A.刺激外周化学感受器 | B.刺激中枢化学感受器 |
C.直接抑制呼吸中枢 | D.直接刺激呼吸中枢 |
E.直接刺激脑桥呼吸调整中枢 |
Whenever two or more {{B}}unusual traits
or situations{{/B}} are found in the same place, it is tempting to look for more
than a coincidental relationship between them. The high Himalayas and the
Tibetan plateau certainly have extraordinary physical characteristics and the
cultures that are found there are also unusual, though not unique. However there
is no intention of adopting Montesquieu’s view of climate and soil as cultural
determents. The ecology of a region merely poses some of the problems faced by
the inhabitants of the region, and while the problems facing a culture are
important to its development, they do not determine it. The appearance of the Himalayas during the late Tertiary Period and the accompanying further raising of the previously established rages had a marked effect on the clima A. based on firsthand experience B. the result of lifelong studies C. derived from books only D. limited to geological history [单选题]不包含在医学伦理学有利原则之内的是
A.关心患者的客观利益和主观利益 B.对利害得失全面权衡 C.努力预防和减少难以避免的伤害 D.努力使患者受益 E.造成有益伤害时主动积极赔偿 [多选题]《西宁客运段关于做好2018年防洪工作的通知》中规定,切实做到车内“四清”(),无堆放行李,通道畅通。
A.车门口清 B. 通道清 C.洗脸间清 D.连接处清 [判断题]有即刻机毁人亡危险的时候,机上谈判失效。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]经济发展是民族昌盛和国家富强的重要标志。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]桥式起重机吊钩处于下极限位置时,卷筒上保留( )圈钢丝绳时不符合规范要求。
A.4 B.3 C.2 D.1 [单选题]绝缘导线放线过程中,放线滑轮槽深不应小于绝缘线外径的( )倍。
A.1.1 B.1.2 C.1.25 D.1.5。 [单项选择]X线片上表现为根尖周围形透射区,边缘有致密线条环绕的是
A. 根尖囊肿 B. 根尖肉芽肿 C. 根尖脓肿 D. 急性根尖周炎 E. 牙瘤 [单选题]总队每半年,支队每季度,大队以下单位每月,应当组织( )次综合检查。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 我来回答: 提交