The idea of public works projects as a
device to prevent or control depression was designed as a means of creating job
opportunities for unemployed workers and as a "pump-priming" device to aid
business to revive. It was conceived during the early years of the New Deal Era
(1933--1937). By 1933, the number of unemployed workers had reached about 13
million. This meant that about 50 million people--about one-third of the
nation--were without means of support. At first, direct relief in the form of
cash or food was provided these people. This made them recipients of government
charity. In order to remove this stigma and restore to the unemployed some
measure of respectability and human dignity, a plan was devised to create
governmentally sponsored work projects that private industry would not or could
not provide. This would also stimulate production and reviv A. letters were reversed B. work projects of the former were carded ont by the Federal government C. government subsidized private industry D. number of unemployed was reduced [多项选择]对蟑螂进行密度测定,可以获取哪些有关数据()
A. 取食习性 B. 分布情况 C. 产卵行为 D. 数量变化 E. 抗药性 F. 种群结构 [判断题]使用中的氧气瓶和乙炔气瓶应水平固定放置。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] Testing Times
Researchers are working on ways to reduce the need for animal experiments, but new laws may increase the number of experiments needed. The current situation In an ideal world, people would not perform experiments on animals. For the people, they are expensive. For the animals, they are stressful and often painful. That ideal world, sadly, is still some way away. People need new drugs and vaccines. They want protection from the toxicity of chemicals. The search for basic scientific answers goes on. Indeed, the European Commission is forging ahead with proposals that will increase the number of animal experiments carried out in the European Union, by requiring toxicity tests on every chemical approved for use within the union’s borders in the past 25 years. Already, the commission has identified 140,000 chemicals that have not yet been tested. It wants 30,000 of these to be examined right away, [单项选择]I/O总线用于CPU与除()之外的其他部件的连接
A. RAM B. 显示卡 C. 硬盘 D. 主板芯片组 [判断题]银行结算账户存续期间,开户行应当对单位存款人开户资格和实名制符合性进行动态复核,并根据复核情况作相应处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]手机是冲动性购买的快消产品,而不是理性购买的耐用品。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对事故中被埋压的人员,挖出后应首先清理呼吸道。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列是化妆品分类的是()。
A. 护肤类化妆品 B. 芳香类化妆品 C. 口腔类化妆品 D. 染发剂 E. 防晒祛斑类 [多项选择]某企业技改投资项目有两个可供选择的方案,各方案的投资额及评价指标见下表。若基准收益率ic= 12%,则适用于对这两个方案进行比选的方法有( )。
A. 净现值率法 B. 净年值法 C. 研究期法 D. 增量内部收益率法. E. 独立方案互斥化法 [单选题]在杆塔上作业时,应使用有后备保护绳或速差自锁器的双控背带式安全带,当后备保护绳超过()m时,应使用缓冲器。
A. A.1.5 B.B.2 C.C.2.5 D.D.3 [不定项选择题]A.稽留热
A.弛张热 B.间歇热 C.回归热 D.波状热 E.败血症的热型是 [多选题]以下关于砖体尺寸和位置允许偏差的说法正确的有( )
A.清水墙游丁走缝:10m B.外墙上下窗口偏移:20m C.表面平整度(混水墙、柱);5m D.基础、墙、柱顶面标高:土5m E.轴线位移:20m [填空题]磁力线垂直通过某一面积的条数,称为该面积的磁通量,简称()。
A. 通过观察其他人的行为和结果而成自己行为的过程 B. 能增强或降低个人行为再发生可能性的 C. 对特定行为的价值判断 D. 个人对执行某一特定行为的自信心 E. 对朝向目标的行为或行为实施的个人调节 我来回答: 提交