Chess must be one of the oldest games
in the world. An Arab traveler in India in the year 900 wrote that it was played
"long, long ago". Chess was probably invented in India, and it has been played
everywhere from Japan to Europe since 1400. The name "chess" is interesting.
When one player is attacking the other’s king, he says, in English, "check".
When the king has been caught and cannot move anywhere, he says "check mate".
These words come from Persian. "Shah mat" means ’the king is dead’. That is when
the game is over, and one player has won. Such an old game changes very slowly. The rules have not always been the same as they are now. For example, at one time the queen could only move one square at a time. Now she is the strongest piece on the board. It would be interesting to know why this has happened! Chess takes time and thought, but A. Check mate. B. Check. C. Shah mat. D. The king is dead. [判断题]外闸瓦车禁止溜放。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]人民银行规定的贷记卡不符合免息条件的透支交易按日利率()收取利息
A.万分之三 B.万分之二 C.万分之五 D.万分之六 [单选题](17年新增试题)某市电力公司的下列违法行为,根据《网络安全法》的规定,明确属于公安机关管辖的是( )。
A.非法获取用户银行账户交易情况的个人信息 B.使用某网络公司提供的未通过安全审查的网络服务 C.未经安全评估向境外某能源集团提供该市电力使用情况的网络数据 D.采购某公司的网络产品,未与该公司签订安全保密协议 [单选题]有机物绝缘拉杆预防性试验,要求( )进行一次试验。
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列哪项是错误的( ) A.肺活量减低 B.残气量增加 C.残气容积占肺总量的百分比降低 D.第一秒用力呼气量减低 E.最大呼气中期流速减低 [判断题]使用绳索进行救人、自救训练,操作人员应对安全钩、安全吊带等装备进行认真检查,确认锁定无误、穿戴正确后,方可实施操作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()
肿瘤的三级预防中的二级预防的目的是 A.提高生活质量 B.延长生命 C.降低发病率 D.降低病死率 E.减轻痛苦 [多选题] 灭火战斗行动包括哪几个环节( ).
A. 接警出动,火情侦察 B. 战斗展开,抢救被困人员、疏散和保护物资 C. 破拆和供水,撤离火场 D. 清点人员和物资,战评总结 [单选题]主机与MMI接口中,12脚定义为( )。
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A. 胃炎 B. 急性扁桃体炎 C. 糖尿病 我来回答: 提交