Although I am in perfect health, and in
possession of a valid class-one California driving license, I am running
{{U}} (31) {{/U}}problems getting employment in the trucking industry
because I am{{U}} (32) {{/U}}. You may have heard that in recent years, more and more women have been entering the trucking{{U}} (33) {{/U}}. But here’s the catch; in most{{U}} (34) {{/U}}, women are able to enter the trucking profession{{U}} (35) {{/U}}as part of a husband-wife driving team. As for putting a single woman{{U}} (36) {{/U}} with a male co-driver for long-distance hauling, the companies that I’ve been{{U}} (37) {{/U}}, on the{{U}} (38) {{/U}}that they spending all our time in the sleeper berth! In short, it’s {{U}} (42) {{/U}}that because I’m a woman, I’m incapable of be having responsibility on the road, of{{U}} (43) {{/U}}any A. for B. / C. against D. with [判断题]绝缘绳的高压试验周期为每6个月1次。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]{{B}}Questions 11 to 18 are based on the first conversation you’re going to hear.{{/B}}
A. Plant some rose bushes in the yard. B. Cut some fresh flowers. C. Visit the park. D. Talk to someone who has visited the park. [判断题]对于3/2接线的边断路器保护,当重合闸需要检同期功能时,采用母线电压 MU接入相应间隔电压 MU的方式接入母线电压,同时需要考虑中断路器检同期
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]电报系统使用的数据交换技术是()
A. 分组 B. 报文 C. 电路 D. 邮政 [单选题]下列各句中,表达最为得体的一句是()。
A.我们的新产品得到了消费者的充分肯定,由此可见这次尝试是成功的 B.承蒙新老客户的支持和爱戴,产品的销量逐年增加 C.为了促进销售,购买本公司产品的消费者人人有赏 D.下午,我将莅临贵单位考察合作事宜 [判断题]不同施工单位在同一施工现场使用多台塔式起重机作业时,监理单位应当协调组织制 定防止塔式起重机相互碰撞的安全措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]断路器的作用是正常时(),故障时(),隔离开关的主要作用是(),保证安全,同一回路中串接的断路器和隔离开关操作时必须遵循以下原则,即送电时(),断电时()。
[单选题]S公司以单价10元每年购入某种产品8000件。每次订货费用为30元,资金年利息率为12%,单位维持库存费按所库存货物价值的18%计算,若每次订货的提前期为2周,年订货次数不是( )。
A.12 B.20 C.60 D.8 [单项选择]The romantic archetype of the poor, isolated writer living abroad was perhaps best immortalized by Ernest Hemingway in "A Moveable Feast," his memoir of life in Paris as a young writer in the 1920s. Yet little remains of the kind of life he described, while electronic communications, cheap travel and modern economics have virtually wiped out much of the expatriate writer ethos.
Paradoxically, those same developments have made life more practical for the many writers who still seek distant shores to escape the conventions and restrictions of their home countries. Nevertheless, it’s not quite what it used to be, as a few expatriate writers attest. Just this week, Norman Spinrad, an American science fiction writer who has lived in Paris for 15 years, suddenly had to repatriate to New York after his landlord decided to sell his Latin Quarter apartment. ’Tm being squeezed out of France," said Spinrad. "Because I’m a writer I don’t have a regular job. So in order to get an apartmen A. he cannot bear the brutality in the United States B. he has to experience two different cultures: the "softness" of European culture and the "brutality" in America C. he has to work regularly in France in order to survive D. he finds that he is no longer isolated [单选题]隔离开关可以开、合不超过( )km(延长公里)线路的空载电流,超过时,应经过试验,并经铁路局批准。(高铁安规第一百零一条)
A.5 B.10 C.15 [单选题](5分)单选题以下哪种味道使葡萄酒爽口?
A.酸 B.甜 C.苦 D.辣 [多选题]THDS-B+型探测站漏部分车号,故障原因有( )。
A.车号箱故障。 B.车号箱与主机通讯故障。 C.车号天线性能下降。 D.车号天线与同轴电缆接触不良。 [单选题]冲裁模具的配合件靠过盈来达到紧固连接的目的时,可用()法。
A.压入 B.焊接 C.紧固 D.粘接 [填空题]变压器的铜损的大小与( )的大小和( )有关。
(1)承包一个写字楼的建筑工程,价款20000万元,将其中装修部分分包给其他工程队承包,价款4000万元; (2)销售其在外地的一栋别墅楼,取得销售价款500万元,支付相关手续费10万元; (3)下属独立核算的运输公司提供境内联合运输劳务取得收入400万元,支付给其他运输企业价款100万元。 已知:建筑业税率为3%,销售不动产税率为5%,交通运输业税率为3%。 要求:根据上述资料,分析回答下列小题。 该公司当月运输劳务应缴纳的营业税为( )万元。 A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12 我来回答: 提交