The safety of ships at sea does not
depend only on the arrangements made in the ships themselves. Dangerous coasts
and rocks may be seen in the daytime, (51) they are a threat
to safe navigation at night. Lighthouses are therefore erected at such places
to (52) sailors of the danger. Modern lighthouses are put up
at all dangerous places near the courses (53) by ships. On
some rocky coasts several lighthouses may be built not far from each other,
and (54) the sailors on a ship may know which is which, they
have (55) arrangements of lights. One lighthouse will
give a single flash at regular (56) , another may give two
flashes; a third may give two followed by one; and so on. (57)
watching the lights the navigator is able to decide exactly where he
is, and he can set his (58) with confidence. In A. another B. other C. the other D. one [单选题]双绕组变压器做为发电厂的主变压器,一般采用( )接线
A.YN,y0; B.YN,d11; C.YN,d1; D.YN,y6 [单选题]甲状腺功能亢进症临床表现多样,其在心脏方面的重要反应,最常见的是
A.房室传导阻滞 B.早搏 C.阵发性或持续性心房纤颤 D.心房扑动 E.窦性心动过速 [判断题](60579)( )圬工梁拱应重点检查观测悬臂梁的锚梁和集梁在动荷载作用下的技术状态,并检查受拉部位有无裂纹。( )(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]隐性黄疸
A. 血清总胆红素为1.7~17.1μmaol/L B. 清总胆红素为17~34μmol/L C. 血清总胆红素为34~170μmol/L D. 血清总胆红素为170~340mol/L E. 血清总胆红素为350~720mol/L [判断题]在TDCS站机软件中选择“调度命令”菜单中调度命令查询可实现调度命令查询。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]谐波减速器的优点主要有()。
A.传动速比大 B.承载能力高 C.传动精度高 D.以上都是 [多项选择]阴茎癌腹股沟淋巴结清扫的适应证包括()
A. 发现腹股沟淋巴结肿大者 B. 应用抗生素4周,腹股沟肿大淋巴结无明显改善 C. T~T期,影像学检查怀疑淋巴结转移 D. 腹股沟淋巴结活检阳性 E. 原发病灶浸润海绵体,肿瘤细胞分化差 [单项选择]先秦诸子中,善用“欲擒故纵,引君入彀”论辩手法的是
A. 孔子 B. 孟子 C. 老子 D. 庄子 [单选题]与传统化油器发动机相比,装有电控燃油喷射系统的发动机()性能得以提高。
A.综合 B.有效 C.调速 D.负荷 [多选题]变电站()等工作均应按照标准化作业的要求进行。
A.维护 B.带电检测 C.消缺 D.排查 [单选题]下列关于口腔鳞状细胞癌的描述,不正确的是
A.是口腔中最常见的恶性肿瘤 B.男性多于女性 C.以口底鳞癌最多见 D.血行转移较少见 E.口腔后部鳞癌较易转移 [单项选择]主动脉瓣关闭不全
A. 右心室前负荷加重 B. 右心室后负荷加重 C. 左心室前负荷加重 D. 左心室后负荷加重 E. 两心室前负荷加重 [单选题]昼间拢起的手信号旗或单臂转动作圆形为( )信号
A.好了 B.加速 C.减速 D.联络 我来回答: 提交