To: Robert Williams, School of Architecture
From: James. Johnson
Subject: Air-conditioning Installation Costs for East Hall
Date: June 4, 2006
I am writing to inform you of the costs of installing air-conditioning for the seven offices and two studio classrooms in East Hall.
Office and Classroom Installation
Estimates were obtained from three contractors on the costs of covering the offices and class-rooms. All these three were in the $20,000 to $25,000 range. The work would take about three weeks.
Because the central unit would be installed on the roof, some noise problems might occur during a four-or five-day period. And this work could be started from this weekend, and the over-time labor costs of about $1,500 have been included in the estimates.
Additional Installation
Because a larger installation, including a more powerful central unit, would be necessary to handle the halls and stairways,
In my newspaper column some months ago,
I reprinted a short essay on youth by Samuel Ullman, an author unknown to me.
Then I got a call from Ullman’s great-grandson, Richard Ullman Rosenfield, a
psychologist. He told me that he had been intrigued with the "spiritual journey"
of the essay, especially in Japan. Gen. Douglas MacArthur, I learned, often quoted Ullman’s "Youth" essay and kept a framed copy over his desk throughout the Pacific campaign. It’s believed that the Japanese picked up the work from his Tokyo headquarters. Unlikely as it may sound, this essay, written more than 70 years ago, is the underpinning of much Japanese productivity and the basis of many businessmen’s life philosophies. Many carry creased copies in their wallets. "Anyone worth his salt in Japanese business knows and uses this essay," sa A. merchant. B. writer. C. soldier. D. clerk. [判断题]二次措施单中的过程安全措施,应在相应过程作业开始前,经现场核实正确后,由工作负责人实施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]动车组防寒工作中对电气设备进行绝缘检测及( ),并根据季节需要更换润滑油、玻璃水等。【局防寒过冬】
A.使用 B.实验 C.带电实验 D.通电实验 [单选题]《高速铁路接触网运行维修规则》(铁总运[2015]362号),接触网在自然环境中应满足系统()性、安全性要求,有足够的机械、电气强度和安全性能。
A.可靠 B.持续 C.专业 D.机械 [单选题]建设()关乎人类的未来。
A.工业文明 B.生态文明 C.农业文明 D.技术文明 [简答题]某企业有一笔5年后到期的借款,数额为2000万元,为此设立偿债基金,年利率为10%,到期一次还清借款,问每年年末应存入的金额是多少?
A.500 B.800 C.600 [单项选择]表格的作用是()。
A. 链接到别的网站 B. 提供插图 C. 提供文本输入 D. 在网页上布置文本和图形 [单选题]在该项作业过程中,斗内电工在拆除绑扎线时,帮扎线的展放长度不应大于( )mm。
A.80 B.100 C.150 D.200 [单选题]一吨航空汽油约为
A.1389升 B.1333 升 C.1000 升 我来回答: 提交