The sudden, dramatic explosion in value of online social media sites like Facebook and Twitter is reminiscent of the rise, about 15 years ago, of the online businesses that created the "dotcom bubble. " The Internet was far less widely used than it is today. Still, visionaries saw the potential for the Internet we have today, so virtual companies sprung up and grew like weeds as investors threw money their way. Some, like Google and Amazon, developed an enduring online presence and lasting financial value. But far too many quickly lost value when it became apparent that their rapid growth wasn’t yielding revenue.
So, how much is Facebook’s network of users really worth The potential is clear—when so many people are gathered in one virtual place, offering so much personal information about themselves, they create an unprecedented platform for targeted advertising. Or they would, if they were on the network to shop. When eBay and Amazon suggest p
A. Facebook is now finding itself short of money
B. venture investment is safer than issuing an IPO
C. it gives Facebook more time for propaganda
D. Facebook does not have to make its finances public yet
Humans are unique in the extent to
which they can reflect on themselves and others. Humans are able to
{{U}} (31) {{/U}}, to think in abstract terms, to reflect on the future.
A meaningless, {{U}} (32) {{/U}} world is an insecure world. We do not
like extensive insecurity. When it {{U}} (33) {{/U}} to human behavior we
infer meaning and {{U}} (34) {{/U}} to make the behavior understandable.
{{U}} (35) {{/U}} all this means is that people develop "quasi theories"
of human behavior, that is, theories that are not
developed in a/an {{U}} (36) {{/U}}, scientific manner.
When doing so, people believe they know {{U}} (37) {{/U}} humans do th A. reason B. mediate C. consider D. rationalize [单选题] [T]BA026 4 1 5
摆动转子泵工作流量的大小取决于( )的大小。 A.气缸与曲轴之间相对体积 B.气缸与转子之间相对体积 C.曲轴与转子之间相对体积 D.泵壳与转子之间相对体积[T/] [单选题]灭火救援现场着火位置或部位、燃烧物质、人员被困、灭火和救人的措施及战术、到场力量能否控制火势蔓延发展等消息第一到场力量应在报到场( )内进行初步侦察了解并向总队指挥中心报告。
A.3分钟 B.5分钟 C.7分钟 D.10分钟 [单选题]该住宅楼避难间疏散照明的地面最低照度应不小于多少?
A.1.0Lx B.3.0Lx C.5.0Lx D.10.0Lx [单选题]4.88. 第88题
对林木的育种、育苗、造林和更新、森林管护等活动执行农业电价。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]近年来,学院发展突飞猛进,硕果累累。成功入选“双高计划”建设单位,荣获全国首批创新创业典型经验高校__强称号,教学业绩考核连续__年稳居全省高职A类阵等等。
A.50;5 B.60;5 C.50;6 D.60;6 [单选题]接地电阻不符合规定要求者,巡视设备时,应穿(),并及时通知现场作业人员
A.绝缘鞋 B.绝缘靴 C.导电鞋 D.防护服 [单选题]肛裂"三联征"是指
A.内痔、外痔、肛裂 B.肛裂、内痔、前哨痔 C.内痔、外痔、前哨痔 D.肛裂、前哨痔、相应位置的肛乳头肥大 E.肛裂、外痔、前哨痔 [多项选择]领导有两个基本特点,即( )。
A. 号召力 B. 责任心 C. 影响力 D. 指导和激励能力 [单选题]矿井开拓新水平和准备新采区的( ),必须引入总回风巷或主要回风巷中。
A.入风 B.回风 C.串联风 [简答题]风险投资方案是黄金投资计划中的重要内容,其中包括?
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