Futurists love computers. After all,40
years ago electronic digital computers didn’t exist; today microchips as tiny as
a baby’s fingernail are making all sorts of tasks faster and easier. Surely the
future holds still more miracles. Some of the computer experiments now going on inspire exciting visions of the future. For example, scientists are working on devices that can electronically perform some sight and hearing functions, which could make life easier for the blind and deaf. They’re also working on artificial arms and legs that respond to the electric impulses produced by the human brain. Scientists hope that some day a person who’s lost an arm could still have near-normal brain control over an artificial arm. Video games, computerized special effects in movies, and real-life training machines now being used by th A. To tell the readers what computers will look like in the future. B. To show the close relations between man and computers. C. To tell the readers how important silicon microchips are. D. To talk about the possible future uses of computers. [填空题]
[判断题]燃烧必须在可燃物、助燃物、着火源(三要素)三者同时存在下并达到一定的条件后才会发生燃烧,因此,一旦发生火警,我们只要设法破坏上述三个条件(三要素)中任何一个条件,火就可以熄灭。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]车船税的征税范围包括依法应当在车船登记管理部门登记的机动车辆和船舶,但不包括依法不需要在车船登记管理部门登记的在单位内部场所行驶或者作业的机动车辆和船舶。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在Word中,正文最初默认的中文字体为( )。
A.楷体 B.宋体 C.黑体 D.仿宋体 [单选题]体液pH对药物跨膜转运影响,正确的描述是
A.弱酸性药物在酸性体液中解离度大,易通过生物膜扩散转运 B.弱酸性药物在碱性体液中解离度小,难通过生物膜扩散转运 C.弱碱性药物在碱性体液中解离度大,易通过生物膜扩散转运 D.弱碱性药物在酸性体液中解离度小,难通过生物膜扩散转运 E.弱碱性药物在碱性体液中解离度小,易通过生物膜扩散转运 我来回答: 提交