束后的二年内行使担保物权,应当予以支持 [多项选择]下列哪些情形不属于法定不追究刑事责任的情形( )
A. 贾某,盗窃200元,因情节显著轻微,危害不大,不认为是犯罪 B. 薛某,犯过失致人死亡罪,20年被发现是犯罪嫌疑人 C. 王某,犯侮辱罪,被害人起诉后又撤回自诉 D. 张某,犯杀人罪,杀害被害人后悔,自杀,未果,经抢救生还但成为植物人 [填空题]脑转移瘤预防照射的剂量一般为________。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]按照来源的不同,种质资源可分为哪些类型?
A. 向上 B. 向下 C. 靠低断面中心 D. 任意 [简答题]简述变压器正常过负荷能力的意义。
A. 出生~1岁半 B. 1岁半~3岁 C. 3~6岁 D. 青春期 E. 12岁~成年 我来回答: 提交