Task 1
Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, num- bered36 through40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A , B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
In many countries, such as France, Greece, and Japan, it is often more difficult for students to pass the college entrance exams than to do the course work when they are actually in college, and students who don't have much money are at a disadvantage. Students prepare for these tests for years in advance. Often,stu-dents attend a private school at night to get ready for them. These private schools are usually expensive. If their families don't have much money, students can't attend, and they might not pass the entrance exams without this extra preparation.
In contrast, students can easily get into an American or Can
A. advantages of college study in North America
B. differences in college education In different countries
C. American higher education
D. higher education in general
Advancing age means losing your hair,
your waistline and your memory, right Dana Denis is just 40 years old, but
(21) she’s worried about what she calls "my rolling mental
blackouts." "I try to remember something and I just blank out," she
says. You may (22) about these lapses, calling them "senior moments" or blaming "early Alzheimer’s(老年痴呆症)." Is it an inescapable fact that the older you get, the (23) you remember Well, sort of. But as time goes by, we tend to blame age (24) problems that are not necessarily age-related. "When a teenager can’t find her keys, she thinks it’s because she’s distracted or disorganized," says Paul Gold "A 70-year-old blames her (25) ." In fact, the 70-year-old may have been (26) things for decades. In healthy people, memory doesn’t worsen as (27) as A. famous B. senior C. popular D. trained [单选题]直肠癌的早期症状为
A.消瘦、贫血 B.肝大、腹水 C.骶部持续性疼痛 D.肠梗阻症状 E.排便习惯改变,腹泻或便秘 [单选题]某种呈香物质其含量为1470mg/L,香味强度为82.2,该物质阈值为 。
A.A. 15.9 mg/L B.B. 16.9 mg/L C.C. 17.9 mg/L D.D. 18.9 mg/L [单选题]信号表示器分为道岔、脱轨、进路、发车、发车线路、调车及()。PJ68(0.01分)
A.车挡表示器 B.驼峰表示器 C.进站表示器 [填空题]FOCKE408条盒透明纸包装机的()由上下两排每排5包共10包烟组成。
[单选题]列车在区间被迫停车后如遇自动制动机故障,动车组以外的旅客列车以外的其它列车( )应立即采取安全措施,并向车站值班员(列车调度员)报告,请求救援。(技规)
A.车辆乘务员 B.运转车长 C.司机 [单选题]在邻近或交叉其他带电电力线处作业时,采取有效措施,使人体、导线、工器具等与110kV带电导线的最小安全距离为( )m。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.$5.00 [单选题]中队(站)应当组织进行查铺查哨,每夜不少于( )次。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]下列方剂中可用治消谷善饥的是
A.一贯煎 B.玉女煎 C.健脾丸 D.六君子汤 E.黑逍遥散 [判断题]货物列车在无列检作业场的车站发生车辆漏泄时,车站人员(无人站为机车乘务员)在车辆人员的指导下,确认车辆制动支管漏泄后,可关闭车辆截断塞门,但必须符合关门车编挂规定;非车辆制动支管漏泄或不符合编挂规定,将故障车辆摘下,并通知车辆段派人处理;列车在区间运行中产生漏泄时,可运行至前方站处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]柴油发动机排放物()会危害人的眼睛和呼吸道。
A. 微粒物(PM) B. 氮氧化物(NOx) C. 碳氢化合物(HC) [单项选择]保险公司的股东大会、股东会、董事会的重大决议,应当在决议作出后()内向中国保监会报告,中国保监会另有规定的除外。
A. 10日 B. 20日 C. 30日 D. 60日 [判断题] 对违反安全管理红线的员工,予以降级(降职)处 分,降级(降职)后需通过上岗资格认证的岗位,重新考取上岗证。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]According to the passage, if a person never forgot, ______.
A. he would survive best B. he would have a lot of trouble C. his ability to learn would be enhanced D. the evolution of memory would stop [单选题] 简单来说,云计算可以使“计算”分布到大量的分布式计算机上,由统一的服务器进
行管控。( ) 163 A. 正确 B. 错误 [单选题]刚构桥可根据外形分为( )。
A.门形刚构桥、斜腿刚构桥、板型桥 B.门形刚构桥、直腿刚构桥、板型桥 C.门形刚构桥、斜腿刚构桥、箱型桥 D.门形刚构桥、直腿刚构桥、箱型桥 [不定项选择]集散系统调试通常在()进行。
A. 零点 B. 中间值 C. 死区 D. 满量程 [多选题]警车、消防车、救护车、工程救险车执行紧急任务时,可以使用警报器、标志灯具;在确保安全的前提下,不受()的限制,其他车辆和行人应当让行。
A.行驶路线 B.行驶方向 C.行驶速度 D.信号灯 [单选题]挖补、截换时,须符合原设计的()、()和()的要求。
A.材质;形状;厚度 B.材质;尺寸;型号 C.材质;形状;型号 D.外观;形状;厚度 [填空题]汽车上采用的液压传动装置以容积式为工作原理的常称_______。
[多选题]‐ 新系列港币纸币采用的主要防伪特征包括以下( )。
A.光彩光变图案 B.荧光安全线 C.变色开窗金属线 D.荧光对印图案 [单选题] 根据《公路水路行业安全生产隐患治理暂行办法》规定,生产经营单位对发现或排查出的隐患,应当按照( ),确定隐患等级,形成隐患清单。
A.隐患分级判定指南 B.隐患管控制度 C.隐患治理手册 D.隐患监督检查 [填空题]
Directions: There are 15 blanks in the passage. For each blank, some letters of the word have been given (not exceeding 3 letters). Read the passage below and think of the word which best fits each blank. Use only one word in each blank. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet. In the 1960s and 1970s attention began to be paid to women’s
liberation, and a serious attempt was made by women to get equal fights and
treatment. The story has u {{U}} (76) {{/U}} been the same. When a woman
looks for work, the first question she is asked is, "Can you type " No
consideration is given to the woman’s mind of sc {{U}} (77) {{/U}} of
qualifications. Women have been thought of only as office workers in government
and business, but not as officers; as nurses and teachers, but not as doctors
and lawyers. People had a picture in their minds of women happily working in
their homes and not wanting to c {{U}} (78) {{/U}}. The resul
[单选题]下列违反治安管理行为中,不适用从重处罚的是( )。
A.甲殴打王某,有较严重后果 B.乙教唆王某盗窃 C.丙殴打举报自己违法的张某 D.丁殴打他人,经查6个月内曾因交通违章被处罚 [单选题]对有违法行为的中介机构及其直接责任人员,吊销其相应资质和资格,()内不得从事安全评价、认证、检测、检验等工作;
A.一年 B.三年 C.五年 D.十年 [判断题]在客户侧开展电能计量、业扩报装、用电检查、分布式电源、充(换)电设备检修(试验)、综合能源等相关工作,可根据客户有关规定,执行客户方准许在电气设备上工作的安全要求,供电方作业人员保留备份。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]武汉护理假多少天?护理津贴如何计算?
[判断题]流程管理)判断题因特殊情况, 采购人可以将应当以公开招标方式采购的 货物或者服务化整为零或者以其他任何方式采购。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] 对船体大破洞,可用于堵漏的物品有()。 ①床垫、木板 ②堵漏毯、木柱
A. ① B. ② C. ①② 我来回答: 提交